
Media Engagement Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Yeah, the world can be a pretty bad place sometimes, but it can be a pretty cool place too. And part of that coolness is you all sticking around and watching this video."
"There's always more to learn, explore, and experience with this wonderful series."
"It really doesn't do any good to sit around here and gab about it all day. The viewers need to have a firsthand account of this."
"We're going to talk about it every day right here on the culture."
"Why do you tune in? Because we have one superpower on this program, and that is that we are super attention-paying."
"If people didn't want my whatever on whatever they wouldn't have called in."
"Thank you so much for tuning in and taking this journey inside the black vault with me."
"If that's the type of coverage that you want, raw coverage of everything that is happening in politics, then make sure you subscribe and you click that notification bell."
"Whether or not those people are real, who knows. If you're watching this video and you do love 'Left Alive,' good for you, man."
"Drop what you're doing and take the time to watch it."
"Welcome to open source news. Don't forget to like, share, subscribe, and turn on the notifications bell so you don't miss out on real news."
"Thank you so much for tuning in, Mr. Reel is watching from Mars."
"It's one of my favorite franchises and it became that in a short period of time."
"Fans being passionate about their favorite character or their favorite media figure is therefore not inherently toxic but instead quite the opposite."
"Choose your battles. I don't cite Keemstar, I don't work with Keemstar, I don't support his ideologies or actions, and I personally decline to go on his show."
"Thank you guys so much for tuning in... until the next case stay safe bye."
"I would argue it's not practical to introduce some video games to people and expect that they'll only play one hour a day... most people don't engage with the medium that way."
"But I think uh you're living it well we appreciate your time and we'll look forward to seeing you back on the top of the podium at some point soon."
"There's only one road to the presidency, and that's something Donald Trump was very good at. I mean, he would take questions from anybody and still will haters non-haters. Um, there's only one road there."
"Make sure to tune in to the God's Honest Truth every Friday night at 10 p.m. on Comedy Central."
"Thank you all so much for watching and get out of my office. See you on the next Angry Joe Show."
"Please join me for the mothership for the Sunday edition of the mother of all talk shows."
"The ratings actually, um, this is the first time I've ever done something like this."
"Thank you so much for tuning in today, leave us your comments about the 5 series facelift let's discuss it right there and see you next time."
"He agreed to talk to whatever media outlet would listen."
"Jessica still has hope that she will be reunited with her daughter at some point and fights tirelessly to keep Alicia's story active in the media."
"Thanks a lot for watching guys, we'll see on the next one."
"It's like it's incredible that there is this show and that people care enough about it to want to watch it and be a part of that conversation that I think no matter what is positive."
"Thanks for joining us on Mormon Stories. Be sure to subscribe, like, and share for the sake of truth."
"Don't forget to subscribe to Football Daily and Soccer AM."
"Thank you all for joining, keep watching the show."
"Press one. Yeah, we in the homes. Like, I'm not listening to them because the champ Deontay Wilder is listening to me."
"It's hard to look away, this is your soap opera at this point."
"RT UK got in touch with me... it was a great experience."
"If you like this honest reporting and transparent reporting, please hit the bell for alerts, hit the button, smash the like button, and let me know your thoughts down below."
"We'll see how it plays out, next segment's coming up at 1 pm on this channel. Thanks for hanging out."
"It's about what makes us laugh in spider-man. It's about what makes us cry in spider-man."
"Thanks for tuning in folks, I will see you again tomorrow."
"As always, folks, take care. Thanks for watching, see you soon."
"Some of you guys actually just spent whole days watching this playlist now."
"The engagement, the frenzy, the media... I have never seen this much engagement for anything in Formula 1."
"Thank you so much for watching this segment. We are live every day at 4 pm eastern time trying to share the stories that the mainstream media will not cover."
"Thanks for watching. Don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you in the next video. Okay, bye."
"80 million views that President Trump got in his discussion with Tucker Carlson was probably more politically productive for him."
"I ain't seen the original, I'm pulled in by this, and I'm buying it."
"We appreciate people tuning in and liking the show."
"When it's all said and done, come right back here to the ESPN MMA YouTube channel."
"So call me at 1-800-743-CNBC or tweet me Jim Cramer right now."
"Thank you so much for watching, I will see you in my next one."
"Subscribe to the newsletter, like and share the show, we'll see you tomorrow everyone, good night."
