
Personal Independence Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"Stop caring what other people think so much."
"I am not a citizen of your empire. I will always answer to myself."
"Veronica Lake: 'I am not going to hang on to my blood nor am I going to allow them to hang on to me.'"
"Other people's opinions of me aren't my business."
"There's something quite powerful and independent about going, 'I've had enough.'"
"Cancel culture can suck my [] ass. They can cancel, yeah, boom, boom, and go to hell because cancel culture can't do [] to me because, guess what? [__] I don't get sponsorships anyways, and brands gotta worry about me."
"I need the world to know and understand that y'all don't dictate my mood."
"I want you because I want you, I don't want you because I need you."
"What someone is doing has nothing to do with you."
"Every ounce of her being resisted conformity. Shiana was determined to be independent of the Bene Gesserit, to shape her own future as she saw fit."
"What other people think about you is none of your business."
"It is so important to have your own life and your own interests outside of that relationship."
"Even if he was doing anything... it should not ultimately influence what you do or don't do with your life."
"Britney wants to live a more independent life. Brittany welcomes and appreciates her fans' informed support."
"You deserve what you want in your life and you don't have to apologize or make sure that everyone else will be okay with it."
"Sometimes those are the best relationships because not only do you get to spend time together and find common ground, but you also still have your own things."
"You shouldn't give a [ __ ] what other people gotta say. Those do mind on manner does the matter don't mind."
"The less concerned you are with what other people think, usually the better they think about you."
"Focus on yourself. People come and go. If you don't control your mind, someone else will."
"Imagine having the government so little involved in your life that you don't care who's in charge of it."
"I don't want a man wearing woman's face to swoop in and save me. I don't need it. I don't want it and it's the antithesis to progress."
"I love living my solo best life... nobody talk to me, I don't want to see no one."
"Don't give up anything about what anyone else thinks."
"Asking for help is perfectly normal as much as needing help."
"Not letting how other people think about you dictate your reality."
"I am independent being and I'm the only one who can define my life."
"Other people's opinions of me are none of my business."
"You're trying to move on, happily single, living in the moment, Virgo. And this person? It's killing them, knowing that you're out and about doing your Virgo thing."
"I genuinely don't care what anyone thinks of me, and that's not a faking that's like real."
"I base my opinion on my own views and that I don't have to fit into any particular box I find that completely liberating."
"We cannot give these people control. If you hate Donald Trump, then Donald Trump shouldn't have control over your medicine. Donald Trump shouldn't have control over your life, over your education."
"I just think it's important for everyone to have this sort of independence."
"When a guy comes along who doesn't need any of that, all of a sudden she's free to focus on herself and her own needs."
"Supportive of each other, not necessarily because of any man."
"It's time under this influence for marching to the beat of your own drum; people don't let people tell you what to do on the 8th of February, what to think, how to behave, and most of all, how to express yourself."
"I'm not even trying to make him jealous. I'm just doing my own thing."
"I'm fine with trying to figure things out for myself and not having to rely on other people."
"Don't let the judgments of other people and what other people will say impact you because you know it's your life."
"I never took a job with Reagan because once you become an employee, then you serve the employer."
"Significance enslaves you to the opinion of others."
"Whenever a guy says, 'Oh, you're gonna be lonely and cat lady and you're gonna have box wine,' and whatever, like, and you're gonna be a spinster, it's basically what they're saying. And it sounds like revenge."
"You don't need this person in your life. You don't."
"What somebody else thinks and feels about whatever you're doing in your life, that doesn't matter."
"The past is the past and there's no point in dredging it back up. Everyone fights for themselves."
"Interdependence is the healthy middle ground between independence and codependence. Be two people standing together, holding hands."
"Vanity is released giving a [ __ ] about what other people think."
"Who in the world wants to live with their mom? Not me. Now don't get me wrong, if my mom ever wants to move in with me, my mom will have access to everything I own, every property, my home."
"Israeli innovations pop up throughout the world."
