
Program Quotes

There are 415 quotes

"We read it just almost every meeting... Here are the steps we took, which are suggested as a program of recovery."
"With LEAD, it's kind of like on your own terms."
"We're going to start with a law enforcement led program that intervenes at the time of arrest."
"Yes, vaccines will help save lives, but we have to have a vaccination program. People have to choose to be vaccinated."
"The Sahaba program is essential to re-establishing the correct understanding of Islam."
"All of these elements, these five key elements, is exactly what we utilize inside our high performance nutrition program."
"Prevention is where we gotta go. AKP is a prevention-themed program."
"The entire program... it's a beginning of a new age."
"Social Security is the most popular and successful federal program in history."
"This is an exciting program for sure and I think that it's got a lot of great people around it."
"Waller wanted to revive the program with a team of imprisoned supervillains using a promise of freedom to gain the cooperation."
"You don't have to leverage technology... there are ways to have a very effective program without having technology solutions in place."
"I'm so excited that you're here today. This is our final workout of the Crush program."
"Inkscape is a fantastic program and it is free."
"Combining all of this advice into a one-year program that you can use to learn any language."
"We hope you enjoy today's program."
"She is going to be the real leader of this program."
"Morpheus is a program, but he's not limited to the matrix, though he is a program."
"We have a couple of sponsors this week on the program."
"InDesign is known as a layout program."
"You can take ownership of the program by customizing workspaces."
"This program was intended to stop that, it was all about really addressing that issue."
"This program was phenomenal, this program was amazing, this program has definitely changed my life."
"Our program, because we're so structured and so well defined, we have great outcomes, but we're a high-cost program."
"We run a program... a year program to take you from wherever you are right now to having a real marketing infrastructure."
"Because they didn't rush it, I can't wait to see the program now."
"I can sum up why the BBC have your program on TV every night in three words: cheapest chips."
"If you have been disorganized for a while or you're stuck and unable to find new organized solutions for your home, this is the program for you."
"Ultimately unsuccessful, we had our differences during this program I grant you, but it was all conducted. Thank you very much."
"Our smile for Life program has already been endorsed by the College of gentle General Dentistry."
"...come on over and join me in that program bring your natal chart bring your natal astrology chart you can get them for free..."
"I own my scholarship program as well."
"This comprehensive program will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to master the DevOps principles, tools, and practices."
"If every single person in this country adopts the 'Feel Better in Five' program... I guarantee we would have a healthier and a happier society."
"I understood their program: free breakfast in a poor neighborhood, they were concerned about healthcare, they had a program that consisted of probably if I remember eight or ten points. You could not argue with the eight or ten points."
"Being in Canada would really enable you to get the full benefits of this program."
"I was literally just talking to someone the other day who's in my Facebook group making over thirty thousand dollars per month by implementing my program."
"They've got major talent on this program."
"Maithili: Serious mathematics infused with levity. It's a marvelous five-week residential mathematics program at Bryn Mawr College."
"The on-ramp program is designed to get someone off the couch and moving and we're going to help take that person from beginner to intermediate to Elite through the Mountain Tough programming."
"These anti-death proteins... turn on a whole program which is basically an anti-death program."
"We launched a program that we termed the Accelerated Transformation Program."
"It's a real trial and error of this program, but as I say, I've been out on this field twice in the last two weeks."
"This program is about some of those children and the institutions they live in."
"This program has definitely changed my life I know for a fact I'm in the right place."
"How fun is this. I'm here to launch a new learn to paint program with One Stroke painting and we're going to do flowers of the month and we're going to do it all year long."
"...it's an intensive program...if you do that and people are adherent, then of course you're going to see weight loss with caloric restriction."
"If you've like felt like you've got more of your potential but you want to tap into that extra bit of masculine zest that's why I made the Adonis protocol."
"That'll be a highly effective program, thank you very much."
"I make about $230,000 a month over like 2 and A2 million a year just from this program."
"I honestly think that they may they got a better fit I know that Dusty May is the bigger name I think that they got a better fit for that program and what that fan base is with Pat Kelce than they did with Dusty May."
"The machine doesn't care how pretty the program is. If the program compiles, the machine is happy. But people do, and they should."
"We are the end time Joseph program."
"I lost 200 pounds following your program."
"This program is no different than you putting 3% down, which is what tons of homebuyers do."
"The DNA is like a computer program but far more advanced than any we've ever created."
"We have a program that allows you to do the repairs and the upgrades with no upfront costs."
"Here is another new program, and this time I want to show you that you can actually execute commands on the state machine in a bespoke manner."
"I refined my LinkedIn profile, rewrote my resume, and practiced my interview questions. Before joining the program, I had submitted 800 resumes and dozens of interviews. I've received two job offers in the same week."
"And there's something special about being a part of a program."
"We are to be as bold as possible in creating the program."
"This is your last chance to snag this program at the current price. When it opens back up again, the price is going up."
"So for example, ISB is putting together a program on health where we have 20 units that are based on this vision of health, that's predictive and preventive personalized and participatory."
