
Game Excitement Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"That's why you play the games. You never know what's going to happen."
"Reverse sweeps is what makes dodgeball such a great game. When it all comes down to that final moment, it's why I think the change to best of five worked the best."
"That was actually incredible, what a great game."
"A lack of experience in their defense means this could be goal crazy."
"It's the year of dragons and it's just some amazing content that I can't wait for you to play."
"I'm very excited about this game now, thank you chat for being excited about it."
"Great game today, so much to be excited about for both clubs. Anthony looks like he'll be class, he just needs some time."
"Yes, what a crazy comeback, coming down from 2-0 all the way up to 5-2, what a crazy game guys, what a crazy game."
"Such an amazing way to start this amazing game."
"This is one of the most exciting parts of the game, especially the protagonist freaking gets shot. Oh, is this boring? This is awesome. Cinema peaked there."
"Neon Dynasty looks insane, the artwork's crazy."
"Tonight just keeps getting better and better for Arsenal."
"I just could score more goals in that final part he's a great player it was a great game to see."
"This is probably the most exciting card I've seen in the expansion so far."
"I know at least the raid gear stuff sounds cool, the new raid seems really, really cool."
"This has got the feeling of a classic, and it's exciting!" - "It's been 100 miles an hour, fantastic! It's been one of the best games I've seen in a long time."
"What a game, Joseph! Silly for sure, what a game."
"Cataclysm was able to latch on to so many inherently exciting parts of the established game that people could not help but be interested."
"I kind of enjoy that portion of the NBA more than just a hey we don't know who's going to win right like that that's that's that's the [ __ ] I want to see right right Joe."
"I cannot believe this is real. What in the world?"
"The deployment of any piece of hardware within the Imperium sporting a twin gatling mega bolter embiggens the heart of many."
"Four on three power play and overtime, let's go!"
"We got a Terra shatterer, that's pretty cool."
"This is definitely one of my most anticipated games."
"Untap, combat, attack, and Niv is officially insane! It is so good! Alright, uh, yeah, impressive, impressive Niv-ing!"
"This game looks awesome, a story-driven narrative smashed together."
"This is going to be one of the best cars added in the game."
"Removing the penalty is not going to make the game change, it's gonna make it way more entertaining."
"This is going to be the hardest Easter egg hunt that you've ever been on. Bring it on, Sledgehammer."
"I think this was a game. This was a heck of a game."
"It's exciting when we finally get things going offensively like that."
"I rolled a Nat 20 both times. It was glorious and everyone was super hyped."
"The whole team has come to play. This is fantastic."
"Young people are really seeing this player let's see what's happening as well a pain."
"Oh my god, what have you just scored right there?"
"My favorite kind of 40K is the Dawn of War kind, where everyone is screaming Non-Stop."
"That has got to be one of the most exciting things I've heard for Gotham Knights so far."
"Shara Ishvalda... what a sick [__] fight. Oh my god, the reveal, everything about this fight is crazy."
"I've been saying for this whole second half we've got to get the first goal. It's going to set up a grand stand finish, and we've got it."
"Delves are actually the thing that I'm most excited about for the war within, unironically."
"The comeback play, unbelievable game of Age of Empires guys."
"This game has just come alive, unbelievable big goal reaction."
"I love rare co-op games ever since Steve Thieves, so I'm excited about Grounded."
"I'd love to see seven games. I'd love to see good basketball."
"I really wanted to put something up because this is the most exciting Assassin's Creed since, you know, Black Flags."
"We are going top of the league! 90-minute goal scripting, we alarm!"
"Good stuff with Final Fantasy, so I'm really excited for that."
"This is the mystery game we have been craving."
"Mario 64, I've been wanting to play this one for you guys for so long too. Ah, it's such a good game. I can't believe it's coming to the Switch."
"This ain't no Royale, this is just gonna be good."
"It's quite a fun and exciting time right now in the world of Chess."
"We got a hockey game Jake it's alive I'd love to see it."
"This is one of the great finishes we've seen in our game."
"What tremendous game and great story this is."
"I'd rather replace a preseason game with a regular season any day."
"Hey, that's how you start the year, I'm telling y'all we got a good game today."
"What a nailbiter, what an emotional roller coaster."
"This game was absolutely bananas, check out all the Rebel FC socials, please show support to both teams."
"I wanted to share with you a fantastically exciting opening that I love playing."
"It's extremely exciting once you start to understand the intricacies of the game."
"We're expecting a great one here tonight."
"I'm really excited about the genie magic stuff because I really want to get Megan some friends."
"What a brilliant first half of rugby league."
"Christmas magic is coming to Hero Wars."
"What a play, this is exactly what the Rangers needed to get back in this."
"The school goes to 18-14 in favor of Reese, and we love the twists and turns in the singles game."
"Just simply unbelievable anticipation."