
Personal Bonds Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world."
"Your connection is like a powerful, almost intoxicating energy."
"They feel like your connection is in the high Realms."
"In the battlefield of life, true strength lies in the bonds we forge."
"They have things only close friends would have, like their own handshake."
"I love Remy like Remy and I have a bond, I love her to death, yeah, but it's like day two she's like 'I don't want to be here anymore' and I'm like 'No one wants to be here anymore Remy.'"
"I was your favorite, that's not my favorite, but that was the moment that I was like damn, this girl is ride or die."
"One time when I had food poisoning, I was your favorite. That's not my favorite, but that was the moment that I was like damn, this girl is ride or die."
"They feel deeply connected with you, like you're their person."
"Our connection is deeper than physical, it's deeply rooted in both of us."
"Me and Justin have actually really been through things together... we're really best friends."
"Feelings for you are only growing... your person, their feelings for you are only growing."
"We've established kind of a lifelong friendship out of this."
"I'm gonna miss them but I know that as much as I missed exactly right I like the bond that we've created you know of this short amount of time yeah I feel like the rest of my life yeah dude."
"This person authentically wants you in their life whether it's a relationship or not."
"Alma thanked them both, realizing he had made some really good friends."
"Our bond is extremely strong. We are each other's safe place and we would take a bullet for the other without a second thought."
"You pull me up when I'm falling down, and I don't know what I would do without you."
"A bond between you and another person is going to be tested, and y'all both will pass... Loyalty test is coming about between you and somebody else."
"It really showed me how good of friends we are."
"But in their heart, they know they love you at the same time."
"Even if you guys were to never talk again even if you guys were to separate go on your different paths they'll still always have love for you they'll always love you."
"I think there's definitely a general consensus that we're like family now."
"Your hero cared for you, now you care for her."
"I have her back. Right, wrong, and indifferent. I got you."
"Just remember that no matter what we will always be soulmates."
"What's real is this incredible connection with people that you love."
"I've always had a good relationship with my sister, despite our differences."
"Our relationship has never been stronger than it is right now."
"some of the best people you'll meet who genuinely care for you, and you generally care for them, when you meet up again, whether it's in like three weeks, two years, at their wedding, like the dynamics never gonna change."
"We've known each other since 2020, almost two years."
"Hand fasting union. So this could be a potential romantic relationship. It could be a strengthening of a romantic relationship or exist could be a strength in a friendship or a new friendship is hot power."
"There's friendships and then there's bonds, and I don't really like the friendships. Friendships are something I'll have, but the bonds are something that I can't replace."
"A sister bond is a beautiful bond but it's a bond that y'all two have to work at at the same pace."
"The two of you have the tendency always coming back towards one another."
"I never thought I'd have friends like this who didn't danger themselves for me."
"Like it or not, what happened to Chantel bound us together, no matter what."
"The friendship, the camaraderie... I've never had that before or since."
"You're honestly the best friend anyone could ever ask."
"Communities are personal, as humans we need the human connection in order to build bonds."
"No matter what happens, you won't forget about me. Pinky promise."
"This is what it's about, your family. Your blood, my blood, flesh of my flesh. That's what it is."
"That's the level of connection that we have."
"The internal bond beneath the surface is absolutely pristine."
"It's difficult to walk away from something that you have a strong bond to."
"So when I was put on the block by the person I saw as family, oh did it hurt."
"That's when me and Jrock became best friends."
"Your person knows who you are. They've seen your soul, experienced your energy."
"I know these are going to be friends and colleagues that I'll have for like the rest of my career. And for the rest of my life, honestly."
"I got the closest with my girlfriend."
"I saw him as kind of an older brother, and then eventually as my best friend."
"My light was the family I was born with, Alyssa, and the family I chose: Doug, Nick, and Salom."
"Do you remember how we became friends?"
"Maybe this Gatra is... the family you choose."
"I have friends that I want to protect, dear friends."
"I am very glad that I have y'all in my life."
"I've made some of the best friends of my life."
"I miss being able to turn to someone and say, 'Remember when...'"
"It's really the relationships that you have that make you special."
"It's about the bond that me and you had, and you decided you were going to screw me."
"He's been through a lot of [stuff], and like just being around him and getting to know him, he was truly one of the best teammates I had."
"I trust you with my life, I trust you with my identity, I trust you with my heart, I trust you with my secrets."
"I never had better friends in my life than the Osage."
"You are more than family to me; you're my friends."
"I have two different type of bonds with both of them, so I don't like one of them more; they're both my friends, and I love them both equally."
"We're friends, like, you know, we're really good friends. So, like, you know, before music, we're really good friends."
"There's nothing like family, especially mine."
"I love all of you so much; I will never share a bond with anybody the way that I share with you."
"Friendship means more than teams."
"As I got close to him, he would click the lid of his watch closed and look up at me with a gentle smile."
"My friendship with you means something to me, and I care about you and Terry."
"I still really care about him as an individual and I still have a lot of love for him."
"I have a personal relationship with everybody on the team."
"What connects you is not to be forgotten."