
Emotional Dependency Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"When you depend on other people's approval or other people's attraction to you to make you feel good and validate that you're a cool person, you are gonna end up with a broken heart."
"I think it changes a lot, I like the emotional dependency, I think that's okay."
"She doesn't love you, she loves how you make her feel."
"They feel lost without you. It's like you're their heart compass."
"Did I ever really love Big or was I addicted to the pain?"
"I now know that I do need you in my life. When I lost you, I lost me."
"She clings to him because he represents a life preserver." - Jono
"This person wants a reunion with you. They don't feel solid without you."
"The only thing that brings them joy in life is this pitiful attempt to gatekeep."
"The only thing that was constant in my life was her."
"I depend on you too much to let you go. I have codependency issues."
"I need you, like the winter needs the spring, like the summer needs the rain, I need you."
"Is it possible to be addicted to a person? Toxic relationships are not technically a substance, but the behaviors they can drive you toward look very much like a substance addiction."
"If there's someone out there who loves me more than anything else, then I don't need anyone else."
"There is a difference between needing something and loving something."
"You harm yourself... when you need something."
"I literally just feel like I can't live without her but I know that I have to."
"It's worse to live a life without you than to face their fears."
"You're their world, but they feel crushed without you."
"I want you to feel that way about me, I want you to be afraid to lose me every day."
"Toxic empathy can evolve into codependence. You need to meet other people's needs to feel personally fulfilled."
"In order to love someone else you must love yourself, otherwise any attempt for them to love you or anything for you to love them are an extension of you wanting to feel a sense of love for yourself."
"The most dangerous sentence in the world is 'He completes me.'"
"Keeping Megan happy and by extension keeping Harry happy was an ongoing challenge because Harry is like he depended emotionally on Megan from the get-go."
"She's all I have in my life. It's very hard."
"If anything were to happen to her, I literally don't know how I'd recover."
"If people have to behave a certain way for us to be happy, you're not gonna stay happy."
"You are mine. You make me feel alive. Do you trust me?"
"I could not feel happy for her because my definition of love was that I needed to be the one that made her happy."
"This person is going to try and stop you from leaving their life, whether it's texting you all day long or being face to face."
"The biggest mistake that we make is putting our dignity in the hands of other people."
"Love addicts are searching for something outside of themselves."
"If you're not adoring her, she's devastated."
"Simping is when a man puts a woman's emotion and needs above his reality."
"Your life's purpose is not to continuously heal or feed an ego for someone else."
"I just need you. Nobody else knows me like you do."
"Every time they dump you and you crawl back... you're sinking deeper and deeper into their control."
"For many of you, the reason why you disconnected from this person was because this person was very needy, they were very codependent on you."
"People who expect other people to make them happy are struggling with feeling really insecure."
"It's almost like you found each other finally in this lifetime and you're never letting go. Now, there is an obsessive energy here. Some obsessions are healthy, some are not. But there's an energy here of this person needs you, and you need them."
"Steven settles that worry he had about him just being an escape for Rose."
"When it's happening, it feels like your whole life depends on keeping the feeling of being loved on tap."
"Adrian and Marinette rely on each other from an emotional standpoint, yes, but also as a plot mechanism and for character development."
"Begging for attention is something a lot of us have been conditioned to do by people who have manipulated us into chasing, who have manipulated us into being into using us as their source of positive emotions."
"I need you more than words can ever say."
"The relationship is the drug of choice in the codependent's life, having that person in their life makes them feel okay or whole."
"I can live without all the rest of it, but I can't live without you."
"The pain body thrives on negative thinking as well as drama in relationships."
"The insecure person in relationships who's always trying to pull from another person their self-worth... such a person is an emotional parasite and they will destroy you."
"Now I'm feeling lost without you and I just can't be without you."