
Baby Care Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Just getting a little bit of sunlight in your baby's wake window can be super helpful for them and for you."
"Tummy time on your own chest, and bonus points if you do it skin-to-skin."
"Baby wearing actually does count as tummy time as well."
"It's just awesome, so if you have a baby and you're planning to feed them and change their diapers, I would recommend getting the baby tracker app."
"Baby can't sleep? Try white noise! 👶🎶 Soothing for babies as it reminds them of their time in the womb. #ParentingHack"
"Sleep training doesn't mean that you're sixteen week old baby has to stop eating overnight."
"Baby carriers though, one of my all-time favorite things."
"Feeding tired of holding the bottle all day? B-Ball creates an optimal nursing position without needing anything from you."
"Baby wearing is an absolute must. I feel like anybody who hasn't gotten used to it yet, if you just get past the learning curve, you find what wrap works best for you, you will be in love with it."
"I have not met a baby yet who does not like to be worn. And it just makes life so much easier. I do not know what I would do without a baby wrap."
"Breastfed babies never get diaper rashes at least in my experience until they start eating food."
"You can fix all that... just by adding a little sugar to the formula."
"I figured I would use this as the car seat blanket so this is like a little thicker and chunkier."
"It just works so well, they just sleep and you don't have to deal with them being fussy or anything. Especially once you can move them to the back, so around five months, I've moved the babies to the back carry and it's just so nice."
"You really just need a cheaper high chair with a footrest to give your baby that stability they need when first learning to eat."
"I know it's quite important that blankets have holes in if you're using them for like um sleeping or just in general around a baby like it's really things like this again don't beat yourself up about knowing because I didn't know."
"I have to go check the consistency of baby's poop."
"If you've ever swaddled a baby, it's basically what you're doing."
"She doesn't cry, my baby does not cry."
"So, we modernized the way that people clean their baby's nose and ears, there was nothing like this on the market. As a pharmacist, I knew better, nothing addressed boogers, and it's the most important thing because it involves babies breathing better."
"...if you want somewhere to secure to place your baby, you know, to entertain them while you rest, relax, take a shower."
"...they both have these reclining mechanisms underneath which makes them super easy to alter the angle of the seat."
"I hope the information that I've shared today can be beneficial to you as you get ready to welcome your own baby or even just look to improve what you are doing for your baby's play right now."
"Instant hydration for babies under the pump and the shower moisturizer."
"Baby wearing is awesome, not only for mamas but also for daddy as well."
"It's okay for your baby to have cold milk."
"30 inch by 30 inch little receiving baby blankets. We use these for everything and still use them every single day at almost eight months old."
"Gripe water seriously helps babies with their gas and hiccups. It makes his hiccups disappear within seconds."
"And I don't know why but it's just soothing for baby and it gets them to sleep gets them to relax."
"I'm really on the whole hype of a fed baby as a happy baby."
"The Tommy Tippy healthcare kit, that is brilliant, I absolutely love it, it's got a thermometer, it's got a hair brush, it's got a comb, literally everything you could possibly need for your little one to keep them nice and groomed."
"Babies basically don't like the Calpol going in their mouth from the syringe, if you've got bottle teats, so the bit that goes on the top, pop the Calpol in the top of the teat and then squeeze it through and the baby just drinks it through the teat as if it was milk."
"Prefolds are one of the simplest and cheapest nappies out there."
"Wool covers are a really good thing to consider. They're really breathable, so the nappy will not feel as wet against baby's bottom because the moisture is able to evaporate out through the nappy."
"Babies have breathing that is designed to freak you out."
"Mom hack: cut your baby's nails when they're sleeping."
"For all of y'all new parents out there, you're gonna need that top tier baby noise cancellation."
"It's actually very vitally important to be getting enough saturated fat when you are either growing a baby or breastfeeding a baby. It's very important for the baby themselves for their brain development and for the growth of their body."
"This is so important to have obviously. I mean, you wouldn't be able to get the baby home without a car seat."
"This drawer has all of her burp cloths, these are washcloths, bibs, a whole bunch more bibs, like literally a gazillion bibs."
"One of the most important things you can do to care for your baby is nappy changing."
"When a baby doesn't get their bottle, they become very, very evil, unfortunately."
"There's never a scare of anything with the baby."
"Make sure the room's warm and warm it up before you bath your baby."
"Your baby never needs a hat in the house and certainly not when they're asleep."
"Be attentive to the baby's cries and cues before they become hysterical."
"I'll do whatever it takes to protect my baby."
"I love this bassinet... it's like a bedside bassinet so I can easily get to him, I can see him at all times."
"Bring some matching swaddle sets that you want, maybe at least two outfits but bring different sizes because you never know."
