
Economic Management Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"We have to give Californians the relief that they deserve. The fact that we're at a $70 billion surplus... I've proposed the largest middle-class tax cut in California history."
"No matter what you hear, history and a simple Google search shows us that Democrats are better at the economy than Republicans."
"It's the Democrats that handle the economy better than the Republicans."
"I think that was something of a cold hard reality check... his primary purpose in the treasury right now is to restore economic credibility."
"We've nursed the economy as well as we could, and now the server can sustain itself."
"Once you've jumped into a second town center immediately getting that second town center up is going to allow you to produce villagers which is going to make your economy boom."
"This crisis marathon requires prudence and caution in private finances, a durable nominal anchor, a resilient financial system, a careful management of external balances, and flexibility and efficiency in the allocation of scarce resources."
"China's government is not trying to stimulate; they're managing the decline."
"If you're always playing afraid, your economy is going to be the thing that keeps you in the game."
"Trump is better on the economy; job growth has been strong throughout his three and a half years."
"Trump's reforms have been performative, built off the national credit card."
"As a pirate nation, you can order your ships to raid nearby nations for sailors and ducats and benefit from a massive mission tree."
"We're getting the cheapest buildings I have seen."
"Labor still ahead in the polling... best at handling the economy."
"Inflation is yet another crisis this White House has created."
"This city is now making 632 gold do not ask too many questions it's fine."
"Nigerians should begin to measure our leaders by outcomes we should stop measuring them by taking State money and dashing to people."
"Inflation is his number one economic priority."
"Leadership is key, but most importantly, to have very solid microeconomic managers that understand that the Nigerian economy is not met for ordinary investors; it's meant for the Nigerian people."
"In a single turn I sold, I transferred over 1,000 laborers to other branches."
"Shrink your armies, build more buildings, that's all I have to say about that."
"We have to manage through it, which to me meant that we have to do things at a significantly lower growth."
"The economy has been calibrated a lot better."
"If he just stuck with the grown-up who's in charge, I'm sorting out the economy, it's really difficult but you can trust me to just get on with the job."
"Finalizing centralization: trading political power for more factories."
"One-third of all workhouse inmates were over 65 years old like thousands of other paupers friend had been using the workhouse as a retirement home and remarkably after he died it was discovered that he'd even managed to squirrel away a nest egg."
"You can dominate northern Europe in no time and have a massive, massive trade empire."
"For your first idea group as Denmark, I recommend taking economic ideas."
"The economy is one of the most crucial aspects of this game."
"Pence has demonstrated the ability to maintain economic stability."
"Yeah, watch your back cya yeah so we got a seventy-six million dollar budget deficit at the Vatican."
"The government needs to be responsible and to get markets calmer and more under control."
"Let's go ahead and grab the war economy which should greatly improve my production and my military factory construction speed."
"Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to be fair them I've got plenty of progressive critique of them but they were good stewards of the economy and the economy did boom in the long run in their presidency."
"I have fixed our economy, we are losing 110k, but that's because our economy is a lot bigger now."
"We expect him to take what he's promised will be bold steps to tackle these risks chair powell vice chair nominee brainerd have also begun important work."
"Now you're overseeing the greatest economy in American history."
"Missions are a great way to earn credits and access private land. You can save credits by not having to buy passes."
"Stay strong, don't worry about docking fees."
"The owners box allows players to set prices on everything from hotdogs to parking spots."
"The Conservatives lost their reputation as the party of sound economic management."
"Hamilton gave us a legacy of sound fiscal management."
"The FED has orchestrated this soft landing."
"The economy is something that needs to be managed; it cannot be left to its own devices."