
Cultural Phenomena Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"The rise of Bigfoot began long ago when the creature made its first appearance in Native American art and lore and has since escalated into a cultural phenomenon."
"The fruit of cancel culture started to grab legs and just wobble."
"These archetypes stick around, even though the irony of these memes was lost on the majority of people that followed it."
"I think there's a lot of people out there who kind of know it was an Open Secret."
"Feels forced at this point, Taco Tuesday did kind of run its course."
"Cancel culture has gotten worse, violence has gotten worse..."
"I don't have a problem with it and this is not a new phenomenon."
"The only thing funnier than 420 to people like this is the number 69."
"Big tech censoring, cancel culture, and deplatforming have touched everybody in one way or another."
"Growing up in Florida at this time, what happened as Pokémon emerged."
"Gen Z grew up with Omegle, ADHD, depression, eating detergent, and a year where literal clowns chased people with knives."
"How often can you look at something that just exists on the internet and be like, 'Wow, that was a spontaneous culture that just sprang up'?"
"Cancer culture sucks no matter how it's played."
"Slender Man, of course, is nowhere near the first urban legend."
"Puns commonly formed the basis of dad jokes, which everyone loves or loves to hate."
"America, it's not a new thing to believe in conspiracy theories."
"Cancel culture is dying and we are not going to give it any pain meds to alleviate the pain."
"The Russians are panic buying Big Macs, they're panic buying anything Western."
"It's really amazing to see this happen in America."
"The fear of being buried alive weighed heavily on the people of the 18th and 19th centuries."
"Cancel culture originated out of compassion."
"This is what the memes and dreams are made of."
"The fact that the carriage even exists... is evidentiary of the fact that people have princess parties."
"Anthropomorphic animals in both art and media sounds like a surreal concept but also seems very normal to us."
"Remember the guy who got plastic surgery to become a Korean woman?"
"Now of course the entire phenomenon of the tsukuba and the inca body has been replaced with the alien abduction because that's the side in which we live."
"And as much as we all loved God of War, there was really only one game that completely took over and became a cultural phenomenon this year: Elden Ring."
"All Star might be like my generation's Rickroll."
"1973 heralded a new awareness of the phenomenon and would mark a new increase in UFO popularity."
"I find all this cult stuff super interesting."
"Haunted dolls and anything related to dolls just freaks me out."
"Is this a Mandela effect? That is my favorite thing to read in a comment section."
"The runes are a very ancient cultural phenomenon dating to at least 17,500 years ago in the west of the Iberian Peninsula."
"We are either in a mass Awakening event or a total collapse of society."
"It's really kind of hard to explain the hype that was surrounding this thing at the time."
"I'm not trying to be insulting I'm saying like a lot of people are absolutely obsessed with Sasquatch Bigfoot."
"Those things didn't have anything really to them, so the enduring of Pokemon must be because it has more to it."
"Video game stash found in desert: E.T. was buried under the desert in New Mexico."
"The Cubo shutdown video definitely served its purpose and cemented itself as another interesting addition to the world of internet hoaxes."
"Remaking things has been a thing ever since the inception of things."
"We all get canceled, whether it be online or by death itself. The ultimate cancellation."
"It's been seen a lot and I understand we're not the first people to say that the Simpsons predict stuff."
"Icons are coming back and other people were saying that icons are coming back."
"Nothing's ever too big to fail, just look at Star Wars."
"Her story serves as a reminder that the paranormal continues to captivate our curiosity."
"Every once in a while something breaks through to the masses because of the internet."
"Cancel culture is part of the established thesis."
"The origins of Slenderman can be traced back to 2009."
"Where did they go? What happened to them? It's a fascinating mystery."
"The satanic Panic of the 1980s is a big big example of that."
"Remember when the U2 album came in our phones and we could never delete it?"
"Indian man prays to life-sized statue of Donald Trump as his god."
"Cargo cults emerged in New Guinea in response to the arrival of whites, predicting the end of the world."
"They have spent the past year pushing AI art on social media with almost cult-like devotion and an underlying hint of sneering aggression."
"There's no nation in human history that has become wildly powerful and technologically advanced simply through isolation."
