
Life Plans Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"If you want to make God laugh, start making plans."
"It was just about us being in love, and wanting to spend the rest of our lives together, and that was it."
"God's plans are greater than my plans always."
"Be open to other possibilities; Spirit may have much better plans for you."
"If God could have plans for these children, how much more he has plans for our lives?"
"When Guru wants you to see and meet him, nothing could stop it. Plans change, and you meet the guru."
"You just never know what God has planned for you honestly like not for oh but I did always imagine myself being successful in some type of way."
"God just made me different and had a different plan for me."
"God's plans for you are far greater than any one person who comes or leaves your life."
"It hurts to think about, but that's the plan, and it will happen eventually."
"I only expect to stay on the farm for the next year, so before returning to Maine with your permission, I'd like to visit your home on the way. Thank you for your time, Vic."
"You thought you had plans, but God crossed them out."
"It's just heartbreaking she had all of these plans she was going to get married she was going to live her happy ever after with her soulmate and it was literally just snuffed away from her."
"I never thought I was going to get married super young."
"The universe has something so much bigger planned."
"Last year I had a plan, this year I don't because I think a plan ruined me."
"You want to make God laugh, tell her your plans."
"If something is not unfolding according to your expectations, understand the divine may be orchestrating a plan that will have a more meaningful long-term result."
"Life has these growth plans in store for her."
"One thing you don't know about me is that I always believed I was going to end up living in New York."
"I never forget like I used to think that I was going to be married at 23 24 and I was gonna have kids by 25."
"I planned to last my whole life so things didn't go according to plan."
"Sometimes your dreams don't come true, you make plans, God laughs."
"I was supposed to get married to the girl I loved more than anything else in the world."
"Your best laid plans may not work out the way you think they will, or as they should, but it's exactly what you might need at that particular time."
"If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans."
"So they're probably not going to kill themselves; they were building a new home in Toronto."
"Sometimes God is chuckling while you're making plans."
"I thought I would be married with two kids by 25."
"She was super excited about her life, she was super excited about her new plans."
"You plan things, but some things ain't planned for, and God has a plan for us all."
"Many are the plans in our hearts, but your purpose will prevail."
"Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."
"I thought that I was going to spend the rest of my life with this person, and it wasn't meant to be."
"It connected with me at that time in my life when I had all these ideas and thoughts and plans about what I wanted to do in my life."
"My whole life was gonna be that I was gonna run the mom-and-pop store, and bodybuilding was just gonna be fun."
"Things don't always go as planned; if things always went as planned, no one would be in prison because no one plans to get caught."
"We weren't going to have kids for five years; we were going to travel the world and spend a year in Europe."
"My aunt says to make God laugh, tell him your plans."
"I know what I'm doing for the rest of my life."
"I've always lived with the idea that I would definitely have children in the future, so I was quite shocked by the news."
"Everybody's got a game plan until they get hit in the face."
"I am so happy to travel. I am so happy to do everything that I've already have planned."
"Ronnie was convinced he was going to live in that house the rest of his life."
"Life wasn't meant to go this way, you had so much planned, so much you wanted to see."
"It doesn't always go the way you planned."
"Sometimes God will wreck your plans before they wreck you."
"The universe is definitely on your side here with what you plan to do."