
Geopolitical Tensions Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"I think Russia is really fucked up in a lot of ways for what they're doing. I do think they were poked and poked and poked by NATO and the West until they finally fucking reacted."
"The only war that's going to happen with Russia is if nobody helps Ukraine."
"If the United States gets serious about restricting technology acquisition and technology theft by the Chinese communists, then there could indeed emerge some serious strains within China."
"The US is attempting to spark an unthinkable conflict with China, but China's rise cannot be stopped."
"Any native deposits of phosphorus will be prized, mined quickly and maybe even become a critical commodity folks have wars over."
"The risk of nuclear war has never been higher."
"The assassination of Litvinenko shook the world out of their complacency regarding Putin."
"Economic and military conflicts may spiral out of control if strategic rivalry continues to intensify."
"China's not real happy with Russia... cause us to start um uh cranking up our industrial base."
"Planetary positions indicate continued challenges for Ukraine, especially around late March-April."
"Europe is at War. Russia has declared war more or less on all these countries."
"The withdrawal of foreign capital from China is attributed to challenging economic environment, rising geopolitical tensions, and tighter control by the Chinese Communist Party."
"The API put out this strongly worded statement condemning Russia for the attack and casually noting that they'll probably have to sell a whole bunch of oil and gas for the good of the world."
"This was significant. This man was the fifth nuclear scientist that's been killed since 2010 in Iran."
"We are at war with Russia... we have lost a war with Russia."
"A regional war turned into the First World War because all parties made maximalist demands and assumed others were bluffing. It can happen again."
"China is not creating the world's largest and most capable navy simply as a coast guard."
"Putin believes that Russia is the desirable target of the West, that the West wants to grab, take Russia over, to grab it, to split its resources, to take control over the country."
"China is upset about Russia's Invasion because it violates Ukrainian sovereignty."
"He's chosen this moment to announce that he's staging military drills to test Russia's nuclear delivery systems."
"Putin is acting out his own insecurities, waging a war against a smaller state that is totally unprovoked."
"Sounds to me like they're given some Poland some stuff to get ready for a conflict."
"The combined power of China and Russia surpasses that of the former Soviet Union."
"North Korea... will only add to what Russia, China, and Iran have."
"The continuing Western military aid to Ukraine will provoke Russian counts to measures."
"Russia was paying cash, literally cash dollars, for the murder of Americans in Afghanistan."
"NATO currently faces the most dangerous and unprecedented security environment since the Cold War."
"China will have to think far ahead because we are not going to stop tensions regarding Taiwan."
"Look at what they've done to Ukraine, dangerously close to direct conflict with Russia."
"A new iron curtain is once again descending upon Europe, and while Latvia this time finds itself on the safe side, it does stand on the front line."
"My fear for the last several years is that what started out as a trade war will turn into a tech War, and then eventually morph into a cold war."
"President Erdogan opposes Finland and Sweden joining NATO."
"Europe against all and against a new enemy, not the Soviets."
"For those intellectuals in the room, it's one thing to study war and another thing to live on borders."
"A U.S. aircraft carrier group has entered the South China Sea, tensions between Communist China and Taiwan are raising concern."
"Add that with very turbulent geopolitical news between the United States and China and you absolutely almost have a recipe for disaster."
"I just want that opportunity. I have to seize the opportunity at all costs."
"US officials have cited the possibility of a great power conflict with China."
"Putin's openness to joining NATO turned to annoyance with NATO and is now just opened hostility toward NATO."
"It's just the most depressing thing to think that World War III is actually based on what our politicians are going to decide to do."
"If China starts acting up... that's going to really tank the market."
"China is definitely the biggest dog out there and they're just waiting to see how the U.S responds... they are going to push things and see what they can get away with." - Unnamed source discussing geopolitical tensions
"The People's Republic of China's stated ambitions and coercive policies challenge our interests, security, and values."
"Iran nuke deal now near collapse over a last-minute demand from Russia. They're worried about Iranian oil hitting the market. Biden administration reportedly ready to end Title 42 at the southern border."
"I truly hope that this goes away, I truly wish that this was just posturing from each side."
"The British have been at the forefront of the sanctions war against Russia."
"The battle between the British government and China's 5g provider is ramping up." - UK's stance on Huawei faces retaliation threats.
"Any country who has a doomsday mentality will likely be part of the reason why you see North Korea so interested in its nuclear weapon."
"Getting harassed for criticizing Beijing, facing protests for supporting free speech. You think that's normal in China, but it's actually happening in the US."
"When I saw the severity of the sanctions that Biden put on Russia... we're playing with fire here."
"China and its regime is not a friendly country at this moment. It is not compatible with Western democracies in their strategic goals and principles."
"Admiral Charles Richard expects China's nuclear weapon stockpile to double if not triple or quadruple over the next decade."
"You can expect a massive response from NATO."
"Russia seems to be gearing up to invade Ukraine, which would be bad."
"China and Russia's disruptive actions send shock waves through the international stage, challenging the established order."
"That's why we are going to war with Russia and China folks. That's why there will be a World War Three because Russia and China right now are trying to dethrone the American petrodollar."
"The absolute biggest risk here is an AI arms race."
"World War III has begun. The question now is, will the winds of this war engulf the Middle East and America in the future?"
"I think the Korean Peninsula will be one of the four major points of conflict in East Asia."
"Minutes later, the alerts stop. The danger has passed. The rocket has been detected landing in the sea between North Korea and Japan. No-one has been hurt."
"I hope they're right, yeah, but when a conflict with China is impossible, that it won't happen, that it's unrealistic... God help us."
"Russia's continual expansion eastwards and southeastwards reached the borders of Afghanistan, sparking tensions."