
Fish Quotes

There are 495 quotes

"Yellowtail is basically The Best of Both Worlds."
"Strangest looking fish: a fish that looks like this could be completely undiscovered species."
"The sarcastic fringehead: a fish with a mouthful of attitude."
"Salmon is super super important for our bodies."
"Sturgeon is the absolute king of smoked fish."
"The Mandarin fish has one of the most spectacular colorations of any fish."
"Goldfish are like water puppies, they have really big personalities."
"Uniformly all of a bunch of fish are not doing the same thing, that's usually an environmental factor."
"Being surrounded by millions of fish like that is an experience like no other."
"The ocean sunfish also known as molas are the heaviest of all bony fish."
"The oldest cooked meal is no longer tubers but fish, 780,000 years ago."
"Look how beautiful this flower horn is. I can't really get good lighting on them, but I mean, look at that fish, beautiful."
"Pollock is a fantastic substitute for cod, everybody loves cod, it's like America's favorite white fish."
"They're aggressive, they are feisty, and they're just underrated."
"This is just a message to all Delaware fish, you better watch out."
"We got proper lucky, a beautiful wide back mirror, great big black scales on his shoulders."
"Tilapia really are a fascinating fish."
"Salmon, tuna, sardines, or cold-water fish are rich in omega-3, widely studied in improving blood fats and lowering cholesterol."
"This is the Japanese koi carp, a fish that is worldwide admired among collectors and enthusiasts."
"Nothing fishy is going on here, dude, this thing's crazy."
"This is going to be the kickoff, the start of an epic multi-video series about adding fish to this Pond and perfecting it in every video."
"What do you call a fish wearing a bow tie? Sophisticated."
"So now let's get this fish cooked, see if we can find someone to cook it. Bom dia! How are you?"
"The fish itself, we want flaky batter. We want crispy batter that snaps when you bite into it, and the fish we want to be really flaky inside and have just a really nice flavor."
"If you've never cleaned a fish before, this is one of the easiest ways to prepare and clean a fish without wasting any meat."
"Here's the craziest thing about this whole ordeal though: this was the first time a live fish from its family has ever been seen before."
"Muskies bite their prey and then they turn it around or they turn themselves around and then they eat things head first. A lot of fish do that."
"I hope you don't [ __ ] it up, otherwise this fish died for nothing."
"...trying to balance it all the time to try and create a variety of different-looking fish."
"I love fish. I love fish so much."
"That's a nice white piece, see that? Didn't even look like the same fish."
"Nemo is a clown fish and clown fish talk to each other by making clicking and popping noises."
"Beautiful fish silver and just reflecting the water you can see like Bluey green on him."
"There's largemouth and one of my personal favorites, freshwater striped bass."
"They're going to go great in here we got this little puffer fish I don't know what kind it is but he's really cool."
"This is your fish," he said, playfully bumping me on the nose with the back of his wrist.
"The fastest fish in the ocean, baby!"
"...every year Vietnam exports 1.5 billion of these low-cost, colorless, and odorless fillets."
"We need some blue tangs in here big blue tangs in here I'm telling you whenever we go and buy fish we try to get as many fish as possible."
"All these flower horns are in individual tanks, and they're grooming them for their best potential."
"I hope you guys are enjoying these buying fish videos."
"The oddly mesmerizing color pattern of our fifth fish called preventsis is what makes it reach this list."
"The Shivering beauty of Splendid killifish made it to our top centerpiece species."
"The freshwater Angelfish, which has earned that title because of their striking colors and distinctive and dramatic body shapes."
"The Pearl Gourami is one of the most underappreciated centerpiece fish for medium-sized fish tanks."
"They're just a really spectacular fish and they love a planted tank."
"Kuhli loaches don't look like anything else in the hobby."
"Superfish, they really are quite unlike any other sort of fish."
"One of the nice things about tench, they've all got teddy bear eyes."
