
Deeper Meaning Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Starship Troopers... on its surface, it's a big dumb action movie... but the film is actually a lot smarter than most people give it credit for."
"Did you know that Aloha doesn't just mean Hello or goodbye 'it's a greeting or a farewell but the meaning is deeper.'"
"The argument about chicken ain't never really about chicken, okay? It's about something deeper."
"These boys are playing for a lot more than... money."
"There is more to the story than meets the eye."
"I think there's deeper meaning hiding on the all that, something that the person who created it wanted to express, something true."
"These films might lack artistic value if they have no deeper meaning."
"Look beyond what you see; there's something more."
"If you're not seeing the supernatural, then you are living superficial."
"Almost everything he did did have a greater meaning to it."
"For the Golden State Warriors, the slogan 'strength in numbers' meant much more than just a deep roster."
"It seems like there's a deeper message in this movie."
"If I'm gonna spend that type of time with that many people, there's gotta be more in it than just the money or the prestige for me."
"It's games like this that have such a deeper meaning that you'd ever think you'd find in the surface these aren't just video games but allegories for things on such a greater level."
"While the story of the bull of the parson may be just another of Dartmoor's many legends it does hint at a deeper meaning."
"Get Out worked as a brilliant popcorn crowd-pleaser that brought with it a powerful deeper meaning."
"This story means so much more than... ghost stories."
"Existence is something more than what meets the eye."
"Do you see there are people, they are people but there is so much more than that."
"That just goes to show you that cace Owens is very necessary and that maybe there's something deeper that than just trying to sell books."
"The album title 'Nobody is Listening' challenges us to look past the surface level interpretation."
"This is the power of what happens when you look beyond the words to the deeper meaning of scripture."
"Trust that there is something more here if your intuition's really telling you that."
"Science can't answer why we're here; we need to go deeper than a scientific narrative." - Mohammed
"Chappelle isn't just telling jokes, he's making a broader point."
"There's more to this world than the resume, the mortgage, and the cars."
"Is there something a lot bigger are going on?"
"It seems as though we're on the verge of World War III."
"There's something deeper here that you're missing."
"Follow your bliss, not your pleasure. True happiness lies in deeper satisfaction."
"Fan service might just be boobs and butts and horny manga authors on the surface, but it can be so much more than that."
"There's a deeper meaning to life than the superficial noise we see and hear on the surface."
"The Mass: prayer that may seem so familiar, but also a prayer that can take on new and deeper meaning."
"You are here to be connected to many different people, sometimes on a superficial level, and you are here to accept that not everything in life has to have a deeper meaning."
"These might look like superficial flaws, but they reflect much deeper problems."
"Then the Grinch thought of something. Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas means a little bit more."
"There's a deeper meaning here when it comes to our evolution."
"There's something deeper, something which goes to the kind of person we are called to be."
"Your future self is also saying to listen to your intuition, listen to your heart. All right, this situation is way deeper than it seems."
"It's metaphor time. It's that time in the video when I bring in some other seemingly unrelated idea and use it to explain what I'm trying to say in a deeper way."
"No matter what, there is almost always a deeper meaning to a Jinji Ito story."
"Have you ever sensed, my friends, as you observe the landscape of our world, that there's a deeper battle, a more intricate plot unfolding right beneath the surface of daily events?"
"This is one of those scenarios where this does have a deeper meaning and that it definitely could be about divorce."
"This miracle of Jesus packs a much deeper meaning than just turning water into wine."
"I think the Akatsuki Rings have a bit more meaning than most people tend to ascribe to them."
"Joy does not mean that life is easy, and it doesn't mean that you're happy all the time. But it means that there's something deeper beneath the struggle."
"Every story is like a puzzle holding within its words the keys to its own deeper meaning."
"...the thing is rarely about the thing."
"The battle beyond the battle is way more important."
"So the quilts and the quilters of Gee's Bend, there's just more to it."
"Every animal's got a job and we should think about it but actually it's deeper than that."
"The clear 'Man vs Machine' symbolism opens out the deeper influences that resonate throughout the film, and elevate beyond its deceptively simple story of action and survival."
"It carries some weight, it's worth a second look."
"...over romanticized memories on the surface level only to hold a way more critical and concrete meaning beneath."
"A day of unity isn't about the Titan or Magic, it's much scarier than that."
"There must be more to Christmas, but what?"
"When you realize it's a movie, it doesn't mean the movie goes away; you realize a deeper truth."
"It's more than just a game, it's a kind of an experiment in psychology."
"I think now I'm at a place where I want to dig a little deeper on why I am taking these photos."
"The story is a bit more complex than that."
"You know the reason is not just the season, there's something much more."
"It's not really about your ultimate lover after all; it's about something deeper, it's about love itself, the call of love, and it's sacred."
"It is worth considering finally to say, of course, the ships are beautiful, but there's more to it than that."
"It's not all about what you're seeing; it's about what it's saying too."
"Easter eggs can encourage us to look at a piece of media beyond face value."
"There is a lot more going on here than meets the eye."
"I think that if you're struggling with staying consistent in the gym, you need to find something that is just deeper than wanting to change the way your body looks."
"If all it's about is coming, that's not really all it's about. It's about the exchange of energy."
"I like to put like a metaphorical meaning behind things like that."