
Stress-free Quotes

There are 416 quotes

"The best types of vacations are the ones when you don't need to worry about a thing."
"Food should be about social connection... there shouldn't be a stress and rigidness."
"Eat unprocessed foods, eat healthy, but don't worry about the little stuff."
"Taking away the stress of leaving the phone and the wallet behind."
"Sometimes you just want a drama-free family day."
"Let's just have fun this autumn right guys it's really not that serious like let's not stress about living the ultimate autumn aesthetic and that's just actually like be in the moment you know."
"This job is so lit, okay? You can literally take a day off when you need to. There's no pressure."
"The gameplay feeling that's fresh and at the same time it's low stress to play. It's just sort of clean simple fun."
"Just do whatever you want, there's no pressure."
"No need to feel guilty about it, no need to worry about the expense. It doesn't matter, it's one day here, and it's saving you a lot of hassle, right?"
"Being agenda-free, living a stress-free life, no drama, oh yeah, it's well worth it."
"It feels like a much smaller Community now and I love it so much because it's manageable there's no pressure."
"I literally do not feel stressed out when I go to Sam's Club."
"It's just the epitome of stress-free fun gaming."
"What is success? Enjoying meals with loved ones without stress."
"Just remember to always have fun with it and don't stress over it."
"True luxury is being able to enjoy something without worries."
"It basically just takes all of the stress and commitment out of hanging art on your wall."
"I'm kind of used to just having a relaxing Christmas, no presents, no stress, no gifts, nothing like that."
"How can you be stressed when you live on the beach? You got palm trees, you got beautiful blue water."
"It's lovely, no stress, beautiful."
"It's so nice having a day off and not having to worry about every single little thing."
"No stress docking is what this is all about with these 300 Verados and the joystick."
"You're going to be less stressed, you're going to be fresh like a daisy getting to your destination."
"The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence."
"It was like stress-free, just acting all day, all night for three days with these two mega women that I've looked up to for such a long time."
"I wish you a very happy stress-free life with your lovely family."
"I think that if you didn't have a Kreg Jig, you don't have to stress too much. I think that you could just do some really long, like three-inch screws, countersink them a little bit with some wood glue. I think you'd be okay."
"Good Ranchers makes it so easy. I don't have to stress about what I'm going to make for dinner."
"The biggest thing I told myself to focus on was to make sure the entire process of starting the Sketchbook was stress-free."
"Wayfair registry makes it so simple, stress-free, easy, fun, all of the good things."
"Their problem, not mine. I'm stress-free over here."
"It was literally the best day ever, I was not stressed out at all."
"Frontage roads can be a less stressful option for drivers."
"Vacations are not meant to be stressful."
"You get to enjoy your life, no stress, no pressure."
"Making a drop-dead gorgeous pudding doesn't mean attempting something so demanding that you're completely stressed out by it."
"You couldn't do this in the ground. It's no dig, no issue, no stress. And more importantly no watering."
"Finally, like I can breathe, I can maybe go enjoy my time, I don't have to stress, I don't have to think about this thing anymore, it's finally over."
"Eating well in 2023 can be time efficient, stress-free, and also pretty dang tasty."
"I chose to live stress-free, Hakuna Matata."
"Nope, I do not want the stress. Art needs to be joyful for me."
"I always say it's Christmas without the stress."
"I wish there was a way we could just hang out without having to worry about stuff."
"The feeling of waking up and not having anywhere to be and no stress is the most liberating thing in the world."
"Buying tickets for your favorite event should not be stressful."
"Snag tickets without the stress with Game Time."
"When you are confident all around, when you're confident in your game, there's no stress."
"They want friends who encourage them, to feel included and involved, and to be free from stress."
"They were not stressful, they were so good."
"If you're considering a Universal wedding, it's easy and stress-free."
"It's not work for me. I am not under any pressure or stress when I'm doing this."
"No rules. If you like to do things the right way or if you like to wing it, just do you. No stress."
"Literally don't spend a single second of your waking day worrying about it."
"You deserve a stressfree wedding day."
"It's just a stress-free way of saving for things or to get out of debt, and it gives you a really good feeling."
"Stamps.com is a stress-free solution for every small business."
"You're putting out intentions and letting them be without stress."
"Feeling liberated, not having to worry about anything like stress about money or anything like that."
"It's like stress-free set, just acting, acting all day, all night for three days with these two mega women that I've looked up to for such a long time."
"Keeps offers a simple stress-free way to keep your hair with convenient virtual doctor consultations."
"One powerful method of leading a stress-free life: a clean conscience."
"There's no risk, no capital needed, and most importantly, there's no stress."
"I literally love my life right now it's so chill I'm really not that stressed."
"You're happy being single, stress-free, and abundant."
"Being obscenely strong lets the player collect all of the Pokémon they want without the normal stress of managing a less powerful team."