"The fish used to love it. They used to use it as a rubbing post."
"Increasing intake of fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines can provide the optimal amount of EPA and DHA."
"You know those fish are gonna be moving around chasing that school of bait that's where the forward-facing sonar has made it so so easy to stay on those fish."
"Suddenly you had the most beautiful fish, I suppose at the time it was probably the most iconic fish."
"The fish are moving a lot from what I understand."
"Most new fish come close to Madness the first night."
"Fish! Awesome! I could use a little taste of home."
"If you want the best fish, you have to come to Fish Key. It's as simple as that. Do not buy fish from a supermarket."
"I have never really done snorkeling before, but there are so many fish."
"That's a much healthier fish right there."
"These fish are really giving me a run for my money today."
"These fish, they're not really gaining size, but they got more horror than a small tuber, baby."
"The yellow algae had come to life and wrapped itself around the fish. It was like the algae had a consciousness."
"Just take a moment and appreciate the saapa red pencil fish."
"A planted 90-gallon with angelfish, a black devil catfish."
"These are the Tuxedo koi Guppies."
"Swimbladder infection show themselves as a fish not being able to maintain buoyancy, floating, listing to one side."
"There's more fish in the sea than there is stuff on land."
"Rose tail guppies: amazing fish. It's the dorsal as well as the uh the actual Tail as well, it's just so like vibrant."
"The shell dwellers have bred a few times."
"Isn't that cool? Yeah, you can put fish in this."
"That's a little orange African cichlid oh that's beautiful that is sick good eye Helen that's a little orange fish."
"This is a freaking monster. Believe it or not, there's actually fish out here that are bigger than this monster."
"Not only do you have a huge range of fish that are fully quarantined here ready to go, but you also are able to Source literally pretty much anything."
"These are the most kissable fish I've ever seen."
"It's a fish, yes sir, on the goldfish, baby."
"oh there's more there's fish pouring out of the week"
"Swordtails are lively freshwater fish that bring color and motion to any aquarium."
"Tetras are shoaling fish and require other species members to swim boldly and display their finest colors."
"Freshwater Angelfish can co-exist with several smaller schooling fish like tetras and rainbow fish in community aquariums."
"Guppies offer color and movement to almost every level of a freshwater tank."
"Cherry fish is the most peaceful of the bunch."
"Danios are known as dither fish, which draw out more timid or shy fish and make them feel safe."
"Few fish have the incredible array of hues and patterns that the discus fish has in the freshwater hobby."
"I have a bunch of guppy fry from a previous spawn all from the same mom that we're going to put in one of these tanks."
"Danios are excellent schooling fish for freshwater aquariums."
"Rainbow fish are great for planted aquariums where they will school in the top and mid-water levels of the fish tank."
"A fish is gonna think that's a piece of squid and they're gonna go for it."
"I'm gonna be giving you guys the seven best neon tetra tank mates."
"Fish make mistakes, they're just like us. Hooks catch fish, they're just like us."
"I'm all over these fish, they're all over me, well not all, just slightly off to my left and short here."
"Lovely fish to end the vlog on. What a lad."
"...you can definitely keep angels Rams tetras maybe even a pleco or Quarry and you'd have a great Community setup."
"Even from a fish this size, that's as good as it gets."
"Absolutely amazing, probably a fish about three and a half pounds."
"As long as the vegetation is here, we'll see a good population of fish."
"Well, this is the fish that the French call 'silure'. The Wells or European catfish. One of the slimiest fish in the lake, and I'm glad I'm not unhooking it."
"Oh my, that's an awesome fish right there."
"There were several fish right in this area, I could see them."
"The Pacific bluefin tuna is one of the largest and fastest fish in the ocean."
"That fish was probably a low double, really really nice looking fish."
"They have all the luck of regular fish."
"People who consumed one fish meal a week had a 60% reduction in the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease."
"Rainbow trout... that's like an S tier fish."
