
Artistic Direction Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"I absolutely cannot wrap my head around whose idea it was to completely change the entire art direction of a game so famous and so iconic."
"We're doing something we believe in, and the hard thing... there's gonna be fans of the first game that aren't gonna like the second game."
"I love the direction non Disney/Pixar animation is headed right now."
"Understand the dominant directions in your pictures."
"Beyond its exceptional art design and setting, in so many ways Bioshock is the complete opposite of what most first-person shooters are."
"The purpose of this record was to just connect for Biffy to take a slight left turn and be out of comfort zone."
"It’s Tree’s music videos that has taken his career to the next level, as he’s directed and produced some of the most visually and creatively intriguing videos I’ve ever seen."
"Usually the director is like the artistic boss of the project."
"Sometimes the best thing a director can do... is to know who the best people are to give the film its look."
"One of the most fascinating and complex characters is reduced to a narcissistic artist."
"Wind Waker takes the franchise in a new direction with a bold and uncompromising visual style that is aged like fine wine."
"Art direction is infinitely more important in games than graphics."
"Not only about the message, it's about the way he curated this album as an artist."
"The Weeknd being able to keep the lurid aesthetic, the cohesive art direction, set against the gawdy backdrop of Vegas and the multi-part songs while giving us some of the best pop hooks of the decade."
"Tarantino uses cinematic artistry in a way seldom used today with a sea of artfully choreographed pans, dollies, and crane shots."
"What's the idea behind the shoot? Everything should be based on that concept."
"I would like to see a more sophisticated, focused, cohesive art direction."
"It's got a fantastic soundtrack, like I said before, a superb direction, all of this really makes it feel like a high production movie-like experience."
"There's a real artistic Flair visible in the game's selected camera angles."
"A beautiful, phenomenally directed exploration into the entertainment industry."
"The globe has been a success story and Emma Rice is wrecking it."
"A lot of my fans are going to be complaining about this but I decided it's the personal direction I wanted to take."
"Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice takes one style and sculpts it to perfection."
"These concept images give environment great direction...bringing to life these ideas."
"The visuals should be inspired by the story."
"If you just let everything breathe and everybody kind of sizes each other up and you just let the world sit for a second, that type of art direction and that type of creative direction I think helps make the big moments quite bigger."
"Maybe it's not going for a super fast sword fight thing, it's going for more of an artistic samurai feel."
"Great visuals, great cast, very, very dark direction and subject matter."
"That makes sense to me from its origins to do a very, very bloody, graphic Cinderella."
"It's saying look at all these different styles, look at the direction it's going in."
"It's amazing how much of a story they're telling with just the color direction and the lighting."
"It's the best found movie I've ever seen - everything is found in the direction."
"Nikki DiMar's music changes direction from her sister's like a path that splits in a forest fire."
"I love just how expressive they wanted everyone to be."
"Taylor really took that feedback on board and said all right this next album's gonna have one sound and one sound only: hope you like the 80s synth pop!"
"Before we dive into discussing the awesome gameplay mechanics that this title brings to the table, let's first acknowledge the change in art direction."
"The drawing tells you what's in the scene, the lighting tells you how to feel about it."
"It looks like something Nvidia would call 'Intelligent AI Smart Dust', and then, like, shackle it to a $1200 card, but no – it’s just well done art-direction."
"There'll be more depth, more texture to the production. Depth of focus, different camera angles, experimenting with light."
"I still love Joji and I'm still looking forward to more of the music, but I'm really interested in where he could take a cinematic album while also maintaining a presence over it at the same time."
"Odyssey boasts an innovative central hook, boundary-pushing art direction, and worlds that reward player curiosity."
"If fans are hoping for 25 more years of Slipknot, they may have to get comfortable with the idea of their favorite band slowly morphing into a performance art company."
"Stylistically, Fripp wanted to kind of get more of a sort of European improvisational kind of direction similar to what he was kind of doing on a track like Sailor's Tale on Islands, and he definitely fulfilled that."
"His approach in this piece pushed impressionism towards a new enduring direction."
"That's an art form too, like dictating who's going to sing what when and where."
"Mutt said that he wanted it all on guitar it had to sound non-arpeggiated."
"Honestly never mind, I feel like a project with this cover would be good for just a straight up rap project."
"I thought it would be interesting to start a new palette for this game just because I knew that thematically it was so different from what I normally make."
"So, one of the things that I kind of want to do is because they're all from the same set and they're going to be in the same video, I kind of want them to all look similar in tone and feel."
"Mana composes all of the band's music and writes its lyrics, arranges, produces, and designs stage costumes, and acts as overall artistic director."
"Almost every song on this record has something to talk about, it's very well directed."
"I introduced the light path through here into this shape in here, into here, and this path is guiding my eye right into the head."
"I think my art is going in a slightly different direction, which is always quite interesting, isn't it? Keeps things fresh."
"I'm really happy with the direction that my art is going in recently."
"This palette was directed by Greta Gerwig. Oh my, that is nice. Wow, wow, wow."
"I love how they play with light and darkness in this show."
"Focus first on making sure that the composition, the staging of your characters where they're positioned, make sure you like that first."
"Breaking Bad what captivated me was essentially the plot, the acting performances, and the scene direction."
"You have to shoot for black and white, especially if you're as deliberate with the cinematography."
"Him kind of going back to that wheelhouse is also I think kind of interesting."