
Religious Reflection Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The book of Esther is very interesting because the moment Vashti is banished, then the story takes another switch."
"Ephraim Ephraim shall say what have I to do with idols anymore why was I so stupid to keep going back to that thinking that was my God when all it was was a tradition."
"Let's go back to the Sermon on the Mount and allow Jesus to speak directly to us." - Father Mike Schmitz
"Is he still your shepherd when you don't like what he says?"
"In the sorrowful mysteries we enter into the mystery of Christ's suffering and the death which he had to undergo for our salvation."
"Living in this time, how do we survive? Islam began as something strange and will return to being something strange."
"The Lord is shutting the world down to say, 'This is the time to seek me.'"
"Good works are a reflection of the God in you."
"But Yahweh takes seriously the evil and the horror of what humans have been perpetually doing to each other."
"Your life has become a mirror projecting and revealing Jesus."
"May God bless you to contemplate these things."
"I pray that my decisions can be made in that Valley because they'll be different if I do them with an eye to Jesus if I tarry with him and watch with him every hour I need to so that in the hour of my most important choices I choose him."
"At the resurrection at this Triumph they'll say oh happy fault the fall of Man yeah they'll say oh happy fault yeah that one for us so great So Glorious a redeemer."
"May Allah forgive us for deeds that we are not proud about, my brothers and sisters."
"The suffering and the confusion and the betrayal of the disciples is embedded in the resurrection, in the death, betrayal, and resurrection of Christ, because we go through the same stuff."
"Are we on the right side of the most high? And if we cannot answer that question definitively then we must, we have word to do."
"The real question isn't why or how the Church has all these extraordinary, wonder-working saints, but why more of us aren't like that."
"Look at the cross and say, 'You have really suffered for me. My sufferings are nothing compared to yours.'"
"Gratitude mirrors our life because of what Jesus did for us."
"Remember at night and listen to the prayers of Jesus."
"This is a rallying call to God's people and as we read even though they were listening to the bleating of the sheep they were many that was searching their hearts and I pray that there will be many today that search their hearts."
"When you look at Christ on the cross, what we should see is our sin."
"I hope I can say whom have I in heaven but you whom am I in heaven oh my god."
"Something that I've tried to do is whenever the chalice is coming towards me, I think, 'Son of David, have mercy on me.'"
"The Sabbath is a foretaste of paradise; it prepares us for the experience of eternity."
"I think it's a profound thing to think about, preparing for the Day of Judgment. It's not just about the acts of worship."
"I'm either a love letter of Christ is happening through me or I am cursing someone."
"To everyone else, especially to Muslims, I would like to say, maybe read these Quran verses, and think about them honestly."
"Encourage yourself in the Lord by remembering what God has already done."
"You owe it to yourself to find out why God let you live. There's a reason God passed over you and your family."
"Take one thing from this video: spend two or three minutes reassessing your life in the light of Jesus Christ."
"Understanding the severity of hell makes you appreciate your salvation more."
"God is not impressed with what nobody has, you ain't got more than him, he owned the world."
"One of the aspects of his preface was on Cardinal Sarah's recollection of the Fatima apparitions."
"The book, the Scriptures, is a mirror that goes past your exterior."
"Next time Young Don feels the need to bully another group of people in the name of his good book, maybe he should look back into it for a few passages about compassion."
"The essence of dua is more precious than the actual fulfillment of the dua. When the dua is fulfilled, you may lose the intimacy with Allah that the delay brought."
"Every time I said, you know, it occurs, you know 32 times, 34 times in the Surah every time I said this the Jinn responded we do not reject any blessing from Allah o Allah we thank you for these blessings."
"The love of a human husband for his wife is a reflection of the love which Jesus Christ the Son of God has for his bride the church."
"At the cross, Jesus cried, 'My God, why have you forsaken me?' So that we can say, 'My Father, why have you so blessed me?'"
"Are we doing what we do for God out of love for him it says 'we love because he first loved us' or are we doing it out of guilt because if we're doing it out of guilt it never ever ever Bears the same kind of fruit?"
"What if the Earth is not our final destination? What if this is just a temporary assignment and we are here to serve the Lord? Please awaken the spirit within me."
"I won't look back on Islam and think, yeah, that was a better way of living."
"Mary is the very first person to hear the word and to accept the word, to protect it and ponder it in your heart." - William
"Nevertheless, I am somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first love."
"The first woman who contemplated and figured out who Jesus was."
"Focus on what God is doing, what God has said."
"I worshiped Allah for 50 years, I did not taste the sweetness until I left three things."
"In this Jubilee year, the Virgin of Lourdes reminds all men of the truth that no reform can bear fruit without a conversion and cleansing of heart."
"Oh Jesus, mirror of eternal splendor, remember the sadness which thou experienced when contemplating in the light of thy divinity the predestination of those who would be saved by the merits of thy sacred passion."
"Holiness is the character of God; we should strive to reflect His attributes." - Personal reflection
"If that song saved your faith, that's not a faith worth saving, yeah, it's true."
"Why is your faith so little when your God is so big?"
"Calvary begins with the Eucharist and the Eucharist ends with Calvary."
"Are you living for Jesus every day, all the time? That's the question."
"We may have to rethink and rewrite everything we've ever thought we knew about the gospel."
"Pesach is always like a reminder of like being able to now push forward don't be afraid to get close to Hashem don't be afraid to chase righteousness because going back to Mitzrayim you're going back to oppression."
"This is a time for you and I to sit with our families and recount what Allah has done for us."
"Whoever does not think people does not think Allah Azza WA JAL."
"Surround yourself with nature, with Allah's creation. Move away from the creation and move towards the creator."
"It's not the parts of bible I don't understand that disturb me, it's part of the bible I do understand that disturb me."
"Idolatry consists in divinizing what is not God."
"The Bible was the biggest surprise of all because I never realized how much I was lied to growing up."
"By contemplating Mary's motherhood, we begin to understand God's fatherhood."
"The ark's journey from a tangible sacred object in the temple to a symbol of God's presence in the Heavenly realm invites us to reflect."
"There is really no way for us to experience the events of Easter without experiencing the events of the cross."
"When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me, I want to thank God for saving me."
"I felt myself opposite the House of God, spiritually speaking."
"You make a great point that she... every time Jesus would do a miracle, remember what the people would say?"
"Everything prior to the cross looks forward to it, everything after the cross looks back at it."
"Do they not see how the camels were created, and the sky how it was raised?"
"And when I think that God, His Son not sparing, sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in."
"As new issues come to our understanding, we then think what does our faith mean given this new information."
"We learn who we are by looking at Jesus Christ, by looking at the face of God."
"Focus on Easter, focus on Jesus, focus on what He did for us."