"Independence was one of my first earliest things that I had to get used to."
"Never get yourself attached to nothing that you can't walk away from."
"Be confident in peace anyway. You don't need to run your way of living through their pronouncements about you."
"I am completely off the grid when it comes to electricity. I haven't had an electrical bill for the past 20-some years."
"Even having just one income stream can allow you to make decisions at your own will without having to risk everything."
"Fleetwood Mac baby, you can go your own way."
"You're not meant to be someone's life raft, you are meant to be a partner, not somebody's anchor for their insecurities."
"You shouldn't be controlled by what your family thinks of you. You shouldn't be afraid of dishonoring your family because I'm not dishonoring my family, they dishonored themselves."
"They could give two shits about what you think of them."
"If you're dating someone and they don't want you to have independence, run."
"We don't owe anybody an explanation for nothing."
"Unless someone pays my bills, they don't get a vote."
"Reclaim your independence, decide what you want."
"Don't catch no feelings until you're free, okay? Sprinkle, sprinkle."
"What someone's opinion of you is none of your business."
"Why do so many women feel the need to proudly announce that they don't need men when plenty of women still want men?"
"I cannot stress the importance of knowing 'Yes I'm good with him, but I'm also good without him.'"
"In life, you have two choices: follow your dreams or let others define what your dreams should be."
"I hope you don't give a flying [ __ ] about mainstream acceptance because that is a sinking ship."
"I think if you focus on like being you know independent in yourself and you make sure that you don't like give your whole life over to these girls I think that it's pretty sexy."
"Manipulation doesn't work with me. I'm not a follower, I'm a leader."
"You are a very stable independent person. You don't need them, you want them."
"You have to trust yourself and not Facebook."
"I really value being the master of my own life, and not having to answer to like people telling me what I have to do or how I need to do it."
"You need to have yourself together on your own as a person without a man."
"Papa, I need... and then he'll just give. But I can't be telling him what I'm spending money on because it's not gonna make sense to him."
"It would be better for you to stay single and just live a single lifestyle than it would be to involve yourself in a situation where you're not admired."
"She debuted her first runway show and separated from Malcolm McLaren."
"I don't really care about other people's opinions."
"If I have pride, I don't want your [ __ ] pity. I don't want your [ __ ] charity, I don't want your [ __ ] pandering."
"Start to build your own personal and financial sovereignty, removing yourself from the dependence of the state and others."
"Everybody else's opinion of you is none of your business."
"I've gotten to a point where I just do not care what anybody else's opinion of me is. That's none of my business."
"I'm a hard [__] to control, many have tried."
"Just do what you want, other people really, they can't control you so they're irrelevant."
"I want to do this on my own, I'm a grown-ass individual."
"Don't ever put all of your eggs into the basket of the corporate world because they hate you, they don't care about you, you mean nothing to them."
"Treat corporations like the girl at the club: get what you need, but don't commit anything."
"I'm not trapped with him anymore. When I left the second time, I knew being a housewife would never give me leverage in our relationship, so I got a job."
"Learning to let go of the opinions of other people on what you're doing and go and do you."
"Standing your ground and maintaining independence."
"Your life is not yours if you're constantly worrying about what other people think about it."
"The day you stop caring about what other people think is the day your life begins."
"Independence is good and important, but leaning on community doesn't make you weak."
"Especially when I see people making content out of their relationships."
"It's always good I think to have your own thing going on the side especially with relationship talk make sure you got your own thing going on the side."
"Your love interests, the both of you, are like I don't care about what anyone has to say, you don't care about what anyone has to say."
"They may better be able to fool you but they're not fooling me."
"You're stepping into your own independence and creating a new path for yourself."
"You're probably the most free Americans if you're not shackled by anything, just completely free and unencumbered."
"If you can feed yourself, you can free yourself."
"Do what you want my [ __ ] you know what I'm saying, show love to other [ __ ] just mind your business, stay in your lane, get your money up, you feel what I'm saying."
