
Alaska Quotes

There are 573 quotes

"I got to fly to Alaska, I did American Eagle a couple of times, and they flew me to Alaska and I actually got to fly in a helicopter and land on a glacier in the middle of Alaska, outside in like the middle of nowhere, it was this dope glacier."
"The world's most famous sled dog race is a 48-year-old tradition in Alaska."
"Alaska is beautiful and brutal, nature in the universe is beautiful and brutal."
"Alaska has some of the most powerful naval bonuses in the entire game."
"Developing Alaska would be fantastic alaskans uh we had a bunch messages saying they'd love it because it would help expand industry and and you know build things and boost the economy it's good stuff they got good stuff."
"I love Alaskans because I feel like people are just willing to talk and like they're curious."
"Alaska has over 700,000 people, median household income is $77,800."
"Alaska's is the best, beautiful and diverse."
"Alaska... a harsh but beautiful place... one in every 250 people go missing every year."
"The Alaska Triangle... full of beautiful and hazardous landscapes... over 16,000 people have gone missing."
"Accidents happen in Alaska, it's a place of deadly beauty but something else may be lurking just beyond your front door waiting to make you vanish into thin air."
"Salmon and seafood in Alaska is more than just a job, it's deeply rooted in our traditions."
"Once you get this Alaskan landscape in your blood... it gets in there and it sticks."
"Alaska has more annual missing persons reports than anywhere else in the country, twice the national average."
"Statistically, Alaska has more annual missing persons reports than anywhere else in the country, twice the national average."
"Even in Alaska, they play football if you can believe it."
"There are over a million individuals visiting Alaska on a cruise ship each year."
"Layering is essential for Alaska cruises due to temperature fluctuations."
"The airplane is the lynch pin of an Alaskan hunt."
"Alaska is an incredible place to be stationed."
"Alaska is just a land full of some of the world's biggest mountains and glaciers."
"Alaska was wonderful and magical. I truly feel very, very lucky to have grown up in Alaska."
"One-way itineraries from either Whittier, Alaska, or Vancouver, British Columbia."
"For one-of-a-kind views of the Alaskan landscape."
"Alaska is home to stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife."
"Shout out to Haida for owning all of Alaska."
"Discover the splendors of Alaska - Crown Princess Cruise Vlog 2023."
"Could number one really be anything but Alaska?"
"Alaska is huge; you gotta come up here and see it, truly the last frontier."
"Alaska, this is something different. This is something entirely different. The things you get to see, just the experience of sailing up the Inside passage by itself is worth the cost of the trip."
"Life in Whittier, Alaska, must feel like the whole world is inside a single building."
"Alaska look at this view that we got to wake up to this morning. Absolutely beautiful."
"It is one of North America's iconic road trips and one that many people drive every summer on their way to Alaska to explore the Last Frontier."
"It's what we're going to be seeing in Alaska later: bears catching fish."
"Let's get inside, we have experienced a few days of what we like to call 'fall spring' here in Alaska."
"We're in Anchorage Alaska, which is absolutely incredibly beautiful."
"I was born and raised in Alaska, Anchorage more specifically."
"Summer in Alaska means 24 hours of daylight; the Sun is high in the sky all day and night."
"You can't just drive to Juneau from other places in Alaska or Canada or anywhere."
"We're going all the way over to Alaska."
"We got to see a lot of humpback whales, we saw bald eagles, we saw sea lions, so lots of great Alaska wildlife."
"Great to be back in Alaska. Weather has been cold, real late spring, so bears should be out. Bears will definitely be out."
"Alaska, it's a place to go with No Agenda. It's a place to just go because you can no longer stand the thought of having not at least tried."
"I love shopping in bulk. We live in Alaska, groceries are really expensive."
"...if those stories aren't enough to show you that something weird is most definitely going on in Alaska then I want to hit you with some of the hard data because these facts are an anomaly in and of themselves."
"While many contend that a balcony in Alaska isn't necessary we disagree."
"Enjoy these allegedly true scary stories about horrifying creatures found in Alaska."
"Join us as we make a mad and beautiful dash across Alaska."
"Certainly, God was having a good day when he made Alaska."
"I enjoy... become the foremost gang expert in the state of Alaska."