"Anything that becomes really popular on a wide scale will naturally just be hated or rebelled against no matter what it is."
"Everyone loves a good old-fashioned conspiracy theory."
"A popular choice is a donut but people often wonder about the hole in the center."
"Europe boasts some truly amazing stuff in this land stretching nearly 4 million square miles: natural to supernatural, mega to micro, extra-terrestrial to just plain extra."
"Two types of people in this world: the people that went to the theater for Oppenheimer first or the people that went to the theater for Barbie first."
"Learn to live alongside cringe, it's unavoidable over a lifetime."
"The fact that I feel so many people remember something wrong, it's just weird, like why?"
"Long story short, it's just because it's a meme."
"That's what makes this specific Mandela effect so interesting. We have a list of everyone that did one of these ads, and Avril Lavigne isn't one of them."
"Who knew that the Karen would still be just as relevant if not more."
"California has been the world leader in Cults for a very long time."
"Outraged culture that exists on Twitter has a half-life of like three fucking days, it's gone."
"Cancel culture wouldn't exist without social media."
"Who knows? So you remember when people were dying from Four Locos? Yeah, and people would just still drink."
"In the years that followed, we would see numerous 2pac sightings all over the world."
"Curious George never had a tail? What?! Mandela effect pictures, bro!"
"Name a Duo more iconic than Twitter users and being offended by everything."
"A lot of people are talking about broken simulation, a lot of people loving it."
"This could be those extra terrestrial beans that we all talked about for the past 70 years."
"The cancel culture thing has me a little crazy."
"Cancel culture is out of control. Last week, Winnie the Pooh got canceled for blanking in the forest."
"Our contemporary understanding of a meme is typically as the person who coined the term Richard Dawkins told Wired..."
"Magic is waging a comeback because we are afraid and uncertain."
"Cringe culture is basically just another word for targeted bullying and harassment."
"Wokism is as good of a name for this phenomena as anything."
"The Monkey Christ was now bringing more than enough tourism money."
"The Hunger Games became popular... people were maybe looking for something different amidst all of the same stories."
"All over the world, there's one phenomenon that seems to crop up on every continent: stone spheres."
"Cancel culture as a meme is more nuanced than just like, 'Oh, cancel culture's bad.'"
"The people who get affected by cancel culture the most are those who aren't in power."
"Council culture and censorship aren't the same thing. Council culture is quite a new phenomenon."
"Every culture has entities that tether to the young. We call them imaginary friends."
"Cancel culture is not only vicious, it's also dumb."
"He documented that odd little bit of cultural phenomena and literally made it historically significant."
"Anything that is attended to by multitudes of people over long periods of time tends to take on an archetypal nature."
"More and more every year, more and more popular, which I get it, I mean it's really cool."
"You don't hear in America about a bunch of Hindu statues drinking milk; you hear about UFOs."
"Every man under the age of 35 was watching Jordan Peterson."
"Because journalists are by nature and training curious and just as journalists are attracted to the spectacle of politics and war we were also attracted to the spectacle of this cultural phenomenon known as housewives."
"It's like trying to reboot like Rocky or pictures."
"I liked Scrubs, of course she did. Why? I don't know, it just seems like...yeah, I never...it's one of those shows where by the time it had reached Peak popularity I wasn't gonna start it because I just felt like, well, I missed the boat, same with Lost."
"I just like I don't want people to be afraid of mushrooms at the grocery store now like the way they were afraid to go in the water after Jaws came out right you know it's kind of funny because at the same time we're having like a mushroom and psychedelic boom"
"It wasn't just a broadcasted piece of entertainment when it first came out, it was an entire event and this kind of feels like that moment for us anime fans."
"Planking was next and then they did Faith healing."
"Every musical culture around the world...they all use this phenomenon of octave duplication in their music."
"It's just a moment in time, this whole cancel culture thing. It's just a moment in time. And I know we're gonna get past this and through this."
"The madness of sex, drugs, and rock and roll would later give him a window of social dissolution and musical upheaval."
"We're gonna make it more special, okay? We're gonna be like the MC rib of the world or the World Cup."
"What's this about the cheese touch?"
"Post-structuralism has no fixed structures behind cultural phenomena."
"The world is full of urban legends."