"I never watched what somebody else does. It does not matter."
"They feel like you don't need them, you're good, you're happy."
"It's a lot easier to do whatever the heck you want when you have that Financial Freedom."
"Defund the media, fund your life with your own thinking."
"I try to make myself as sovereign as possible, not dependent on or tied to the performance of anything out of my control."
"Don't worry about what the world says, don't worry about money, don't worry about position or anything like that what the social convention is."
"Don't be a slave to anyone, be your own person and rule yourself."
"Christine has something to be envied by Robin: Independence and self-worth."
"You don't have to follow the lies, you don't have to follow his deception, you don't have to follow him trying to discourage you and to bring you down. You don't have to do that."
"I'm just like damn what is the incentive I might as well just stay single."
"Let him live his life and you live your life."
"Your happiness, your joy, the next fun chapter of your life is dependent upon your declaration of independence."
"Living my life for me, not for other people."
"It is none of your business what other people think of you."
"He's just so appreciative of it like he loves when I do stuff on my own."
"Embrace your own path, live life on your own terms, make your own rules..."
"Wall street you do you i'll do me okay uh yeah i need this to say uh this is a borderline almost a for sure buy for me."
"If they ain't paying your bills while you worried about them right like if they're not like I said if you don't know them personally why take it personal."
"I've basically just decided that I want to be single, I want to have a hot girl summer."
"Independence for me was always really important."
"Self-love is about not having to be liked or approved of—it's like I already am."
"Our relationship works because our evaluation of ourselves and each other is independent of what society says it should be."
"Gemini, you're doing what you need to do, moving forward with your life regardless of this person. You're not keeping your life on hold for this person. You only live your life once, right?"
"If you don't like something, I've never been the person who's like 'if you don't watch my stuff then you don't support me.'"
"If they control your money, if they can zero out your bank account with a keystroke, then you have no autonomy. They control you."
"The opinions of sheep don't matter to a lion."
"You don't need this just because everyone else has it. You don't need it just because it's trendy."
"I think KD is a leader just because he's always going to do what he wants to do and he doesn't care about what nobody has to say."
"I don't owe anything to anybody. I don't have to make dad happy or make my brother happy or make all these things. I can only do my best and I have to enjoy what I like to do."
"Ownership, generational wealth, doing it on your own, independence."
"It's always a good day. Yeah, it is. You don't have to get anybody's approval. You don't have to get any... you don't hear notes from non-creative people."
"There's a push for Independence to move forward to trust yourself to trust it without overthinking."
"I'm just incapable of giving a fuck about your opinion because you don't know me."
"Anyone and everyone loses their power over you because you truly don't care about anybody else's affirmation or approval."
"Looks don't make him stay; you have to have self-respect and confidence and never be afraid to walk away."
"Remember you are a person. It is your business."
"Humans are social creatures, but second you let go all that [expletive], you become so happy."
"You know what the 10 most dangerous words in the English language are what will other people say and what will other people think you're the only person who needs to be okay with how you live your life."
"If y'all want to get mad at me for playing how I play, then buy the game and play yourself."
"People gonna hate you for whatever you do, that's rule number one."
"Short hair wasn't just a trend, it was a statement of freedom and independence."
"I'm tired of feeling like I'm just an extension of someone else's marketing team."
"Misery doesn't have to have company, you can do bad all by yourself."
"You don't owe this world a damn thing." - Martha Kent, "Man of Steel"
"The key to getting out of debt is not comparing to anyone else. Live your own life."
"Be in charge of yourself... not be emotionally swayed... walk to the beat of your own drum... be your authentic self."
"Don't worry about what other people think of you. They can't put you in heaven. They can't put you in hell."
"You got to do things for yourself and not for the opinion of others."
"Let him go [__] okay let them deal with having to pleasure themselves after he done okay that's not your problem oh let him go."
"If you worry about what other people think, soon enough you will be on the sidelines of your life."
"Living your life based on other people is failure."
"Just because you're single doesn't mean it hinders who you are as a person at all."