"Whale shark... they're beautiful fish. I'd put in at least A or S. I personally S because of how adorable they are."
"Take a look at that fish man, these things are so epic."
"I love the color of these fish man, they're so pretty."
"These fish just go on the hunt, they kind of cruise the banks."
"Wild fish have got worms in them it's just pounding it won't cause you any harm so long as you freeze them fully or if you cook them fully."
"500k special before this video starts let me Enlighten you the answer to the title of this video is yes fish will eat anything that moves."
"So, did you find any? So obviously you found you so what did you do then? See the algae was clearing but um and did you say did you find fish or did you?"
"Good old fatty fish loaded with Omega-3s can help you to lower your cholesterol naturally."
"I think my lion would really like fresh fish."
"It measures your fish from the bottom of the scale to the tip of the tail."
"At the end of this video, I'm gonna make an adjustment that's going to just absolutely blow your mind on fish that would not previously eat and just send them into a dang Feeding Frenzy you're not going to want to miss it."
"Wow, me amazing fish, an old one but still a good fish."
"Despite being a walking fish with a diver’s helmet–quite true to his name."
"Eating fish three times a week or more effectively reduces risk by one-third."
"Our fascination with this fish can cause us to miss so much wonder."
"Love mouth breeding fish, oh yeah."
"Do we even really need to talk about this? Listen, it's the first thing you were told about fish when you were a kid: don't tap on the glass."
"These are some of my absolute favorite fish in the hobby."
"Till next time, guys, stay fishy, my friends."
"What is your favorite product in your fish room or for your fish tank?"
"this has a ton of awesome beautiful fish in it we have mostly haplochromines we also have some Dragon Bloods and OB peacocks"
"They're very peaceful so they definitely won't fin nip or harass the pisto in any way."
"The future of these fish rests in the fascination and appreciation people like Will Goodman have for these living legends."
"This is the most money we've ever spent on fish guys, this is freaking insane."
"Or do we get some medium-sized bigger parrot fish and stuff like that?"
"That is one cool fish and he's gonna love it in here."
"We're gonna add the bettas back into the pond as well."
"We gotta send the dancing catfish, albino pleco, bumblebee catfish."
"So the fish that we keep in our tanks and this is true for the corals too but I'm assuming you're talking about fish food when you're talking about pellets."
"It's full of intellectual kuna you know fish that it's nutrient it's full of energy."
"It's more than just a little fish, it's a life."
"Cod is a very, very versatile fish."
"Bashers, a lot of the time can kind of skate by with larger, more aggressive fish that ignore them. If they can't eat it, they tend to leave it well enough alone."
"A cool albino fish, it's a dinosaur eel. They're cute little predators that look like dragons."
"Acclimating is pretty much taking a new fish from a bag and pretty much acclimatizing that fish to your water."
"They're a great fish to add to your aquarium, plants safe which is nice."
"Sometimes it can happen not entirely sure why, but the Amano and bristlenose will sort of eat off any of the degrading matter there."
"Mandy experiments to make fish more comfortable—like using shredded trash bags tied to tubes as cleaner spawning mops."
"Wow, that fish is beautiful Paul I love that might be my favorite fish."
"Buying fish is the best part of this hobby. We all love it."
"Who would have thought that fish suffer poor diets too? In the wild, betta fish have a wide assortment of plants, algae, insects, and detritus to choose from to eat."
"Never doing things because you want to do it, do things because the fish tell you to."
"What a night! Literally had two hours sleep, this is fish number eight."
"Piranhas are best known for being among the most ferocious fish in the world, especially because they hunt in schools."
"These are migrating fish. They're not holding fish. They'll stop for a rest. They may stop for a break, but they're gonna continue on in their migration, to all the legendary tributaries of the Skeena River."
"I got a trade request right now... I got four fishes, yeah, four of them! Oh my god, that is amazing!"
"While initially terrifying, the hyperactive fish's over-the-top vocals leave us in stitches."
