
Weapon Design Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"I think that Generation Zero has some of the best gun design and gun feel of any game that I've ever played in my entire career."
"The ricasso is literally inlaid into the guard."
"In practice, it's kind of a waste of metal and is ultimately a pretty dumb way to kill someone impractical but funny."
"What replica weapon would each weapon designer want? Dead Man's tail—that's a given."
"Every gun in Halo was designed around shooting and doing damage, but the Covenant's weapons were able to add that extra flair... like how the plasma pistol can shoot down a vehicle or eliminate an enemy's shields."
"Bulletstorm, another title by Cliff, was just pure violence in the form of fun and unique weaponry."
"With this sloped forward grip again it means that the line of motion is behind the point of impact, so it's a bit axelike."
"The smaller scale conflicts and higher lethality weapons feel more powerful and satisfying."
"Moonlight greatsword's moveset: solid and familiar."
"The Leviathan axe is a strong contender for best new video game weapon."
"This one is very unique, it's taking the weapon and making it a little bit more sight-like."
"Crisis has so much going for it and if you can learn to use it despite its slightly boxy weapon model it's definitely at least an A minus tier hand Cannon."
"The Dire Promise looks really good I'm serious about that I love the slim weapon model it keeps your fov really nice and open."
"Making wacky weapons is the best part of this game."
"I have a certain appreciation for the kopesh because it's a weapon that looks fantasy when you see it at first glance but actually existed in history and it is practical."
"My goal with this design is to bring the amazing versatility of pole arms into a lighter, smaller, and more agile format."
"The AK-12 is an incredibly robust, well-designed rifle."
"This thing is insane. I love the cannon on top and just the design."
"The work he's done on each and every weapon is incredible."
"Customization is something that we saw glimpses of in BF5 - why not have full customization on weapons?"
"It's designed to use that massive heavy cannon to just annihilate anything in front of it."
"New weapon mechanics... cool animations for each weapon."
"This is what the mace was designed for to be able to battle mobs."
"There's like a weird rock-paper-scissors kind of combination going on with weapon design."
"The whole concept of a large caliber handgun for the alien universe is a bit of an odd one."
"These are capable weapons like I said easily able to slice an arm off maybe cleave a man in two if swung with enough power."
"Everybody knows what a lancer is these days, you got your gun and chainsaw combination, it's [ __ ] genius."
"For long-range weapons, they are basically just longer and have a more yellowish tint."
"Franky at heart is still a builder, so he will want a fruit that allows him to build new weapons himself."
"Personally, I feel like this thing did need nerfing, not because I hated how strong it was, but because of the fact that I was upset for all the other amazing weapons in this game that weren't being used."
"One of Frank's new weapons in the 4th game is the exosuit."
"This thing is literally two 1911s in one, it's crazy!"
"Why don't lightsabers have hand guards on them? It would seem to be such a good idea."
"This shotgun might look a little unusual, but that doesn't stop it from being an amazing addition to the game."
"Both of these weapons are extreme in their design. The first one being a steampunk style rifle with custom meshes, textures, and animations."
"Left 4 Dead 1's weapons are tactical, gritty, and loud... extremely believable and fit into the universe perfectly."
"The fundamental mechanism of the FG-42, and in fact the fundamental feed mechanism of the MG 42 are not the source of that gun's problems."
"The longsword has up to ten significant variations that it can have in its design."
"Every time you add an inch to a blade that's already this long, it actually adds some complexity and difficulty."
"The variety is there there's some pretty amazing guns like the MP7, SCAR-H, and the A94 and MSMC and M8."
"The MR556A1: marrying German engineering with U.S. regulations."
"The Super Shotgun is everything a double-barreled shotgun should be in a video game."
"In many ways, the AK-47 is the epitome of Counter-Strike."
"Every part you add costs more energy to fire, so sure, build a forty barrel gun if you want."
"The op isn't just a sniper rifle it's a living breathing art form a brush that gamers have been using to paint beautiful bloody portraits for nearly two decades."
"The sword one-hits... dude, that weapon is so cool looking."
"Literally combining two weapons to create a brand new one."
"Knight's armament kept to that original look at the bolt carrier group."
"The 1911 grip, very few people don't like the feel of it."
"It's truly modern, very well designed for the conflict that it was going into."
"Projectile precision weapons increase the skill gap and make strafing remain effective at longer distances."
"We're always going to be looking at new —not just brand new weapons to bring in â€" but where do the legacy, and classic weapons — where is it, when, where, and how do those get to come in to the title."
"Honestly, my favorite part about every single AK-47 in Call of Duty is the fact that the iron sights are just so clean and so clear."
"We call it the Valkyrie and it's basically like a magical spear rocket launcher that destroys absolutely everything."
"It sounds like the most overpowered weapon ever. And I mean, seriously, it fires 12 nukes." - Falcon
"The Sand Hawk SMG: easily recognizable and firing projectiles like a bird flapping against wings... a fairly powerful SMG to begin with that much more powerful."
"This game is a lot like its most famous weapon, Penetrator: big, brightly colored, and as funny as hell in the right circumstances."
"The AR-15... is an extremely versatile weapon system... a lot of that is due to the fact that the lower receiver is considered the firearm."
"No one would want to use these weapons if they looked bad and dumb."
"This thing is basically built to have the fastest ads it can... it's going to be a laser beam at any range."
"It's interesting how many different ways to skin a cat you know we've come up with when it comes to firearm design."
"I think there's enough historical evidence to say that was evidently the case, why I think it's a combination of weapon design and also weapon training and they connect together."
"Fusion rifles have either been too overpowered or too underpowered, but the exotic ones also have something in common, they break the game!"
"It's such a weird sniper, the tiny little nipple reticle."
"It steps across the line from a pistol with that pistol caliber and yet it gives you more capability."
"Being not quite sniper rifle and not quite an infantry rifle there are there's an argument for there being a bayonet log on there it certainly was in 1963 when this thing was was introduced."
"Every single weapon has an unbelievably satisfying heft to it that feels crunchy as hell."
"Weapons need to be more than just unique in appearance."
"It melds the best of both worlds you got that AK aesthetic but you also got that Galil aesthetic and then they're doing all this funky stuff which is freaking cool."
"Consider your ammo. ...Unless you're working on melee weapons or something that's purely magical with no combustible energy to be expended, then you're gonna have to give some consideration to the type of ammo that your weapon uses."
"The lightsaber rifle was an ancient design and the only lightsaber rifle could be found deep within the Jedi archive temple."
"I really dig the sword. The idea of a dragonfly sword with like a butterfly shield thing is just kind of badass."
"Behold the sword of the depths, this absolutely badass one-of-a-kind powerful weapon."
"These are amazing arms, and they just feel sturdy."
"Bringing it up, it's just close, compact, just feels really good, very well balanced."
"He takes fencing principles, looks at the weapons that are going to be used, and then injects his own common sense into what the fight might look like."
"Then we've got a design based on an African throwing knife but turned into a polearm."
"The former Czechoslovakia is known for a couple of iconic weapons that were designed here."