"You deserve a stress-free rehearsal day and wedding day."
"But man what a wonderful experience where you can just sit around smile and not stress about having to catch them the next day."
"Planning a solo cruise is remarkably stress-free."
"You're stress-free just completely stress-free which sounds weird because if you mess it up it's like you feel like it's a big deal later but in the moment you just you don't worry about anything."
"The most important thing with regards to successful stress-free public charging is planning."
"...I envision the prep for it going so much more smoothly and stress-free."
"In simplicity, his life is so simple, wakes up in the morning, goes with the camels, comes back, he's not stressed, he's not worried."
"I'm never stressed. I literally have no stress in my life ever."
"You can do whatever we want, way less stress."
"That was pretty stress-free to be honest with you."
"No stress, no knuckles, no grease, no nothing. Just nice, sane work."
"This is your hour to live stress-free."
"I speak over every person in this room: This is your hour to live stress-free."
"Painting is so much more enjoyable to me now. It's so much less stressful, and I feel like more often than not, my paintings are successful when I paint this way."
"Stress-free, as well as myself, which is really nice. And it's great at night. It's going to be great for travel. It takes all the stress off your plate. You don't need a finger prick anymore."
"Let's just relax and have fun and not worry about too much stuff."
"There's no such thing as long wait times at The Zebra. They make the stressful task of securing coverage completely hassle-free and quick."
"Most of us just want to be happy, want to live a stress-free life."
"That's our motto and that's truly what it is, he's free, he could do what he likes and it doesn't have to stress about anything."
"The holidays can be stress-free and wonderful and beautiful."
"Now having her here it'll be a nice time to sort of just be in my favorite place in the world and not have to worry about working on the van."
"The lack of pressure has been wonderful for me."
"It should be fun. This is a game. We want to enjoy it. It's not stressful. You shouldn't be worried about it. It's just a game."
"My biggest tip for packing is packing cubes because it'll keep you so organized, so stress-free."
"No stress, no pressure, that's the secret to looking young."
"Shopify is so easy to manage. I thought it was going to be a lot harder, but once I got into Shopify, it made it so easy for me. So it wasn't something that I had to stress out about the way I thought I was going to."
"I just want to share workouts with like no stress."
"I prioritize just living stress-free and that makes me happy."
"Nothing just like our wedding just like at a state of like not worrying about anything."
"It's just a little zipper pouch, and you don't have to stress that it's super perfect or anything like that."
"I've just had a blast making these and they're so fast, believe it or not. I mean it. And fun. And it's not stressful."
"The whole idea is for this to be fun, you know, don't stress."
"There's zero prep with Sundays, zero mess, zero stress."
"This holiday season, give yourself a gift of stress-free holiday shipping."
"Welcome to our judgment-free, drama-free, stress-free zone."
"It's amazing what you can get away with. You do not have to stress about all the small stuff."
"The way you eat and exercise should provide freedom and peace of mind and not stress."
"This simple Index Fund portfolio will help you reach your financial goals with no stress and no Market timing."
"Stress-free living is a gift, it's a blessing, it's a blessing, it's a blessing that comes from God."
"Now you go and enjoy the day okay, relax have a good time no stress and it's all good."
"Do it through a tour group because all that stress and all that planning is actually done for you. You literally just have to show up."
"To travel the world without stress, stress-free and being able freedom to travel."
"Riding is supposed to be relaxing. It's supposed to be a time where you can enjoy yourself, enjoy the views, not feel stressed out."
"I'm hoping y'all are living your beautiful flourishing lives stress-free."
"Take five minutes and think of alternate ways that you can de-stress and relax without spending money."
"My boyfriend and I will continue to live stress-free."
"Life just goes a little slower, everything's a little less stressful."
"I ain't stressing about nothing because I ain't losing no money."
"It's the most stress-free way to live."
"Rollercoaster waves without water, I've got no stress treading on my crown."
"It's summertime, have fun baby, have fun. Stop stressing, don't worry, everything works out."
"I personally want to live a very stress-free life and have a very chill life, and I'd rather have that than a million dollars every single month but be extremely stressed."
"How would you like to live stress-free 24/7?"
"Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to live just a few steps from the beach, where time seems to stand still and the stresses of life melt away?"
"We are now able to focus on enjoying our time together without unnecessary stress and tension, and I'm optimistic about our future together."
"We should both be stress-free and happy as we welcome our baby to this world."
"Happiness is a personal choice, and lots of times that choice is just removing the stress-free life that causes the unhappiness."
"That's life, it happens. I don't stress about it."
"I just want to have fun. I don't want to have to be stressed about boys."
"A capsule wardrobe is not necessarily for you to have less... it's all about curating a wardrobe that you love, that's stress-free, that you actually wear, and that feels like you."
