
Societal Warning Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"If you can get people to believe absurdities, you can get them to commit atrocities."
"A second Civil War, that's a phrase that should frighten you."
"It's complacency and complacency is going to turn into culpability."
"Totalitarianism is not a thing of the past, it is Alive and Well. Individual responsibility is dying and our love for our fellow man is dying herd mentality is helping to kill it."
"A warning with chilling precision against the loss of history."
"The reality is our country can collapse from within. You see the white power movement on the march. You will not replace klansmen and neo-nazis skinheads. It's meant to incite war." - From the documentary event special.
"If you want a good world, the death of Judeo-Christian values should frighten you."
"It is terrifying. It is so easy to become a sheep all the time and never ask any questions."
"They tell you that they'll never come for you, but all that means is that if you're lucky, they'll kill you last."
"We must warn people about wolves in sheep's clothing. It is not an option, it is a duty."
"There are plenty of people ready and willing to take advantage of your insecurities."
"A massive red flag for a set up of a destruction of a nation."
"Evil hasn't gone away from the world... it's back."
"When we're gone, there's just nobody that's going to take care of you when you're in the hospital, and that should scare everyone."
"I mean are we are we joking do we not understand that we are right now on the precipice are they complete and total meltdown of American democracy it is one scary Prospect."
"When you date thugs, you date death, and I'm going to continue to keep saying that until we start to see the change shift."
"This is a global crisis we're heading to a global depression here."
"You sewed the wind. For decades to come I fear that the whole country will reap the whirlwind."
"The more you start stifling not just like one side but just anyone that doesn't agree with the government we are going to get to a dark place very quickly"
"The culture war is raging across this country in all aspects."
"We do not want any of our young people to become useful idiots."
"When people are dehumanized, bad things can and have happened."
"If you don't exercise your freedom of speech, you're going to lose your freedom of speech."
"The first evidence of how that can be manipulated by the powers that be."
"The transformation of Walter White throughout Breaking Bad is a warning that every member of society can become evil in the right circumstances."
"Everything that's happening... is a wake-up call for humanity."
"Literature plays the role of the famous parrot or canary in the mine shaft... in oppressed societies when literature is stifled, when writers are arrested or tortured or executed, when books are banned and suppressed."
"You might be able to vote your way into communism, but eventually your grandchildren will have to shoot their way out."
"Calls for genocide in India are really, really dangerous."
"They aren't random... he's telling you they are a gang."
"We are heading for a massive disaster in this country."
"Whether you're Christian or Jew or Muslim, whatever, I think you look at this and say they're coming for me next, we gotta stand up."
"America needs to pay attention because God may give us exactly what we want. America, this is your wake-up call."
"Ukraine is what the West will convert their own countries and societies into if they could and it should be a warning sign to the rest of."
"They're the truth sires. They're the canaries in the coal mine. We should be listening to these people."
"The lesson of the insurrection is that democracies are fragile... that's the threat that remains before us still."
"We have to be smarter than this before it's too damn late."
"We have to recognize now, this is not a game anymore. This is actually happening."
"We are the frog in the boiling pot of water."
"If we don't remember our history, we're doomed to repeat it."
"The Roman Republic was effectively dissolved... scary times man, scary times."
"This is very disturbing. People are dangerous, dude. People are dangerous."
"A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves."
"It's a dangerous world, heading down dark paths."
"Uncontrolled progress is the philosophy of the cancer cell."
"The child who doesn't feel the warmth of the village will burn it down."
"If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it."
"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
"The Bible said, 'Learn not the way of the heathen.' That's right, learn not the way of the heathen."
"Their agenda is one that's going to hurt you and the masses of people in the world."
"We're just one Black Swan event away from the hitting the fan."
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led like sheep to the slaughter."
"There's no doubt in my mind that today's guitars are the best they've ever been."
"There's a saying that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it."
"What if the medical community was as corrupt as the American Media? That should shock you because that's where we're going and we're going there real fast."
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
"If we don't start having more babies, we are doomed."
"This is a serious situation. We've got a fucking generation of metabolic damage just about to fucking blow fucking tsunami. And it is crazy."