"This is the Denali Star, it takes 12 hours from Fairbanks to Anchorage through 350 miles of Alaska's rugged interior."
"If you ever plan to RV Alaska, you're going to want to stay tuned."
"Dalton Highway: an isolated highway built as a supply route for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System."
"The dog team is just a really great way to travel and in the winter Alaska is you can almost go anywhere if you have snowshoes and a dog team so we really loved having dogs over the years."
"My whole lot is empty except for my fire truck."
"Other places that I've hunted have kind of sunk their teeth into me in a similar way but not quite like Alaska has."
"Alaska in the winter, it's definitely not really a place that's friendly to humans, but there's plenty of rewards to be had."
"Alaska is one of the most unforgiving landscapes on Earth."
"If you've never been to Alaska, it's one of those places that if you have the opportunity you ought to go see it. I'm serious, it is. When God made Alaska, he was having a good day."
"It's a new day in Southwest Alaska, and as the clouds roll overhead, Casey and Rell take comfort in a hot cup of coffee as they begin to determine how they get off this roller coaster."
"Sometimes in Alaska, the ability to enjoy something new, something you haven't seen the comfort of in a long time, is enough to change your perspective."
"An endless paradise of rivers, glaciers, active volcanoes, beaches, islands, and more animals than any of us can count."
"Alaska: the perfect place for you."
"I feel like it's the most authentic Alaska port you can go to."
"When it comes to dressing for Alaska the key is layers it can be 40 degrees Fahrenheit any month of the year I'm not kidding so if you ever plan on coming to Alaska you want to think layers that you can layer up and take off if it does get warm."
"Anchorage distillery: Showcasing the uniqueness of Alaska's agriculture."
"Alaska's extreme daylight hours: averaging about 19 hours of sunlight a day during the summer."
"An unforgettable 13-day Alaska Adventure."
"Ideal backdrop to the amazing views of the Alaskan wilderness."
"Disney Cruise Line cruises way up North to Alaska."
"Alaska is a land of glaciers, and think of a glacier like a giant mill chewing up and pulverizing the land in its path."
"Alaska is known as the place of the Midnight Sun during the summer."
"The wilderness of Alaska, with all its beauty and majesty, had shown us its hidden face."
"People in Alaska, well they're just built differently. Folks are tough here and people are a lot more open to lending a hand to a stranger."
"We're going to make Alaska experience what we want it to be."
"Survival in Alaska is all about taming the extremes."
"Welcome to the frontier that is Alaska."
"I would love to go to Alaska, I think it'd be awesome."
"Alaska continues to amaze me...I hope all of you get to experience it for yourself one day."
"There's so much stuff in here, it's all local Alaska made, and what could you do? You have to support local businesses."
"being in Greenland reminds me a lot of Alaska and I actually consider Alaska to be my home."
"That's just because it's true like Alaska is the mecca for snowboarding."
"Welcome to luxury van life in Alaska."
"There's a famous quote somewhere... don't come to Alaska as a young man because nothing will compare to it the rest of your life."
"We went off the grid in Alaska and had one of the most amazing [__] experiences of my life."
"Alaska completely blew us away and it is hands down our favorite place we have ever visited."
"We're gonna go get an Alaskan delicacy."
"Resurrection Bay is actually a fjord of the Kenai Peninsula itself, a majestic 25,000 square mile Peninsula jutting out from the coast of South Central Alaska."
"Alaska is only 51 miles, or 82 kilometers from Russia, at the most narrow point of the Bering Strait."
"Everybody we met in Alaska was just cool and open and inviting and just wanted to share what they had."
"Every morning when I've been in Alaska, regardless of how many mosquitoes were out at night when I was trying to fall asleep, typically in the mornings they're non-existent or they're very few and far between."
"My name is Tim and I live in Southeast Alaska... what I have experienced is something that most people would consider crazy or unbelievable."
"The harp, or High-Frequency Active Aurora Research Program, is a scientific facility situated near Gakona, Alaska."
"Few places in this world elicit more feelings of awe and power than Alaska. It's a wild, rugged land full of beauty, fish, and wildlife."
"Tell you what man, the great thing about fishing here in Alaska is the fact that opportunities are endless."
"But hey we're in Alaska so you got to go with salmon and halibut that's right."