"You're playing, you're enjoying this, should not be stressful."
"I am so happy with my life and with my income, my stress, what stress?"
"Working smarter not harder, counting your checks without stress."
"Everything happens for a reason, we're not stressing about that, we're just excited."
"This is the energy of not stressing out, this is the energy of having direction."
"There's no way this team's ever gonna get stressed, they'll be so relaxed."
"Lose the watch, lose the pressure."
"Just relax and enjoy that moment without any stress or worries; you can just relax and enjoy one moment right now."
"Apartment living is really stress-free."
"Everyone here looks young because they live such stress-free lives."
"I feel like I'm gonna go back a different person, adopt this stress-free life."
"I feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders."
"I buy these things because I love them, and being stressed in any capacity makes the experience less luxurious to me."
"There's an instant stress the minute I leave my house in the States, whereas here, I haven't had that."
"We're going to have a good time, it's going to be no stress at all."
"Children shouldn't have to worry about stress in life; they should just be happy."
"You will get the right woman, and you will have the right life, the way to spend your life enjoying it with no stress."
"We're not going to make it stressful, we're going to make it fun."
"I want you to plan easily, stress less, because honestly, you deserve a stress-free wedding day."
"I'm too blessed to give in to any stress; it's only good vibes, good vibes."
"It's perfect to read before you go to bed because it's not stressful; it's entertaining, just escape reading."
"Untouched by any stress that could be found in the outside world."
"I'm able to go out and have fun and not stress over every little thing."
"Being totally stress-free in an airport is hilarious."
"Blessed by the best, too blessed to be stressed."
"I didn't have any stress about it; I was just playing."
"I'm taking it in a relaxed fashion."
"Don't live stressed, live blessed."
"She's flying, she's monastic, she doesn't look like she's under any stress at all."
"The orcs are the pinnacle of creation, for them, the great struggle is one they have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst."
"I didn't even have to go to the grocery store, I didn't have to stress about what to cook."
"Resting and having a good time, not stressing."
"On the day you're not supposed to worry about anything."
"I never felt stressed. I mean, you're blessed."
"Just enjoy it because it should be fun at this point."
"So that you can have a stress-free color mixing experience and full control of the process."
"I choose the path that is stress-free and, unfortunately, cat-free."
"I am now living a stress-free life."
"Think through your vacation... think about each day and what you could do to add to it to make it a little more special, a little more comfortable and stress-free."
"We want to have all drama, all stresses solved before this party so that it can be as fun and memorable and relaxing as possible for all of you."
"It's such a chill game, I really enjoy it. I like how there's no stress."
"Life is too good to be stressing for nothing, literally you're stressing for nothing."
"Life is extraordinary, life is delightful, you could enjoy it, you wouldn't have a minute of tension, not one, no pressure, no anxiety."
"These cars are so good, such a nice Sunday drive car. So relaxing to drive, no stress, no noise."
"That absence of stress can add to abundance in other areas."
"Most important is that I have no stress in the morning."
"To make your trip more stress-free, invest in a high-quality suitcase."
"This is my happy place. This is where I create; this is where no stress is allowed."
"I haven't been stressed in months."
"In the summertime, I want to relax, go grab some food, go down to the beach, hang out with my friends and family, and I don't want any stress."
"All I see is blessings, got no time for stressing."
"Snag your tickets without the stress."
"The best advice I can give to anyone that's just starting out is to not stress about it and to have fun."
"It's stress-free, honestly, it takes a lot of stress out of driving."
"Overall, that was the least stressful road trip I've ever been on."
"I get to be stress-free because I'm just talking to you."
"I'm so grateful that Skillshare has made video editing a more stress-free experience."
"I'm really happy when I have no stress in the world."
"Imagine you guys if you could just come to Disneyland and not have to have any stress or anxiety about whether or not you should get in a queue."
"There's no room left for deadlines or conference calls, not a single pocket to hold the stress of the day or the to-do list of tomorrow."
"It means everything to me, simply because, you know what she's been through with her life, and for me, I just want her to live stress-free."
"I had the most stress-free month of my entire life."
"It has been a very fun project; I love this kind of project where you don't really have that much stress."
"It's been really easy getting started up again and trying it out in a stress-free way."
"It was so nice to just not feel stressed."
"What if it was easy? What if you could navigate this with grace and ease and a lack of stress?"
"The world's full of stress, but not here."
"Our days now are different from before, stress-free and filled with smiles."
"We were just so stress-free, it was such a relaxing environment."
"I'm here to have fun, I'm not here to make this into something that's going to stress me out."
"I feel super chilled. I don't really stress about things anymore."
"I think this is great as it's low stress for her and she seems really happy."
"I just want you to look at how calm it gets, bro, like there's no cortisol in the blood."
"I always had good intentions towards her, no stress."