
Moral Victory Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Light conquers darkness. Truth triumphs over error. Goodness is victorious over evil in the end, every time."
"Good always beats the crap out of evil, no matter what."
"You overcome evil with good and love ultimately, and not fighting back in the way that is riots and these other things."
"Sundowner's defeat symbolizes the rejection of becoming a man like him, refusing to justify cruelty."
"Good is always, always, always going to win over evil."
"If Fox really wants to win this and more than just a moral Victory, he has to take some risks here. No question."
"Kindness is contagious and provided the light that reclaimed ground lost to evil and darkness."
"Never give up spirit, goodness eventually wins through."
"Evil does not get to win, goodness triumphs and peace brotherhood and companionship become the new standard."
"It's important for morality to win in the end."
"The shield truly becomes a symbol of good once more, bringing the world back together."
"The truth always comes out; the light always wins."
"Love overpowering hate, righteousness overpowering ego."
"I have not achieved any material possessions, but I have achieved a moral victory, and the latter is more fortunate than the former."
"Evil has overcome and we're reminded that we win in the end."
"Good is alive, and when truth is applied and fought for, it prevails."
"The triumph of good over evil, sacrifice of self."
"It's not the big victories, it's the little moral victories that add up."
"Their truth is that they are actually the rejected ones."
"No amount of evil is any match for the truth."
"The biblical religion should be understood as a revolution that was fought against but ultimately prevailed."
"When a lesson says why does any Muslim murder the devil... whenever you go save a black man and woman in that same act you have murdered the devil you have murdered them in the mind."
"Justice is done and is a victory for what is right."
"Ultimately the good guys won and the bad guys lost."
"Despicable but the wheels of Justice have turned in the right direction here."
"We are faced here with a remarkable case of redemption."
"Finally, the wheel's turning away from evil to good."
"The light and the goodness always wins out because remember what they say and this is a fact: light extinguishes darkness."
"It's this moment of wrong when proving that you don't need muscles and Brawn to overcome evil."
"In a world where wickedness did prevail, let God prevail in your life."
"The truth stands up even alone, even one, it will stand up. And falsehood, even if they bring all of their forces together, they will get disseminated."
"If you think that the evil people always win, here is the most Stark example of the evil people losing."
"Will decency and justice finally come out on top?"
"The side of good is going to win over this evil."
"It's nice when, from time to time, the good guys win."
"The Battle of Hoth was such a moral victory for the Rebel Alliance."
"Victory at the expense of the innocent is no victory at all."
"Victory through kindness should be yours to carry."
"Superman's morality wins the day, not a quick twist of the neck."
"Good will ultimately triumph over the forces of evil."
"History always shows that the way of truth and love conquers evil."
"You will always win if you are in your truth and integrity. Period. Period."
"Naked truth will always defeat a well-dressed lie."
"Right always wins out. It always wins out in the end."
"Every day the sun rises, right will prevail."
"Even today, the message of the victory of the civilization of life and love over the civilization of death has great meaning in our modern world."
"The conviction represented a moral victory against deception and corruption."
"It's the moral victory which sounds like loser talk, but it was."
"Don't be upset. A good heart always wins."
"Kindness always wins. Kindness always wins."
"The real victory lies in the fact that right is right regardless of what others may say about it."
"For after this cometh night, but vice shall not prevail against wisdom."
"Keeping your heart as kind as possible will always prevail in the end, especially when dealing with demons."
"We were defeated in a spiritual contest by virtue of a nobler idea. The real issue was moral beyond all powers of algebra to compute."
"It is integrity that must win, and that way, that victory will be a victory of peace and not of strife."
"Kindness will always win, always."
"Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
"You might have won the battle, but without compassion, you certainly won't win the war."
"It's not that the human the good side of humanity doesn't always come out on top, but it sometimes comes out."
"The good must prevail over the evil."
"Injustice is won over with justice, rage with temperance, avarice with generosity."
"The lesson of history is that the good guys eventually do win."