"He's eating, sleeping, pooping, crying, and doing all the things that full-term babies do."
"Your baby can cry for a few minutes and still be all right."
"A baby carrier is something that will actually get them entertained and can work for you and can save you some time."
"Making use of the baby care center is a game-changer."
"Before I had baby G, somebody told me, 'When you get him onesies, make sure they have zippers.'"
"What's important is for the baby to be healthy."
"It's the only stain remover that can get messes out of onesies; I am convinced it's the best stain remover out there."
"Something that helps a baby go to sleep. Milk."
"Sleep sacks are so much more convenient, they're like a little pod you put the baby in."
"They keep the baby asleep for longer, which mamas, I know we all want."
"Swaddles... they also make great burp cloths, they also make great makeshift like diaper changing pads."
"Everything that we're doing is centered around what's beneficial for that mom and baby."
"Make sure you have something that's cord friendly, make sure that you have enough diapers."
"Get the plush and gentle feel of Huggies newborn ultra gentle baby wipes."
"The softest Huggies wipe ever for gentle cleaning."
"All of these are gonna hold a little bit more milk than your traditional bottle. That's awesome."
"I've heard socks are very important, and babies need socks, so I brought socks."
"Between these two diaper tension points, what we're going to see is a C curve to begin."
"No baby brush compares to this, his hair was looking, it was thriving, it was flourishing."
"I could never go back to a pampered swaddler to the point that all the extra ones I had, I went and donated them."
"One of my favorite features of a Moses basket is just how portable they are."
"The Tula carrier has really come into its own."
"Now, now little baby, what seems to be the matter? That face is too beautiful to be scrunched up screaming like that."
"Baby feeding chairs or high chairs are probably one of the more trending and in-demand items in the baby care industry."
"I will feed baby, I will change the baby, I will put cute clothes on the baby."
"It's pretty versatile in terms of what this baby carrier can do."
"That's why we opted to go with this baby carrier."
"I wanted to make sure that I picked diapers and wipes that are fragrance-free and paraben-free because if I'm choosing that for myself, why wouldn't I also choose that for my baby?"
"It's a noise machine that we use for him while he's sleeping, and it's fantastic."
"She is a handful to hold and she is absolutely incredible."
"How often should you bathe your baby? No more than three times a week."
"My desire with this video is that it would educate a new mom or even a mom who is wondering, 'Okay, what do I buy for the baby I'm expecting?'"
"It makes a very thick, squishy, comfortable baby blanket for a special baby."
"It's designed to detect your baby's earliest wake-up signs and respond before he or she starts crying, creating a soothing environment where your little one can get a more continuous stretch of sleep."
"The baby burp cloth is a simple and easy pattern to use, and it is going to be very useful when you are holding your baby."
"It's machine washable and dryable, which is great because if you're using this as a burp cloth, this will definitely come in handy when you need to just throw it in the washer and dryer."
"Go for a drive if your baby is fussing because it is the best thing ever."
"I wanted a towel that would work with water, it'd work as a towel, but something that was thick and plushy for baby and soft."
"This is good for those babies that are born during this time of the year, like October, and you want to make sure that they leave the hospital in a warm snuggly cocoon."
"The whole idea of the kind system is that you don't really use traditional bottles."
"What's really cool is the fact that you can pump directly into the bag."
"Literally all you have to clean when it comes to this bottle system is the nipple."
"With a baby monitor, you can listen to and monitor your little one from a distance, providing peace of mind."
"The biggest standout feature of the Miku is its ability to monitor your baby's breathing without the use of any wearables."
"I just honestly think I'm gonna keep it pretty simple for the first few months of her life."
"These are the world's purest baby wipes, 99% water and a drop of fruit extract."
"It's really important to have hats for your baby in the summertime, just because of the sun so their little heads don't burn."
"I love onesies, and I think that they are so wonderful for newborn babies."
"Love the wetness indicator line on the Pampers."
"Having a baby, you have to figure out what works for you, what you prefer, what your baby prefers."
"I cannot wait to label all of my baby's drawers with this label maker."
"It's so soft, it's lovely, and I think it's great against baby skin."
"It protects the baby from the sun and germs."
"Slings are very convenient and practical."
"The most important baby gear thing you can buy, I would say, is some kind of baby carrier."
"The Halo swaddle is phenomenal, it's a velcro swaddle."
"These to me are just hands down the best blankets to swaddle a baby with. I absolutely love them so much."
"I love the Dr. Bronner's baby soap, it's by far one of my favorites."
"So many requests for diaper deals, we have a good deal on Pampers diapers."
"A baby towel with a little hood... it's the best thing ever."