
Dramatic Expression Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"I love you so much." (Said before pulling the trigger)
"Do you care if I'm dead because I cannot sign your checks if I am your client?"
"We're evil! Villainy is like blowing up land, there's nothing like it."
"The death of Warren G. Harding hit the nation like an apocalyptic asteroid."
"I'm bout to blow up like a volcano, bring a hurricane."
"They literally dropped everything, okay? That's dramatic love."
"You wanted darker, we kill the flame." - CGI Trailer Narrator
"It's sucking me in, it's sucking me in, no, we're gonna die, we're all gonna die!"
"Desperate times call for desperate measures. Rest in peace, the hood."
"A dragon doesn't get to kill you. You don't get to kill you. Only I get to kill you."
"It's like a fucking evil dead guy, Passion of the Christ, baby!"
"It's like a gift that keeps on giving. You'll rule the day you dare to shanghai the scourge of the seven seas, goddamn right they will. Look not to heaven, the screams of success!"
"Walk the plank, you fool! You thought you could get the best of me. Now the fishes will be eating you at the bottom of the ocean."
"Whatever it takes, I will drag you into an eternity of torment."
"It's fun to have the outrageous lines... you can really get your teeth into it."
"I want the truth, you can't handle the truth!"
"Both of these scream, 'Oh you're gonna hear, you ready? Civil war.'"
"When you're between action and cut, it's like an extended fucking."
"Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they will learn why they fear the night."
"You could take my life, but you'll never take my freedom."
"And let's be honest stabbing yourself has never looked this cool before."
"It's a very sad day for this nation and I have to leave town as quickly as possible in this ridiculous getup. I can't believe that anyone could doubt the righteousness of the most righteous person this universe has produced."
"There are just too many lives staining the pages of the script."
"They don't call it the theater of war for nothing."
"Watching what Bethesda has done with the Fallout franchise with fallout 76 has been like watching your best friend fuck your wife on stage whilst the rest of your friends sit in the audience and cheer."
"You let Tony die, you son of a [__]! I can't even believe you!"
"God tore that place up, absolutely tore it up."
"This is the actual apocalypse like coming for us."
"Tonight, I am death, and every one of your dreams will die."
"Dramatic Essence is about making a statement."
"Oh my fucking god, all the stars in the night sky are exploding."
"When dokkan ends I'm going to just walk right into the ocean and never come back that's what I'm doing we're walking right into the sea the sea can have me once dokan is done."
"It was truly the End of the World As We Knew It."
"This guy definitely made a deal with the devil or something."
"I beg you to be kind but if not then I beg could I die in a very entertaining manner."
"It's shocking, it's absolutely shocking business."
"Unclap, blood, unclap! I want to see that, fam."
"Courage, accept me, my lord! I did everything it took." - Steve
"I shot you down, bang bang, you hit the ground, bang bang, that awful sound, bang bang." - Song lyrics
"The note feels disgusting in your hand leave the damn note drop the note the row away"
"There is no devil at Tyler's Tarot... the devil worships me... Satan, he's right here, he worships me."
"I will kill for you. I will burn down the world for you."
"Mariachi snitching bastards, they stole a car."
"Get out my [ __ ] tower! You don't throw me off a tower and expect to get away with it, are you insane?"
"In 1999 he told a judge 'it's like I have a shotgun in my mouth and I've got my finger on the trigger and I liked the taste of the gun metal' whoa that's intense."
"Revenge is a dish best served cold, my friend."
"How tragic Atkins that you can only find self-pity in a time of year so rich with dramatic tradition."
"That's right. You want to disappear. You've one death, and we will give it to you."
"I will have my revenge or sorrow, leader of the delinquents, this fiery wand will kick all parts, I will enjoy it."
"Next up, The Vivienne giving us a little 'Into the Woods' wicked fantasy."
"I'm acquiring the power of light, and now you're going to be dead."
"Tonight, oh my god tonight, ladies and gentlemen."
