
Character Perception Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Self-realization because it necessitates realizing his fundamental identity is not Mario the video game character; his identity has always been his awareness of what Mario the video game character is experiencing."
"Despite us thinking at this time Dr. Sloane was one of the good guys, or had the best interest at heart for the Fortnite reality in itself..."
"It's so lit, it makes it less scary because Mommy Long Legs isn't so scary when you see that she's just sitting there."
"Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic life form?"
"You have to be a really good actress to have people hate your character but love you as a person."
"He's not a merciless killer he's a protector and she sees through his facade."
"Captain Marvel may come off as a little corny, but that corniness is a result of simply being very earnest and heartfelt, and at times inspiring."
"You're supposed to feel sympathy for this character from a distance."
"I do think she's a bit more complex than people let on."
"Definitely changed my expectations and perceptions of Superman as a superhero."
"That's what will make the audience see them as people."
"He was cool as hell. He was just really, really like a warm guy, you know? You wouldn't think, you know, just because of the characters he played."
"Shimamura will see a flash of color and it will illuminate him."
"When the young and old think of an Orc, they often think of Grimgor Ironhide."
"I just see them as these like mythical amazing creatures..."
"It's TV. You are a villain. Like, she is very villainous. There's something about her, I'm rooting for you in all of your dark energy. I love it."
"I think what people realize was it was an affectionate look at David Brent by the end. Uncle Tony, I think they realized that well, actually, we're all a bit like that. That is all of us. We all do that."
"When she says beware of me she doesn't mean because I'm the Lich Queen she means the Horde better beware of me."
"The impression I've already got is that they could all be up to mischief."
"Everything I heard from this guy's mouth was peaceful."
"Aquaman was actually a pretty cool character, there's that Super Friends stigma that follows him around."
"In the world of professional wrestling, the line between fiction and reality is intentionally blurred."
"Wario exists, a consistent reminder that we should be living in constant fear."
"When somebody meets Darius for the first time what do you hope they think? - That he's awesome (laughs)."
"He was a happy guy, not a man who wanted to leave."
"Nothing that happens in Star Wars now because of Rogue One makes sense if you don't believe in that central theme of hope."
"He looks different... like a Sith. Holy crap, this guy looks... like evil."
"It's making me hate Nia when before I was disinterested in Nia as a character."
"This movie wants us to believe that Charlie Brown is the least popular kid but it starts off with the entire neighborhood of children showing up at his house just after 7 a.m fully ready to adventure and play."
"Hatham alone made me question if the Assassins are actually the good guys of this conflict."
"Bendis sees characters differently and he shows audiences a different side of characters they weren't expecting to see." - Coin
"When the world saw me as Mercy, a guardian angel, Noble and perfect, but I'm also just Angela Ziegler."
"They see Dexter as a badass superhero vigilante."
"She's the girl next door, she's the type of girl you would let babysit your children."
"Legit see him as a serial killer in some movie."
"Teletubbies inherently nothing particularly frightening about them, I guess."
"Luchi thinks he can fight... that's crazy."
"Hollywood still uses this today to make someone look more attractive or unattractive, more likable and approachable, or dislikable, more trustworthy or more sinister."
"It just keeps painting the picture that these people aren't inherently bad."
"The characters that you see on screen are not viewed as just puppets but actual influential celebrities."
"Many grew to see him as a monster, both fearing and respecting his overwhelming influence."
"Luna, the ever more distant and unapproachable, was actually extremely kind to animals and enjoyed sharing a good laugh."
"I'm really looking forward to seeing how the emperor post-Revenge of the Sith is perceived by the public."