
Retail Experience Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"Dealers don't sell cars the same way they sold them 25 years ago...What we want to make sure is that dealers remain central as part of the retail experience for consumers."
"It's all about contributing to that customer experience and to that Vibe because at the end of the day that's what's going to get the customers through the door."
"I always feel weird bringing my own electronics into Best Buy."
"The tide has really turned to the point where people walking into the store... it's [ __ ] amazing."
"Memento Mori: Madame Leota has been gracious enough to allow Magic Kingdom to use her home as a place guests can find Haunted Mansion specific merchandise."
"You're unknowingly one step closer to making that purchase."
"Disney loves to tell a good story even through its gift shops."
"Authorized dealers offer better customer service."
"It's kind of a weird uh thing to think about if you I've thought about this before on Melrose like all the most successful stores there are ones that have cultivated an area where people can come hang out and chill."
"Toys R Us was the happiest place on earth for kids."
"Kids don't get to experience the excitement of running into Toys R Us anymore."
"It's nice. Even though a lot of this stuff isn't for me, it's really cool to walk into these stores and see all these kinds of products."
"Success we found some Pokemon cards at Dollar General."
"There are cities that you probably shouldn't visit, but other than that I think Walmart's probably one of the most convenient places to exist."
"Best day ever looking back on retail, there is none."
"We tend to use these pretty often, Mike. We came for one thing, like I said, you never come for one thing, you leave with everything."
"I'm blown away, like you guys have to try these out in the Apple store."
"That's a really cool store. Yeah, we didn't end up buying anything. It was, what did Chris say, was a grown-up store. A grown-up store."
"They have such an incredible collection and the tables are organized really nicely and they have cool merch and they have cool bookmarks so go to Strand if you're ever in New York it's really fun."
"Welcome to my first journey to Batu, where we combine my first pet stuff, journey to Batu, bust the dust, and get to work into one retail experience. Who could ever dislike this?"
"So enjoy those midnight trips to GameStop to pick up your pristine game disc while you still can."
"Hello, have you found our selection of vegetables today? Oh hi, how's it going? Can I interest you in our fine selection of Bud Lights? No? Alright, I'll just see my way out then."
"Guys, this 7-Eleven is actually looking insane!"
"Self-service checkout should give you a discount."
"I don't want to assume people's family scenarios but it's like I was always shocked that we didn't work it like the biggest game stop."
"He wanted to make the stores an experience again."
"That does it. That's my thoughts on Dollar Tree 2022."
"None bigger than Apple opening its very first floating store."
"Just browsing the games available and being surrounded by them was a treat."
"Sometimes that experience was more memorable than the actual game you bought."
"Best Buy is nice and big, you walk in there and browse the games without getting harassed by employees."
"QT changed the game. 49 cent slushies, all the candy, all the food. Tier two QT."
"It's already feeling like summer in here! Let's head right upstairs to the showroom to see all the new pieces styled in place."
"You can come in here and even if you're not here to buy, people can come in and jog a memory."
"There's a fixed price that's what you get when you walk in as a plan."
"As soon as it opens, the thrift store is less busy and cleaner."
"Nobody there. I was expecting a midline and get inside rows right and no one's there it was like really really empty so Danny had the shop to himself which is like a kid in a candy store."
"I've got a good amount of retail horror stories... just ruining people's lives in the name of Best Buy."
"I hope you're enjoying the storewide rollback."
"Plaza Point will actually feature seasonal holiday displays and merchandise throughout the year."
"Tesco has a weird like special place in my heart. I don't really understand it myself."
"I want designs that if somebody walks into a store and they see like a cool shirt like, 'Oh my gosh, I want that,' and then they just want it because they think it's cool."
"Everything is bigger than Costco. This is like shopping in the Texas of department stores."
"I literally cannot go into these stores without buying so much [__]!"
"Shopping in a store is an experience." - Nordstrom's president
"I finally found a Playstation 5 and didn't overpay for it - paid retail price!"
"Inventory is crazy, we went to the Apple Store though after last week."
"A polite reminder not to go into your local game store and yell at the employee behind the Shelf if these are indeed being asked for a high price."
"I heard on the internet that Ikea has really tasty food. Oh really? There's probably a food court in here, like meatballs."
"So rad so this was $45 at Nordstrom yes you know what I like Nora is they're always like true to fair price that you would find like on Nike or somewhere else."
"Micro Center, literally like Tech Heaven, doesn't matter if you're into computers or console gaming or Sim racing or even Apple products."
"I came in for one thing and I left with many more."
"Name a retail experience that the general consumer despises more than purchasing a vehicle."
"Because you've been such a great customer to me, I'll give you a 10 percent off discount voucher for the next time you come in."
"Marketplaces are like if Whole Foods combined with the black market. It's awesome."
"When you step inside this store, you're going to be in for a luxurious experience."
"This is probably one of the best 19 tech collections I've been through in an independent store."
"There are customers who come into a store and these customers when they come into a store they will have like you know an entire coupon book."
"We're going to take a quick spin around the parking lot to kind of see what stores are in here."
"This is honestly the best nightwear section I think I've ever seen in Primark."
"If you're polite and not pushy, it is amazing the lengths to which Home Depot employees will go to assist you with making a purchase."
"It's the right amount of racism and the right amount of friendliness. It's that mixture that Walmart always gives you."
"Guys, we just found our favorite item here at Target."
"Trader Joe's is also kind of like Target if you have one that you know like you have a list but then you see things and then you add to the list."
"Most enthusiasts love the experience of being at the dealership. There's something about seeing all of the bikes lined up, helmets on display, and the smell of race gas that just fuels the passion to go fast."