"It's proper weird, big fish hunting really is."
"There's tens of thousands of fish here."
"Those fish aren't traveling anywhere to move to a different depth because of time of year. They're already where they're going to be until fall hits."
"Every fish is special. Let's take a look at this guy here."
"I like my half moon fish to have strong bodies. Think about it, long thin fish like half moons have a lot of finnage to hold up. They have to hold it up and flare it around and swim with it for the rest of their lives."
"I want a fish with a really strong, pretty metallic layer. That's what I have in my brain, like it looks golden."
"It's amazing how many Jack crevall they're up here right now."
"You got some quality fish there, aren't you? Well over eight out of some of them."
"Absolutely full of fish at the moment."
"The color line is critical. Fish use that line because that edge where light is no longer penetrating all the way down to the bottom and illuminating it, where you can see it, that edge is shade."
"Everything was so delicious and we haven't even gone to the fish yet."
"Seafood capital of the western versas, everything is based on fish, so much fish, it's a gang!"
"I just have it because of freaking fish man."
"It's always better when it's fresh, I love fish."
"The fish made enough money to retire."
"There's a surplus, like a fish that have moved to this side of the lake."
"This sucker's fat. Might be a female full of eggs."
"I'm always amazed when people pour scorn on a fish simply because of its size."
"A vampire-like fish that looks a lot like an alien and dates back to prehistoric times has been spotted in the rivers of the United Kingdom."
"Are you kidding me? These fish right here, the Colorado River cutthroat, are known to be some of the prettiest freshwater fish, the prettiest trout in general."
"...these small carp you've shown us here have the potential to grow onto enormous sizes."
"Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are very good for heart health and brain development."
"Absolutely stunning fish, big old slice scales on it. Imagine this one when he's put on a bit more weight."
"Lake Champlain is a big fish Lake. There's some phenomenal fish here."
"A fish is smarter than seaweed brain."
"Some of you may find that weird if you've never had fish for breakfast."
"This fish doesn't have terribly sharp teeth or anything, but they do have gaping fluorescent teeth that can open up like a huge umbrella."
"That's a nice fish still in good shape."
"True or false: The size of your goldfish will grow too is influenced by the size of the bowl you keep him in."
"No amount of superlatives can describe this fish other than awesome, utterly awesome."
"Eating fish two or three times a week has been shown to slow down progression of the disease."
"The skin of fresh fish should be silky, not sticky or dull."
"I think we both agreed, brown trout at the end of the day is definitely the better tasty eating fish."
"Fresh fish are also being affected by climate change."
"Now imagine you're strolling along a serene riverbank, perhaps in the Amazon basin or a river in Papua New Guinea. The water is clear, and you see a variety of fish swimming, but then something unusual catches your eye: a fish with teeth that look eerily similar to human teeth."
"When you hear the word piranha, what comes to mind? Probably a swarm of ferocious fish with razor-sharp teeth, right?"
"The goonch catfish, native to the murky waters of rivers like the Ganges and the Mekong, is a true giant among freshwater fish."
"Fish exhibit two primary most basic responses to outside stimuli: a positive investigative one and a negative inhibitory one."
"We're gonna go clean these fish up right now."
"Now it's time to put our fish on the grill."
"This fish, it's a tuna cut in half and it's continuing to move. That is some fresh fish right there."
"This diver was swimming around when he accidentally created his own force field made of fish."
"Look at that, wow, that little one there absolutely fending off the massive Royal aara."
"They're looking so vibrant and lovely."
"What a way to start the morning, the most venomous fish in the world. That'll definitely get your morning going."
"Guppies are one of the most popular aquarium fish."
"But these are all wild caught l-134s."
"Once you've had that chance to enjoy a moment with these fish, you'll understand what it's like to be truly addicted."
"Stay tuned as the next video we're going to bring the fish over, the big boys. That's going to be no small undertaking."
"Love that you even have some fish in the tank."