"If you're planning a move to Alaska or you're just toying around with the idea, you yourself were probably trying to figure out exactly how much money are you going to need to spend in order to live comfortably."
"This is telling us this is in the Alaska booklet for the instrument approach procedures."
"Just something relaxing about watching the fire it's just great to be home back in Alaska it's just uh just moves right it just feels right."
"We did a cruise to Alaska for our honeymoon and that's that was beautiful that's some place that I want to go back."
"Alaskan outdoorsmen have to follow the rules."
"Southeast Alaska is salmon Central and it was so neat to see all the fishing boats out in the water catching fish with their big Nets."
"Alaska captivates the imagination of what is possible."
"You have to have like this mental toughness to be breaking trail for a dog team in Alaska for 70 miles."
"Something strange is going on in Alaska."
"Alaska ranked 37th which isn't great but it is higher than I was expecting."
"Hawaii gets 3 inches closer to Alaska every year."
"Alaska is the perfect place to go if you want to get away from the rest of the world."
"Salmon bakes are so popular, so if you love a good salmon, a good fresh salmon or some other types of fish found in Alaska, you are bound to find the best of the best on your Alaska cruise."
"I am falling in love with Alaska."
"I'm beyond blessed and I feel incredibly thankful for this opportunity to be able to come and explore Alaska."
"If you are financially able to take a Disney cruise to Alaska, I highly recommend you do it."
"One of our goals here at this Alaska life is to show you fun things to do around Alaska no matter the weather and time of year."
"Just to name a few of the great things about this area there are tons of lakes, snow machine Trails, dog mushing excursions and the Alaska famous gorilla fireworks which is our first stop of this weekend's family adventure."
"Alaska's beautiful Burly and unforgiving terrain has been a pivotal region in the evolution of backcountry freestyle snowboarding."
"Welcome to Valdez Alaska, the most fitting location to crown the 2023 natural selection."
"Alaska's beautiful, burly, and unforgiving terrain."
"...there is nowhere in the world that has the terrain that Alaska has and in snowboarding it really is just this Pinnacle of riding..."
"Alaska, you have left me speechless."
"It's a whole other world out here in Alaska."
"When I was a kid I watched a few movies and always wanted to run away to Alaska."
"There's no place on earth like Southeast Alaska. It is truly unique in the world and the experience is second to none."
"Alaska's the land without limits."
"Being in Alaska for such a long time, I really loved so much the big old majestic mountains everywhere."
"Alaska: they have more bears than people."
"What has your favorite experience been since we have moved to Alaska?"
"I hope that if you're planning a move to Alaska yourself that it turns out to be the most wonderful decision you've ever made."
"Many people dream about the chance of getting to live in Alaska."
"Alaska is beautiful... the abundance and wildlife and freedoms... there's less governance, less regulations... it is absolutely beautiful."
"...Alaska is a pretty cool place."
"...sailing Alaska comes out head and shoulders above them all."
"I was in Alaska. That's a beautiful place."
"There's never a bad day in Alaska."
"Honestly, one of the main concerns we have at night is moose. So we have a lot of moose on the roads here in Alaska."
"Everybody thinks of Alaska as cold and probably not much grows. That is not true in the summer time here."
"Once I discovered seasonal work, I ran into a lot of people who had worked seasonally in Alaska."
"Alaska is more than twice the size of Texas."
"We're going to Alaska. It's going to be one heck of an adventure."
"The Quake That Shook Alaska in 1964 had a magnitude of 9.2, making it the most powerful earthquake ever to hit North America."
"Just north of Cooper Landing, spot where the sun's just hitting it pretty."
"Alaska has been the adventure of a lifetime, and we could not be more grateful to have experienced it in all its wild and beautiful glory."
"There's something beautiful about it raining in Alaska, and it being gray and misty and real eerie looking. I love that about Alaska."
"Alaska's so dang beautiful, just the layers, you know? There's a mountain, and then behind that mountain is a taller mountain, and behind that mountain, there's a taller mountain, and it's just grown and covered in these beautiful trees."
"I think Alaska is pretty cool. There's a lot of pretty."
"This was a much more exciting and fun. I feel like I got to see the true Alaska experience."
"I would move to Alaska because I think I could make better money than I could anywhere else in the states and live in a really beautiful place at the same time."