"Let go of the monarchy and create their own brand independent of it."
"We must stop letting other people's limited perceptions of us define us."
"If you're in a relationship and you're struggling, then sis you're single. I couldn't agree with that post more."
"I just found out that I don't need nobody else. I do this all by myself."
"I promise y'all uh being alone ain't the hardest thing in the world I promise you they got choice but even aside from that would you rather somebody use you or abuse you than to be alone and work on yourself like it's not that hard sis or bro."
"Embracing independence and being true to yourself."
"You shouldn't need someone, you should want them."
"I don't want to have to live for the approval of man."
"You cannot live your life based on other people's opinions. You are the only person at the end of the day who has to live your life."
"I'm not the type of dude that know how to ask for help, I don't know, okay so if y'all feel like y'all can help let me know I'm not."
"Confidence skyrockets when you realize others' opinions are none of your business."
"You should not give a damn about what these people think."
"Sometimes it's better to be single so you can learn to be who you really are without being defined by another person." - Coach Corey Wayne
"That's because Mario doesn't owe anybody any favors. I saved your dad, Coops."
"The more confident you are, the less you care about what other people think."
"You don't owe them anything for real for real."
"I never take into consideration what other people are saying."
"Love is the opposite of self-sacrifice, love is the antonym of dependency, and love and self-destructiveness are mutually exclusive."
"I feel like you're done following what other people want you to do. It's almost like this reading is just saying you're becoming more independent, Sagittarius."
"Once you are done healing, you won't even want her back."
"5 years from now you are going to be financially stable and you'll have enough to be able to be independent and living on your own."
"Nobody needs nobody, y'all, uh, that's the hardest record in my repertoire."
"Make your own destiny. Don't answer to people, answer to yourself."
"Ultimately, man, these are all y'all are men and I'm not going to tell man what what to do because ain't no man going to tell me what to do."
"I'm tired being told who my friends are, Alex. Don't. I'm going back, doors extend staying with Farah's army."
"Independence means freedom. Freedom means you can do whatever you want. If you don't have Independence, that means you're dependent on somebody else as a grown ass man you should not be dependent on no one else on any vertical of your life to me."
"Spinning plates prevents falling prey to the soul-mate myth."
"Right now, you can't tell me what to do anymore."
"I feel like you're going to be very independent at this point in life."
"That's the attitude we should all take in everything we do, you know? Live your own life."
"It's like you're allowing people to be in your life... but it's like you're also deciding to live your own life."
"I don't care what nobody thinks, I don't care what they think."
"You have to live for yourself, and people's opinions really don't matter."
"If you care what a woman says, then you care too much. You put too much stock into what women say."
"You owe no one an explanation. One answer to one question is more than necessary. You are the most important person to you and the decisions you make in life for you to live his what counts."
"I feel like once I get my own apartment, I can do what I want to do. I used to throw away all my receipts, but you know, as you get older and as you start buying big girl things, you should start keeping receipts."
"I don't care what people think anymore, you are the only one who truly gets me."
"You have so much beauty and so much talent that you can share in the world independent of whoever may or may not be in your life."
"Claiming your independence... making decisions for yourself... getting to choose what you want in your life."
"I'm trying to get to this point where I don't care what you guys think... At the end of the day, it's my life and I can do whatever the hell I want."
"I personally find that life does not revolve around having a boyfriend, getting married, all that stuff."
"I think just the fact that it gives me independence, I've always been a very independent person."
"She is not married to any orc but instead to the land."
"Don't let people place their curse on you of what they want you to be."
"You don't have to care what white people think."
"Stop worrying about what they think about you because what they think about you does not matter. What matters is what you think about yourself."
"I didn't want to be controlled by them and Kanye and this may be the Clipper he talks about I think we got one or two more Clips to play uh where he talks about who he really wants to answer to."
"Do you have a backup plan where you're at least you can at least rely upon yourself and not all the other people? That's what matters the most if you ask me."