"Thank you so much for coming to this. [...] You're also helping to support the Christian apologetics program at Biola, and we're very grateful for that, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
"You don't have to say nothing to them [__] but you do gotta respect the program."
"Overall, if you're looking to get this program, yes I would recommend it."
"The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a man of tremendous vision. If without prejudice you examine his words and the principles contained therein, there's a workable program."
"When people go through my program they do find that profound behavioral change happens."
"Welcome to the program where you can help solve crime."
"The best weight loss program ever."
"It's a program Bob Devaney built it high."
"Spirituality was such a deep part of the 12 steps program in Alcoholics Anonymous or any other forms of addiction recovery."
"...the entrances because it's a three-hour program are just out of [__] control just out of hand."
"This program is going to work for you."
"This program was phenomenal this program was uh was amazing this program has definitely changed my life I know for a fact I'm in the right place."
"This program was spectacular I feel really lucky to have found you."
"I mean, great question, and I think it just highlights why we waited as long as we did to release a program that programmed failure into it."
"That's huge, that is so big for the program, I can't even explain it."
"...it's more of a program people can enter into."
"Find a program and stick to it for six months minimum. Not having a program is like trying to bake cookies without a recipe."
"I'm restarting my four-week program again because I kind of fell off while I was at or while I was in Cancun."
"I'm like a super human with this program."
"It feels good. It's a legendary program, but Coach Staley was a legend before we got here, so we're thankful to be a part of her program."
"Here's a sample workout program that you can use to gain muscle and lose fat"
"Who would have thought... it really has made a wonderful program for us."
"The military benefit now princess at the time that I'm filming this video does have a military benefit program and basically you can get anywhere from fifty dollars to two hundred and fifty dollars do take a look at the terms and conditions for that."
"GV, yeah, Jeebies at Grand Valley State, great football program."
"This consulting accelerator program is like nothing else you've ever seen before."
"Which is why I created the Take Control Over AFib program."
"This program has taken on tone of civil unrest. It sends anarchy at the gates."
"If you can't afford this program, then that's really evidence that you need this program."
"It is the best single general fitness program that you could have if you just had to pick one."
"The creativity program is honestly some really easy money."
"I'm really excited about this I think it's a really cool program and I'm just I'm so happy that I finally can do it like I finally have the time and the energy and just like the mental headspace for something like this."
"I love hearing how well we're doing because I can tell you that we try to knock it out of the park every time we do a program here."
"The bigger context of all this is NASA's kind of return to the Moon with the Artemis program... Artemis 2 next year catch that launch."
"I'm giving you a little bit of what's in there right now, but my program is called How to Build Your Dream Team."
"It's a kind of merging if you like or it's a merged program between two big teams."
"Almost everything I think what makes this program so special is the people."
"It's not just a mental toughness program, it's going to teach you these really good habits through these 75 days."
"Now through this program, they will be able to continue to answer questions hundreds of years after the Nazis have gone."
"But they were okay I don't have really anything bad to be said about it but if this was their flagship program then I'm not sure what I would be looking at for some of the other countries or some of the other properties that they have."
"It was a program with dignity, integrity."
"...it's a fantastic 13-week program."
"The mat program is groundbreaking, the first of its kind in the country to provide all three fda-approved medications."
"Good evening and welcome to our program, the spirit of '66."
"What is a chatbot? Yeah, I mean basically it's a program, maybe it's AI, but maybe it's not, and it simulates text or voice interactions."
"It's a social change program, and we're just using the benefits of music to achieve that social change."
"We can see exactly what the program is doing. That's cool, I love this tool."
"Speaking of staying consistent, you know one of the best ways to stay consistent over time is with a program. You also get faster results."
"I want to make a mentorship program so I don't just leave traders if they want a little extra help."
"One of the programs that we created that has turned out to be really the most effective piece of our work in all three areas is called the algebra generation."
"...we've specifically designed this program with step-by-step implementation of key information presented in a clear and concise order."
"And now 'Treasures of New York: the New York State Capitol.'"
"You should sell a workout program where people just get shit-faced the night before and then get swole."
"I hope you can get as much out of this program because I have."
"This program has been interrupted to bring you a news flash."
"Let me run this program and see if we can find any logs related to the database."
"So if you want to join the masterclass, if you want to apply for the Relationships Revival program, then you can click the link over my head also down below this video as well, guys."
"Tell me why it is that this program will help you get there."
"So it all starts with these five from a program standpoint as we said program all guide your controls everything here in the circle is cyclical it's constantly going to be happening but to start off with you need to start with identify identify is the first phase here."
"My A-scale program has been plagued with disaster pretty much from the moment it began."
"Our program here was always built on value, how we can help you create it for yourself and how you can create it for us."
"At the beginning of a program, it's all hope and potential and opportunity and stuff, you know? Frankly, once you start a program, ninety-five percent of what you learn is bad, I think. Yeah, it's a huge box."