"It's about the Iditarod. The Iditarod history is indeed an extremely interesting and important part of Alaska's history."
"Well guys, I cannot believe it, but it's finally time; we're going back to Alaska."
"Hopefully, you guys enjoy this little vlog to Alaska."
"We're going back into the U.S. today, which is pretty exciting; we're going to Glenn Allen, Alaska."
"It just feels really good to be here in Alaska."
"Alaska was slightly cheaper at 2 cents per acre compared to just under 3 cents per acre for the Louisiana Purchase."
"Beneath the waves of the Alaskan coast lies a story that has long been forgotten by most of the world."
"We can talk about Alaska for days."
"Alaska is specifically made for cruising, in our opinion."
"Hello from Alaska! I'm in the back of a sled with doggies."
"The beauty of Alaska is beyond description."
"Daniel was an avid hunter and enjoyed the adventure that living in Alaska offered its residents."
"The state of Alaska is the shape of the back of your hand when you do this with your fingers."
"You have to love the old mountains in Alaska."
"When you come up to Alaska, what you're really going into is an untamable frontier."
"The Alaskan wilderness is renowned for its vast and untamed natural beauty."
"The Alaskan wilderness provides a playground for outdoor enthusiasts."
"I run sled dogs a little bit here on the Kuskoquim, Southwest Interior Alaska."
"I'm not excited to leave Alaska, well I am, but I'm not, I don't know."
"If you've ever wanted to do Alaska, this Kodiak blacktail hunt is a really good starter kit."
"I absolutely love Alaska, it can be cold and brutal, but you got days like this, just out here, I mean it's absolutely just amazing."
"Welcome to Alaska, Evan. Welcome."
"The Northern Lights have long fascinated the people of Alaska."
"Alaska is such a vast open land, most of it's uninhabited by man, so there are plenty of places out there that something like this could be hiding."
"What intrigued me is these guys came up to Alaska three years ago in the spring to do a wolf and bear hunt combo."
"I wanted to do a video in Alaska because the majority of people, including myself, know nothing about it."
"It sounds like more opportunities, like when you think of Alaska, you think of mountains, pretty scenery."
"You get paid to live here, you feel me? That's an extra 38 when you get it, so that's everybody."
"You got a whole state behind you, it's harder because it's harder for us to get out there, but we have an advantage because nobody knows nothing about Alaska."
"Lake Iliamna sits at the southwest corner of the Alaska triangle."
"These Alaskan natives were skilled survivalists and had no known enemies."
"Alaska has many hidden stories that need to be heard."
"The series takes viewers deep into Alaska's frozen landscape to reveal some of the realities that Alaskan native people face."
"Alaska is in the full swing of summer with glorious midnight sun and warm beautiful weather."
"This view with Denali behind is just heavenly, it's hard to explain, you really have to see it."
"Glacier Bay is one of the most wild kayaking mountains of Alaska."
"Whale watching in Alaska would be perfect."
"Alaska is beautiful guys, if you've never been here, you got to come."
"It'll give us time to get back to our more naturistic routes in Alaska."
"Alaska is a perfect first cruise for anyone who is afraid of cruising and being out in the middle of the ocean in a Caribbean cruise."
"I'm just gonna do a couple days in the life up here in Alaska."
"Living in Alaska, having freezers is kind of a must, in my opinion."
"It's like walking through an Alaska postcard."
"It's a wonderful beautiful day here in Alaska, nice cold and clear."
"The general rule of thumb for Alaska is to expect everything: cold, hot, sun, rain, wind, like all of it."
"We're going to Alaska on Princess next month. What should we expect for weather? The general rule of thumb for Alaska is to expect everything."
"It's just such an unbelievably gorgeous snowy day here in Alaska."
"Living the life in Alaska, living the dream."
"What a beautiful morning it is here in Alaska, and it's blue skies today, so awesome."
"It might be one of the coldest places on the planet, but it is possible to go jet ski riding in Alaska."
"That's so beautiful, and then look at this vista out here, that is classic Alaska right there."
"If you choose to live in Alaska, you've got to be a pretty tough person to deal with all of the things that Alaska brings."
"Now just behind me is the stunning Margerie Glacier, one of the most photographed spots in all of Alaska."
"This is the great American cruise. This is Alaska."