
Sports Growth Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"If you actually really want MMA to grow and you really actually want it to be as big as it can be, you have to make it inviting to as many groups as possible."
"A rise similar to the U.S. MNT during the 1990s, with a surge in popularity and professionalism leading to World Cup qualification."
"The sport as a whole in the world is booming big-time. 1FC is massive over in China."
"The sport of MMA is growing all over the world."
"Women's lacrosse is the fastest growing team sport in the U.S."
"This is the sport, this is the fastest growing sport in the world."
"eSports has become one of the fastest-growing spectator sports in recent years."
"I think it's gonna come to that stage now and uh I think it's going to be done together with England and Australia I do believe that because you want cricket to grow all over the world."
"We played it with a certain passion. The game has grown a lot."
"If you're actually interested in the growth of this sport beyond a niche that just appeals to a small group of fanatics then you have to acknowledge that something has to change."
"We obviously realized the growth of the sport...contracts have to be drawn up."
"I see classic on the rise for sure, and I see it getting very, very big and very, very popular."
"It's one of the reasons why UFC's had such explosive growth and kind of like mainstreamed what MMA is."
"Skunthorp United have taken the lead as they've been promoted from the National League."
"Rollerblading has only gotten bigger and stronger and faster."
"Darnell Nurse has played well and I think he's really grown into the role of being one of the go-to guys on that blue line."
"There's no question in my mind that the next big growth era in darts is going to be women's."
"I think it's really important to gather new people in and like grow the sport, so for me, it's really nice to see a first time like person in a slam."
"CrossFit was on a meteoric rise. I mean they were outside of Earth's orbit orbit at that point."
"If Bubba Wallace can start to get results on the track, if he starts to become a contender for wins on a regular basis, I think that would be huge for the growth of NASCAR as a sport."
"It's really amazing to see the women's game grow across the world."
"Seeing young people inspired by my videos...it really gets me excited for the future growth of our sport."
"I think that's the way that this league can grow, is if they start making stars out of their stars."
"The game needs to grow, the game needs to be fun. Football and basketball, they're turning up after they score and stuff. You know what I'm saying? This game has gotten so hard, exactly. We really need to celebrate success, and it has nothing to do with the other person."
"Major League Soccer is going to be one of the major leagues."
"The growth of the sport has been incredible."
"The bigger that the sport gets, the better it is for everyone."
"I'm just grateful to be here, grateful to be part of the team, and just keep growing the sport."
"It's truly nice to see the growth of the sport and how much more it's been televised over the last couple of years through ESPN."
"Paintball has grown, let it be known."
"We want to think about the longer term, we want to think about how boxing fits within society and what where it fits and how it can grow on the biggest platform."
"We're the fastest growing sport in Australia today."
"Without a doubt, this rookie team and this rookie driver had gained experience and confidence."
"He's growing the game... it is massive."
"Female wrestling now becoming the fastest growing high school sport in the country."
"Golf needs to be a World Sport and that's where the growth is going to come."
"The sport of curling is expanding across the United States."
"Driving is the fastest growing equine sport; it's a family sport that pulls people together."
"We need people to be passionate, we need people to be super fans, we need people to pay for season tickets and jerseys. All of that helps the game grow."
"Paddle technology has come so far, which has really mirrored the growth of our sport."
"It's crazy to see how much the sport has grown."
"I believe that this will be the biggest sport in the world."
"They're doing a great job growing the game and making more money just by showcasing the product that they have."
"The growth of this sport is unbelievable."
"Europa League is growing every year more interesting."
"We celebrate the growth of our sport and more than anything the work of these families, the sacrifice of these coaches and families, athletes, all that goes into it."
"The company at the top needs to want this; it needs to want to foster hockey and needs to want hockey to be successful."
"I would love women's hockey to grow, and I would love our players to get paid more money."
"That's really what's going to help continue to propel the growth of this sport."
"It's the fastest growing sport in the United States."
"Viewership this season was already up 21% over the last year."