
Cultural Uniqueness Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Enjoy spending time in the only French-speaking major city in all of North America. It is one of the most unique places."
"What sets Mexico apart from the rest of the world is culture."
"Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that."
"There isn’t any country in the world quite like Brazil."
"Despite the start of cooking being everywhere, Scots have a unique passion for haggis."
"Ain't no city quite like mine, you can feel the magic still."
"Portland, Oregon is a weird state and most of the people living here will tell you that... the most popular bumper sticker is one that literally says 'keep Portland weird'."
"Japan is incredibly unique in many ways, but one very special part about this country is the honor and respect in their culture, which leads to a basically complete lack of theft."
"You ain't never seen a Korean get cussed out."
"The Yumi is unique amongst War bows and stands apart from bows in the rest of the world."
"Bottom line it's what makes this country incredible and like no other in the world."
"There does not appear to be another civilization where their laws and beliefs include loving the stranger."
"On the island of Bali, cremation can be a dramatic, all-day affair."
"Europe's medieval cities and history remain unmatched to the rest of the world."
"Nowhere else in the world were swords restricted to a single group in society like this."
"I think this whole season's gonna be filled with things to do where you say that only in Ireland would this happen."
"One of the cities in the United States that is incredibly distinct, has its own individual personality, flavor, culture, history."
"The linguistic plurality of nations like Ukraine is not a unique phenomenon."
"Like the white population, we are diverse within ourselves... There is not a monolithic black experience."
"There's never been a better time to visit Canada. The weather is great, the people are friendly, and the food has its unique twist."
"Trinidad is so unique... definitely a place to visit."
"What is a common thing in your country but rare in others? Freedom."
"Every country has its own unique market experience."
"Naples has one unique achievement, 'Not Just Pizza.'"
"Louisville's a weird city. It's a wonderful city, but it's also really unusual."
"An American is the only person in the world who does not ask permission."
"We are the culture. Other groups don't have family reunions like us."
"Black culture for me is very enriching it's very unique."
"Where's your culture? What's unique about you? Yeah, what I'm saying exactly right."
"A single Kenyan tribe called the Kalenjin is known for producing most of the world's fastest long-distance runners."
"Monaco was honestly maybe my favorite place that we went I don't know it was just really cool and different like it's a small country it's basically France but people basically made their own country so they didn't have to pay taxes."
"There was no other place quite like this; it was a true American original."
"Australian cars were very thoroughly Australian."
"Louisiana and Maine are both unique states with cultures unlike the rest of the country."
"There's no place on Earth where it's as friendly as Texas."
"I like how two of the most famous places for wanting independence in North America have their own thing."
"ECW cannot be duplicated. Playing the same notes doesn't create the same music."
"I love that the UK is full of that uniqueness. Just random strange things that doesn't mean you're going to like them all because I don't like Mr Blobby, I don't get it, but I love that the UK is so unique."
"South Africa, I feel, is super unique in the way that we connect with one another, the words that we use, the lingo, just everything is very different to anything I've ever experienced in another country."
"Ethiopia celebrates New Year's on September the 11th."
"Look, I'm not saying that traditions have anything to do with the educational mission of the institution. But it's the traditions that give this institution its uniqueness, its culture, its flavor."
"Paraguay is a really unique country with a lot going on."
"What made Eastern civilization unique? How can we distinguish Eastern civilization from all the other civilizations?"
"In Bazoulé, Burkina Faso, crocodiles have a different reputation, one that involves being friendly and even playful with humans."
"It may not be big in size but it's huge in natural wonders, quirky places/traditions, and very passionate and generous people."
"Every country has a different design language, a signature."
"I love 7-Eleven at Asia; it's just built different."
"There's not only great diversity between indigenous people; there's great diversity within each tribal community."
"One sort of unique thing you can find here in Sabah is these water villages."
"They are simply happy people, they are just at a level of friendliness that you cannot get anywhere else in the world."
"That makes us unique and that makes us have our own culture and our own backgrounds."
"Tangier, Virginia: Members have a unique accent unlike any other place in the US."
"It's interesting because it's something completely different that you'll only see in Bangkok."
"It's such a Japanese thing, I haven't seen that anywhere else."
"When countries are so small, history is so deep, and neighbors are so close, perhaps it becomes more important than ever to cling to a culture or language which makes you unique."