"This is the program that can help you go just from zero getting started from absolutely no experience all the way to 50,000 a month."
"Program adapts to the lifter as much as the lifter adapts to the program."
"...structured training program is very important."
"The evidence just wasn't there. This is a program, and the program has a beginning, a middle, and an end."
"No program works unless you work it."
"It's a hitter program. It works for me."
"The Maximum Gain Series Total Shoulder Program will be a complete game-changer in your fitness journey."
"let's end with a program or two from"
"It's a program that takes some input and it does some stuff, and maybe it has some output or does some computations."
"Man, y'all did a beautiful thing with the program, last High School game state championship."
"...as long as you're under 50 the 225 program is a very viable option for you."
"I guarantee, if I just gave him a bar muscle-up mastery, I would actually guarantee, or his money back, that he would have bar muscle-ups easily within eight weeks of following the program."
"I wish I made a program that I wish I had during nursing school because I know how tough nursing school is."
"Just incredible what Adia Barnes and Harry McDonald have done with this Arizona program."
"If you're interested in this kind of training that goes beyond just aesthetics beyond just numbers in the gym and looks at instead overall functional performance then you might enjoy my ebook and training program super functional training."
"So the create program is something that people can do now and have been doing and it's it's uh it's a 36 week commitment right."
"If you're wondering what to do once this challenge is over, be sure you check out my full 12-week program on my channel. It's totally free!"
"Big Dom is an important piece of this program."
"...one of the things that really distinguishes your program is at the end of the day it seems to be about empathy."
"It's not just the workouts, it's not just the nutrition, I have given you the complete package."
"Your program is exactly what I needed when I needed it."
"The client is the main line of the program."
"Getting in the program was a lifelong achievement."
"Please feel free to highlight this program on your social media accounts."
"Do you want to create a program that works, or do you want to create a program that works very efficiently?"
"Against the Odds was a very basic little half-hour history program, at least at first glance."
"Personal and spiritual development are very much a part of this program."
"This program is for people who want to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave."
"This is when it gets real exciting because then you get to have some fun and individual and nothing is, our program's as good as they are, they're just not individualized."
"Our program is really dedicated, devoted to moving forward in all these directions."
"It's a 12-week program that gives you plenty of time to get down to single digit body fat."
"Great for us, it's not great for the program."
"My 12-week program to empower you to recover your identity after narcissistic relationships is now open."
"If you are having a hard time finding a fitness program or if you're just not really sure where to start, you feel like whatever you're doing isn't working, which is the case with a lot of people, Gritty Soldier does have the best 13-week ranger fitness program available."
"We're excited for the future of this program."
"That's the sign of a successful program."
"I'm going to create a program that really teaches people how to level up and get what they want and take care of the important [__] which is you, you know? Mind, Body, Spirit, right?"
"Check out our 28-day knee health and wellness boost program."
"I welcome to orientation for the new Start program."
"Your solution as a commander is a physical fitness program that will provide for progressive and continuous physical conditioning of your men."
"It's in the program that they're going to have this dance, so I think that that's something that's very necessary."
"I hope you enjoyed our program today."
"These storm spotter programs were effective in contributing to a steady decline in the number of tornado deaths in subsequent years."
"It's hard to get on it, you have to behave when you're on it, it's a good program."
"We have a month-by-month program that's free."
"The entire program is going to revolutionize neurofeedback because of that very reason."
"The prolonged exposure was a really cool program... it was a big turning point for me."
"Thank you so much for putting this terrific program together."
"The program of Freedom Kennels, I believe in my heart that it changed my life."
"Good evening and welcome to the program in which the week's major news stories are distilled into 30 minutes of astute observations."
"It is called the Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program."
"The real reason behind the program's continued success is the experts."
"Consider getting into the Family Self-Sufficiency Program so that you can buy a house with your Section 8 voucher."
"I wish everybody could get this program because just the people that I know in it and the blessings that it's giving me, I just, I have a great life."
"It's a real program about real life."
"Practice Portuguese is a very good and complete program."
"The earned income tax credit is the biggest anti-poverty program in the United States right now."
"This is a program of action, Matthew, this isn't a program of talk."
"Your wildest dreams can come true in this program."
"We genuinely really rely on your support to help the program keep going."
"I learned to have fun in this program."
"Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen."
"They're actually having an honest open conversation about the program, which is fine."
"The program has been absolutely amazing."
"Everything in this program is really intentional and everything's done at a really high level."
"Alberta's rat control program involves a publicly funded team of rat inspectors and assassins."
"We're a developmental program. We wear that as a badge of honor."
"The best program is the one you're gonna do that works, that doesn't run you into a wall."
"The best program is the one you can commit to."
"Is there a way to dropship with my account? They have an excellent dropship program."
"A highly successful launch program."
"Things are getting better because we're talking, and we have this program."
"A 12-step program is a program for better living, really."
"They do have a plan, they do have a program."
"I really like that program; I thought it was great because there were actual rewards."
"I'm so excited for you to join me the rest of the program."