"I want people to come to my store and be like energized, I want you to be hyped after you leave the store, you know?"
"The shelves were very empty and it was because they were putting in all of this new black shelving. I guess it fits more inventory 'cause they were on more shelves."
"A single incident stands head and shoulders above the rest for me as the most terrifying thing that ever happened to me at a Walmart."
"Something I'm seeing a little bit online recently is videos of going into the fitting room and just kind of documenting your shopping experience altogether."
"I love Aerie so much. They definitely are super body-positive, as far as the fitting room experience goes."
"So, one day I was walking in Walmart, stumbled upon the 'Rise of Destiny' pack, and decided to buy it."
"Okay, this is indeed a good sign. We've got straw bales right as we entered inside. And I gotta say, this is probably the nicest Joanne's I have ever seen. This might be a new one."
"It was super crazy but I guess we both like knew we wanted to shop at Anthropologie for the other person."
"So the story remember, the pain points were the in-store experience, the product confusion and the pricing."
"Net net, I shall continue to go back and deal with the Wempe boutique."
"Hopefully you all came away with this with a pretty good idea of how we feel about game stores."
"This is hilarious. You cannot walk into a GameStop and find anything you want that you couldn't get online faster and cheaper."
"Fabulous store, hardwood floors, just if you have a chance in Williamsburg, Iowa, you've got to go because it's fabulous."
"The freedom we have now... going back to being stood in a shop 9-5, I don't know how I could do it."
"It's good vibes, it's not like a traditional jewelry store."
"It feels completely different when you walk inside of a store knowing that you own a little bit, a little small portion of that store."
"We stepped foot into a Buc-ee's and let's just say it was amazing."
"It's one of the things I love about Costco, traveling to different ones and seeing what is specific to that area."
"It's like Amazon in real life, like everything you can imagine except you can go and actually see it for yourself."
"I certainly enjoyed my time in that retail industry, especially during my student life."
"It's totally different again in the types of products that they sell and even the decor of the ceilings. It's quite lovely."
"Shouts to the kid who came by with his grandma to buy a pair on Saturday, that was awesome to see."
"Creating a real retail experience involves inspiring and educating them and heightening the emotions."
"Physical retailers need to present shoppers with personalized encounters, immersive experiences, and create memorable social emotional experiences that delight, enrich, and intrigue the customer."
"We had to deal with an extraordinary array of customers from overseas so learnt one thing you do learn in retail is the ability to talk to get to know people to like people."
"I love this foundation, and if you are questioning whether to try it or not, you can always get a sample at Sephora."
"We want to make sure that when our customers leave here, they get the right setup that's suitable for them."
"Christmas is a great time to be at Walmart."
"That was one of the best comic shops I've ever been to."
"Customer service here, like customer service has gone better since you guys got a new store."
"I used to carry this in my shop, it was one of the favorites of a lot of people."
"We give them special treatment here; girls can get everything they need."
"It's definitely reminiscent of the Apple experience but certainly if you're not an Apple fan or not into the Mac, the Microsoft Store experience is quite good."
"Can you imagine going to Walmart and they're like, 'Oh thank you so much, arigato, here's your receipt,' and they're bowing? No, that would not happen."
"I would never have thought I'm doing a Costco video, but I'm glad I did."
"See, that's exactly what I'm talking about, guys, with just kind of taking your time and looking through the store through every crack and crevice to see if there's things you haven't seen before, that is awesome."
"Mangy and Jaga came in as customers but they're leaving as friends today, and it's really friends for life."
"If you haven't been to Cabela's retail store, you owe it to yourself to make the trip."
"I'm actually honestly more impressed by the decor than the actual merchandise in some cases."
"The best thing about this store is that if you come here and you have questions, they are more than happy to help you."
"Using their linked card in the retailer is enough to earn and redeem with no fuss."
"The coolest thing about this place is not only are there like rows and rows of old school tackle, there's so much tackle the walls actually fold in."
"I'm still so blown away that they didn't put any shrunken heads in the stores this year."
"It's gonna be a good time, we're gonna be selling some shoes and basically giving you the sneaker store experience."
"You've been very wonderful, thank you so much for shopping with us."
"I've never been in a prettier, aesthetic yarn store; it felt like home."
"One of my favorite things about yarn shops is how they all have their unique feel and personality."
"It's special when somebody buys the shoe out of the case."
"I never thought I would see the day again where Jeffrey the giraffe would grace the face of this place."
"I think that it is a different shopping experience when you shop in store versus shopping online."
"We shop at Sam's Club because it's really cool, it's different, and it works so well."
"It felt magical walking into those stores; it just felt good."
"This layout is similar to an Apple store, where products are laid out for customers to interact with and browse at their leisure."
"Look at this, it's Christmas at Home Depot."
"Trader Joe's is focused on offering a one-of-a-kind customer experience."
"It's great to see the whole retail experience at Towers is great with all of the decorations, the music, and some nice details in the shop."
"The physical retail experience is only going to get more and more exciting."
"They didn't have anything this nice when I was a kid, even in the expensive stores."
"I do prefer physical shopping more than online shopping."
"If you're not having the experience that you want to be having, reach out to the retailer that you bought it from, and they'll take care of you one-on-one."
"Best Buy sucked, and then the my all-time favorite Goodwill where I was blown away."
"We're like a candy store right now."
"Don't let retail make you bitter to people based off appearances; you don't know their story."
"Honestly, they're both really good stores, did not have any issues with either one."
"Fragrance is such a huge part of Sephora, and we definitely want to bring that to light here in the Sephora studio."