"Once you allow this kind of extreme power to take hold, you have no idea who they will come for next."
"Bad ideas left uncorrected, embraced, and enshrined in culture, law, and custom can destroy civilizations."
"If our own narrow-mindedness ended up causing a cataclysm more serious than anything we have ever experienced in our past, let's hope that open-mindedness prevails."
"This should be not only a cautionary tale to people in South Africa, but a warning to people in the West."
"Those who do not learn from their past are doomed to repeat it."
"If you just pull the rug away, God help us all."
"I think we're dangerously close to civil war in this country."
"Anything less is something other than the truth."
"One of the first signs of decline into tyranny is when the justice systems become politicized."
"It's a real tough pill to swallow that someone was driving around, you know, saw this little girl like a crime of opportunity and then randomly said like oh let me take her."
"We are at a very do or die time. Either we wake up or we're going to continue to suffer."
"We are actually so vulnerable, we are so easily manipulated, and we are losing the race, lads, wake up."
"If they can do this to this man, they will do it to all of us."
"If we don't learn the history lessons, we are doomed to repeat it."
"The dystopian future is upon us; it's quite literally hell on earth."
"If there ever was a natural-born killer, Craig Price was one."
"It's concerning, it's predatory, and it's absolutely groomer behavior."
"It's vile, it's disgusting, and you must get your children out of public schools." - Dave Rubin
"The basic freedoms that we've enjoyed for a long time are being not only chipped away at but I think deeply hit right now in ways that a lot of people never saw possible."
"Hypocritical, money-hungry false teachers... are an early sign that we're on the home stretch."
"If anything happens to me, I really hope that I'm the last canary in the coal mine." - Anita
"Fascism and fascist thinking is not that uncommon."
"We are in spiritual warfare that's going to be a very very ugly depression ladies and gentlemen."
"There's a cultural jihad going on in the United States." - Warning about threats to democracy and sovereignty.
"Men like Sydney Cook are proof that monsters really do exist."
"If people don't wake up very soon, America is going to turn to a third world country."
"We need to cherish our right to free speech and use it to its fullest before they try to take it away."
"The United States of amnesia; if we don't understand history, we are doomed to repeat it."
"It's imperative for you guys to get prepared for what's about to happen, people are just so blind, if you lined up ten people right now, six of them would have no idea."
"Nazis tore down statues, banned free speech, blamed economic hardships on one group of people, instituted gun control. Sound familiar?"
"Corporateocracy, the idea that corporations must fascism really."
"Don't fall for it, you do not appease gangs."
"Putin and his group of thieves want lifelong and uncontrolled power."
"Comedians and satirists: canaries in the coal mine."
"A tactile gateway to the computers we build our lives around."
"Everyone be careful and aware of people because there are horrible people out there."
"No remorse for those kids he killed and living on like nothing happened is a big red flag."
"It's great time, great time, excited here we go!"
"Never a good sign when there are freakin' billboards that say watch out for this race."
"Things are going to get worse unless we do something."
"There's gonna be some sort of civil war, I'm sure."
"This stuff is already starting to happen and we're starting to see cracks all over the place."
"If you can't laugh, you know where it ends. You end up shooting a woman point blank range in the face in the middle of the street in Philly."
"We are not at the doorstep of a crisis, we are in a crisis."
"Our world is drifting into Satan's global religion."
"College is a scam... they rip off young naive people."
"If Americans don't wake up, they're going to be victims of a failed country."
"If we don't do our own research and bring that to light and do something about it, we are doomed as a population."
"Our freedom is under the biggest threat that it's been in all this time."
"What part of 'we have been infiltrated and are being taken over' do you not understand?"
"They're just warming up, folks. They're just warming up, and again, you need to realize that you could be next."
"The decline of republics will begin when the rulers live by different rules than the ruled."
"There are weird people out there, you need to be careful."
"The dream of a world where humans and robots coexist is doomed to be a nightmare."
"For evil bastards to win power, all ordinary people have to do is stand aside and keep quiet."
"Keep your stuff safe because some people really suck."