
Emotional Stress Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"I'm sorry I'm such a mess. I just lost a patient and a dear friend."
"It's so troubling, I mean, it's so troubling too from the moms..."
"Beware of domestic conflict, watch your temper and words. Mental anguish may occur."
"The hardest thing I had to do was to please my dad. The rest was nothing for me. Not disrespecting anything that happened in my career, but that was so easy compared to what I had to do in order to please the old man."
"I think I cried after every single practice."
"Nothing will bring you to the end of yourself faster than a sick or special needs child."
"Fear takes over. It's like fight or flight. It's just scary."
"Divorce can be hard on any couple, whether it's amicable or completely one-sided."
"But what if he just pushed her to the point where she couldn't take it anymore?"
"Flexibility itself is actually emotionally overwhelming and cognitively taxing."
"It's not easy to deal with and I'm sure it's one of the hardest things because I hear a lot of up and coming rappers talk about how much they are affected by social media."
"Not knowing what happened is pure agony, but I need to know."
"It's exhausting... to live your life and be invalidated, to tell the truth and then be faced with a lie."
"Every day somebody's trying to kill you or murder you or that you're terrible and [__] wonder why we're humans and our feelings get hurt."
"Thank you, Angie. I really don't know what to do. KY80 and Ryoma started talking crazy."
"Don't turn our helplessness, our anxiety, our fear, our sense of powerlessness on each other."
"He said, 'I don't want to leave you. I just want to take a small break.'"
"There are going to be days when you are going to whine and cry and want to bang your head against the wall; you're not crazy, that is perfectly normal."
"The obstacle to this situation causes a lot of anxiety."
"That's how you grow up sometimes, humans make me distressing."
"Knowing how close I came to something so bad is just so scary, and how am I supposed to go around pretending that that's not dramatic?"
"I actually feel genuinely physically nervous."
"We've worked tirelessly through the pandemic, and just to undergo a complete 180 and to be yanked from duty and put on leave is pretty heartbreaking." - Police officer affected by vaccine mandate
"I couldn't sleep just thinking about how bad a betrayal this was."
"Right now, it's a lot harder for me than it has been the last couple of years because I didn't have something like this on my shoulders."
"You just do not know if you're going to be in that first 50 or if it's gonna take you even longer than a year. You just don't know."
"It's not ideal but at its core, our parents who have lost their kids for doing shitty things to their kids, it sucks for everybody."
"I'm happy nervous. I think my label told me I had to drop when she has to drop and I would be nervous."
"It's not you, it's the people around you and the expectations they put on you."
"It's like imagine if you worked in a corporate office and you had a breakup and every time you come in the office all your co-workers are just like bombarding you about your breakup."
"It's harder with people being like why didn't you tell us or like oh my god."
"I am extremely nervous for how this is going to play out."
"It's so relatable, wanting to toss everything out because the job you hate is slowly breaking your spirit."
"I genuinely can't even imagine the pain and Agony that she is experiencing having to sit in a courtroom with her child's killer and listening to her son be talked about in the past tense that is truly a loving mother's worst nightmare."
"It's such a tense scene watching them close in as she struggles to spark up her lighter due to it not triggering and her hands trembling because of the infection."
"I called 9-1-1 immediately but as I was on the phone with them ALYSSA started tugging at my arm."
"I really don't care. All right, this is wrong. Flip it around. That's a good one."
"I've become a visible wrong thinker at a place I love... it's uncomfortable, sometimes heartbreaking."
"I'm so confused right now, I'm under so much pressure. I don't know... like, of course I can do it, but what happens to us?"
"You're actually insane, you're getting played by Hassan every week."
"But regardless, I'm sure there are a lot of, you know, as an idol, as a performer, as somebody that lives in the spotlight, we feel a lot of stress, we feel a lot of exhaustion sometimes and all that kind of stuff."
"It ultimately boils down to 'I've let someone down' or 'I don't want to let someone down.'"
"You feel like everyone is against you or praying on your downfall."
"Every day she remains pregnant takes a toll on her physical and emotional health."
"Which sucks and it's not a healthy or appropriate behavior in a relationship."
"Relationship stress, heartache is like a mother effer bad, bad, sad stress."
"Between your deep spiral into this mental abyss and also you accosting me saying I'm not your mother, I just don't know if I can deal with your baggage."
"I'm scared that my dreams will come true even after how hard I'm working right now. It makes me want to break down when I think about that."
"The Five of Swords is a mentally and psychologically painful situation or event. It's a conflict in your thinking or a conflict in communications."
"Who wants to deal with guilting and doubt on top of feeling physically sick for [expletive] sake?"
"The worst feeling in the world is knowing that you're doing everything to make a relationship work but nothing you can do is going to be good enough."
"Stressed emotionally, hurting all of it, I feel it but I don't know what the butt is honestly. You just gotta go through it, unfortunately sometimes I'm going through it. That's okay, I guess. I'm trying to push forward."
"I feel like I was just like a disaster... I came home looking like a wreck."
"Nobody wants to be away at University and have their parents die."
"It's really hard to explain what... nurses and doctors are dealing with... I've had nurses crying to me down the phone." - Ed Young
"What happened? Where's the genius? Just a man making shitty plays when tilted."
"If you are paying too much money to be wrong that's why trading encourages or brings on a lot of frustration"
"This person is stressed. They don't know if they should fight for this or let this go."
"This entire family has really been through the wringer."
"It's been like going through a divorce."
"I'm not only dealing with all this emotionally but also financially."
"Am I crazy? Am I the crazy one? People are mean up here."
"Everyone take a deep breath; this is a crazy case."
"I couldn't bear to face them right now, the thought of spending another evening with them while avoiding the elephant in my room made me physically sick."
"It's hard... even if this relationship were better, there would be a lot of stress and crying because of the culture shock, the change, the loss, the uncertainty."
"We are awful to ourselves; we are so hard on ourselves."
"When they start affecting your children, it's way too much."
"A lot of us store a lot of tension and just kind of emotional stress in our bellies."