"Cold open is so important to any kind of storytelling because, you know, especially nowadays with like TikTok and Instagram you got to grab people's attention like that."
"This had such an immersive story. I was crying at the end of this."
"Thank you so much for watching. If you're new here, welcome. You can subscribe right up here."
"Welcome to the show, man. Let's talk about this sway house."
"The reason why I like Re:Zero is more of a personal preference."
"Thank you for joining me for this program today. I look forward to you joining me in future programs on this channel and on our main channel The Duran."
"Thanks for tuning in guys, thanks for being here even if you get me in trouble, or the producers. I'm gonna need another hot pocket."
"Thanks for watching, subscribe, click on the bell next to it on my TC and we are the media."
"Thank you for staying tuned to Anime America. Happy 2019 everyone!"
"And we'll leave it there for today. Thanks for watching, thanks for listening. Have a great day, Godspeed."
"Thanks for watching, I hope you guys enjoyed."
"We will continue to cover the entirety of this trial... please make sure to subscribe."
"Thank you guys for watching our reaction to What If."
"Click the Subscribe button and press the Bell icon we share the hidden rich and diverse Heritage of our black history."
"It's not just entertaining, but also informative."
"One of my favorite parts about this was the way it really felt like the story was happening in real time."
"People would rather come down and sit down with people like you than talk to these [] know nothing do nothing []."
"Getting rid of is our involvement in foreign wars, you know. So anyway, uh, thank you guys for joining us on the show today."
"One of the easiest ways to help us fight back is anytime that you are watching us and autoplay takes you to another channel."
"The only time I really get to chat with kids is when we have them on the program here as guests."
"We're giving our viewers and our listeners a voice."
"It's good because it's a different platform."
"We've got a ton of content right around the corner so stay tuned for all that."
"Numerous stills of the commercial have been uncovered by a fan, David Allen Ward."
"Thanks so much for viewing... hope I see you tuning in tomorrow."
"You might be reading a lot like newspapers or watch the news, you might be on Twitter just finding out lots of information on things that are happening."
"Don't forget tonight eight o'clock till nine o'clock talk sport youtube channel or on the radio call in with goldbridge mainly it's gonna be about united looking forward to that as well."
"We've got to get back to that level where we can talk about why we love this and why we hated that." - John Campea
"Thanks for tuning in, you guys are the best."
"Thanks for watching guys, be sure to come back next time for some more."
"Let's get right into the news, let's run it!"
"Before we wrap up today's show, I wanna thank you guys for making it to the very end."
"Nobody gets to just take up a seat, pick up the New York Times, and pretend like they don't care about what's going on."
"We'll catch you guys in our next movie reaction. Peace out."
"It's up to all of us to get involved, not just watch the TV."
"Thanks for tuning in, have an awesome evening everyone!"
"When a series gets a natural emotional response from me, that's when I feel like I'm part of the series."
"Welcome to the jungle, man, it's what we do every day on this show. If we're not hitting the like and subscribe, honestly, like and subscribe today."
"Thanks for watching, guys. See you next time for more!"
"If you grew up in a family with a lot of chaos."
"It's the story more than anything else for me that just is so compelling."
"I believe this is going to be your first interview on it... I appreciate you giving it to me."
"If you've got a high refresh rate monitor, you're gonna be covered there as well."
"Join me tomorrow morning on Early Mornings Outlet at 6am."
"The Republicans just keep sending letters and going on Fox News." - V
"Because of how attached I am to One Piece, I don't want the story to end."
"Thank you for watching, for listening, for spreading the word, and we'll see you tomorrow with another edition of Bearing Arms Cam & Company."
"We like talking to you, we like asking you the difficult questions."
"Engage with the series as it is, not as you want it to be." - Nate
"Thank you guys for joining us here on Collider movie talk."
"We go beyond the headline, willing to engage in transparent conversations with those who do not think like me."
"Thank you very much for watching... have an absolutely fantastic day."
"Thanks for watching the show. You can support this show."
"You guys are a blessing and thanks again for tuning in."
"This has got to be one of the most interesting videos on it I've seen in a very long time."
"But what do you think do you have a worse film of the year let me know in the comments down below and like share and subscribe to this channel."
"Do you ever pick fights with people on TV just to be contrarian?"
"It's been a really crazy week doing press and promo."
"Tonight is the Press night, and we are here."
"When we engage with media we are engaging in a dialectic with the author across the space of time."