
Web Performance Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"It's really focused on performance... it does all of that building beforehand to give you the quickest page load time as possible."
"Caching is gonna make your website run faster, which is gonna make it rank better."
"Thanks to their investments in performance and user experience, they were able to reduce their Cumulative Layout Shifts down to zero, and their LCP by almost half."
"Having quality content is extremely important."
"Consider using service worker. In 2017, if you aren't considering using service worker, you're leaving potential performance wins on the table."
"Twitter Lite is interactive in under five seconds on 3G."
"By updating your PHP, you can improve the performance of your website."
"No one wants to wait 15 seconds for a page to load because they're just going to leave and go to a different site."
"JavaScript is essential for the best possible performance."
"Performance and SEO: those are great reasons to use Next.js."
"Let's continue to build a faster, more performant, and accessible web together."
"Party Town offloads things from the main thread and makes the experience for your users significantly better."
"It really mattered how few requests you asked the browser to make."
"When it comes to this claim of less JavaScript on the page, that can make a dramatic difference in the performance of your site."
"Latency is one of the biggest problems. 53% of the visitors are abandoned if a mobile site takes more than three seconds to load."
"So, with no other configuration, it's always going to load something close to this, but Next.js image is going to look at the size of your viewport and load probably a smaller size than this full size."
"You get automatic code splitting, and that's another thing that as your app gets bigger, it's gonna be a bigger and bigger deal."
"That's a very performant page, very minimal JavaScript to load."
"No database queries theoretically means faster response times to load a page."
"When a site meets the optimal thresholds for the 3 Core Web Vitals metrics, users were 24% less likely to abandon page loads."
"I use those same exact techniques to optimize my own portfolio website into making it score 100 in Lighthouse."
"It really includes all the aspects of how a user would interact with a web page as well as how well it meets their expectations."
"Page Speed Insights is a great tool to help understand how your site or specifically your web pages are performing within the Google search."
"The core web vitals metrics are designed to measure your site's performance and user experience."
"After all of these optimizations, Economic Times saw INP on their topics pages reduced by 75 percent."
"Perceived performance is about how fast does it take for the browser to construct something visually important for the user and place it onto the screen."
"Next.js does a lot of caching by default."
"We're going to talk about things like the performance of images, the size of images, how we avoid cumulative layout shift."
"Server-side HTML like this has lots of benefits: search engine optimization boosts, maximum accessibility, great initial render speeds."
"With Next, all of our pages will be pre-rendered, which is generally better for performance."
"Events will be performed in the background without blocking our DOM rendering."
"Rocket Loader... it's basically just going to improve the performance on pages that include JavaScript."
"Making page times load faster, making the user experience more zippy."
"This is how you would essentially implement caching inside of Next.js."
"A good CLS score means that what your user sees is stable and predictable; it's not jumping all around."
"If you can't hit zero, then a great number to aim for is 75 or more of the views a page has has a CLS of 0.1 or less."
"Netlify will proxy and give you the right sizes of your images, audio, video for you without bloating your repository."
"First meaningful paint, first interactive, and how those line up against the screenshots."
"Incremental static regeneration... allows us to automatically invalidate the cache and regenerate the page after a certain interval."
"The whole idea behind Google Analytics is to improve website performance."
"By using flexbox containers, you can improve page speed through leaner code and gain finer control over responsiveness."
"There's no bottleneck when you're pre-rendering HTML from a Razor page."
"The advantage of using an AMP page is getting better SEO and better performance."
"We'll ensure our website loads quickly and maintains its appearance even if there are any errors."
"The initial page load is going to be faster and it's going to be great for aesthetic sites."
"A browser can faster generate and display HTML than it can wait for a network request."
"So if you're willing to not compress your resources you can have really, really fast loading this way."
"Reduced the average page load time by up to 38%."
"Service workers really can make a big difference."
"Don't make users wait; this is where the web can really come into play."
"Another reason I love using Vultr is I've got a basic template website set up here, and I'm actually getting a hundred on their mobile benchmark here now."
"The main reason why this is actually useful is just for the sheer performance of having your application rendered really quickly."
"It's pretty phenomenally fast and that's obviously just as fast as any traditionally server-rendered application is ever going to be."
"Websites built with Oxygen score high on page speed results."
"After 10 seconds, the next person that refreshes the page causes that process to happen again and again."
"We've seen developers benefiting from it. For example, Virgin Media O2 saw a 72% reduction in their largest contentful paint after switching to Angular's hybrid rendering."
"Milliseconds are literally dollars in terms of load time."
"Variable fonts load much faster; you can do the job of seven or eight font files with a single font file."
"Everything you can get on your site itself loading from one area is the best, especially if you're using like Cloudflare."
"This image is loaded with priority, which is pretty cool in my opinion."
"Using a CDN, or Content Delivery Network, can make a big difference globally."
"The strategy is clear— even faster web sites."
"If you have a site like Calendar, or Facebook, where people are doing multiple page views per session, then you might want to make them external to benefit caching."
"Before the HTML leaves the server, it's modified, and they actually change the markup to adopt many of these performance best practices."
"We got an average 30% reduction in image size across all the images on the site."
"The performance golden rule: If you want to make web sites faster, you got to focus on this frontend part, because that's where 80 to 90% of the page load time is being consumed."
"So it's gone from 40 something to about four milliseconds. So definitely those CSS files that I toggled off are to blame."
"What we really care about when we say something is loaded is time to interactive."
"Do wasm files cache and do those dll's that we saw cache just like regular javascript files? The answer is yes."
"Speed index is a measurement of the user perception of how fast a page loads."
"We've basically achieved a render very shortly after the four round trips we incur for the network cost."
"When any visitor hovers over a page link, it will preload the page."
"Instead of calling thirteen files, we're just going to be calling in these two; that will make our website perform significantly better."
"HTTP/2 basically means HTTP but more efficient, like faster, better performance."
"You will get blazing fast page loading speed."
"Tools like Lighthouse and Source Map Explorer can help you find and understand performance bottlenecks."
"Proxx loads incredibly fast as it only needs 18K to be interactive."
"It's going to speed up your website or your web projects tremendously."
"Lazy load from nth image... will tell Auto Optimize you should not be lazy loading an image unless it's after say the fourth image on the page."
"Don't preload anything unless you're sure that you're actually going to need it."
"Excluding lazy load images from the nth image will improve your largest contentful paint time and your first contentful paint time."
"The compressed package size of that merged file will end up still being smaller than the individual files."
"It's the conference targeting web performance and operations and last year was amazingly successful."
"The page load time goal is sub 1 second at the 90th percentile of the internet."
"The initial loading time was less than a second because they've done a ton of optimizations."
"The goal with web performance is always to parallelize and unblock."
"It's a good way to optimize your images as well."
"Stay under 4 megabytes. The lower you can go, the better it is because it improves your user's experience."
"Everything is still working the same, but we have a service worker now in between our website."
"It could increase the perceived performance... the user already sees those pre-rendered HTML and they see some meaningful content."
"With variable fonts, the user only has to load one or two font files to be able to use a variety of styles."
"It's just targeting areas of the DOM rather than reloading everything."
"The fastest HTTP request is the one that's not made."
"Compress those down into one file each where we can, and reduce the code weight."