"Looks like DEATH didn't work out with THEM EITHER!"
"'Have you always been happy? Haven't we always been a family?' - Overseer's plea"
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She got the ultimate revenge."
"Bless you, huzzah! We'll fight to the death, bless you!"
"First we'll see who's behind the mask. I can look into your eyes as you die."
"Why aren't we all running through the streets with our bolt actions at this point?"
"Release the Kraken! The time for vengeance has come."
"Who am I? You are not able to recognize me anymore. It’s me, Joseph!"
"Now maybe I got a little personal, a little dramatic at the very end, but we've all had this nightmare. It's completely terrifying."
"Maybe with violence, definitely with violence."
"Make peace with whatever gods you have because the god this is so aaron [ __ ] jaeger is here holy [ __ ]"
"Threat is imminent and I have to protect the one thing that I can't live without, that's you, Tony."
"I will draw you Saruman as poison is drawn from a wound."
"Ah yes, a chariot fit for a champion such as myself."
"The drama, the pose, the humanity being betrayed by these masters of their craft is exactly the kind of stuff that the Star Wars franchise deserves."
"I'm basically robbing them, I'm straight up murdering them for money."
"You take my breath away, sir, as I'm about to take my own."
"Death is essential, death is inevitable, Thanos take me now."
"Now may her fate come crashing down on me." - Faust
"I've got big plans for you my pet, now my darling, you'll have to forgive me or not."
"Seeing your face go from hope to despair makes me feel on top of the world." - Meliodas
"You're not human, you're looking for something."
"These wealthy, insanely good-looking teenagers express their mutual attraction for one another with a rousing first kiss."
"What have you done? You're looking into the eyes of a freaking madman."
"No, it shouldn't be about Gravic living in peace. It should be about Gravic living in pieces spread across multiple different planets."
"Wow, well-played, well-earned honestly... and you killed him, I killed him, like, you literally murdered me, wow, oh my god, that's dramatic."
"Finally, December dies. Pretty really good battle."
"It's a metaphor, Tom. Oh, they're right here, fire their heads off!"
"It's actually insane. So much emotion throughout the show and these characters."
"It's like I heard millions of voices cry out."
"Oh my goodness, the real-life anime moment wipes away the tears."
"Already has come death is coming... what will happen to me after death... please beat me with your shoe..."
"That's the devil himself speaking... oh that's good enough."
"I am restored, I am myself, I am now and forever Mister E."
"Hell hath no fury like a woman who's been scorned."
"Power Rises Within Me, responding to the threat all the subtlety of a gun."
"The earth is shakin' and quakin', the Devil's back is breaking, my mind is aching, we're not faking, are you serious?"
"Prepare yourself, motherfucker, because you're about to get blown sky fuckin' high!"
"I would rather hang myself than realize this, Joe."
"So you think you can love me and leave me to die?"
"Damn you, Doctor, about you, damn you."
"It's not a goddamn farmer's field, it's the Himalayas for Christ's sake!"
"I shall have no rest till I do, but I don't like the carving-knife, Mr. Hindley," I answered. "It has been cutting red herrings. I'd rather be shot if you please."
"I want people to know that you probably, in it sounds a little dramatic, but you probably saved my life, you know, in a way."
"The Tiger King is enraged now and lets out a loud roar."
"O, woe is me, To have seen what I have seen, see what I see!"
"Shifta Telly, it's a very sensual, smooth rhythm; it's very slow but dramatic."
"Talk of the moon, oh come on, that was brilliant!"
"My shoulders offer two things only: rolling them seductively at my opponents to confuse them during card games, and glancing backwards over them at my friends in a dramatic fashion."
"It'll be the end of my world," she corrected.
"It's the best food I've ever had in my entire life, we were, and I'm not being dramatic, like I'm being dead ass serious right now."
"I love you, Master Wayne, Bruce... oh [__] Bruce Wayne, I'll blow the bloody doors off."