
Philosophical Thoughts Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Equally, given that we're all refractions of the same divine light here together on this journey, why can't we just get along?"
"Life yet? That's true, actually I was thinking about that..."
"We are beings of light and dark, we use that fiery power to be able to evolve even faster."
"Each one of us is a brain cell inside the Universal Mind experiencing different thoughts, different ideas, different ways of doing things."
"If this stops spinning, we're still dreaming."
"Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it." - Confucius
"Time is different for me than it is for you." - "On the concept of time."
"Things are not as they appear; the lower the price of love, the higher its value."
"At the end of the day, you put a fucking bird in a golden cage, it's still a caged bird, isn't it?"
"I believe there are a lot of things more important than money."
"You need luck in life, you can't rely on it but you need it, and it's lovely."
"The truth in itself is love, we have to offer somebody... we have to offer the world something better."
"There needs to be a reunion of spirit and matter... there needs to be a kind of a reunion of spirit and matter."
"Two schools of thought: divine contact or end up like my friend."
"As humans, we strive for something deeper, something more meaningful."
"Death is not the end; it's just a transition."
"There is no death and hope only for memory's grace."
"Man's role in this world is crucial; he's literally the only source of Morality."
"Consciousness is central, the most important thing in our lives."
"The universe speaks geometry, and if you can harmonize with it, more becomes available."
"Life is precious and it should be cherished, not just with other people but your own life. You get to have infinite chances."
"Another camera could be filming us... makes you think, doesn't it?"
"Love is a self-organizing system. Miracles are possible."
"It's not about trying to bring the bodies together per se. It's about wanting to share the love that has always been in our heart and always has been meant to be shared."
"Reality means whatever is happening is happening, but in our heads, we only want the universe to behave how our mind thinks it should behave."
"You have expanded and contracted and receded a lot larger a lot longer than them so you've got a larger mind and that mind created larger organs so you have larger perceptions of the world."
"Facts don't change truth, but truth can change the facts."
"Reality is just information, comprehended through the lens of information."
"It's all part of something we can't wrap our heads around, and it exists in spite of how we feel about it."
"We are each a donation, independent, free of all weakness. We have no beginning, we have no end. We are infinite."
"The reality is not the point, it's the illusion."
"Faith, the mover of mountains, the worker of miracles, is the conscious mind acting on the subconscious mind."
"Faith is tied to love in a way that logical deduction and reason are not."
"You do not achieve your identity, you receive your identity."
"Isaac Newton studied the Bible every day. He once said, 'Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done.'"
"It's a mercurial wave to understand this whole universe in your life."
"We transcend our boundaries. We didn't stay in the caves; we haven't stayed on the planet. Like, we go. We transcend our boundaries."
"Our thoughts transform the world and manifest the decisions of individuals over time."
"I think there's two types of people in this world I think what separates us from the animals is that we have the awareness that we can think right and I think self-awareness is is everything that makes a human a human."
"You see religion comes out of that, the belief in miracles and things of this nature."
"I've taken it on that time doesn't exist... it brings humor to it."
"I think of the soul as being like every tiny quantum movement and measurement of me from the moment I'm born till the moment I die."
"Nietzsche's insights about suppressing certain human parts are intriguing."
"We all start with innocence but the world leads to guilt."
"It's like you meet a stranger with a goal to become best friends, right? Best case scenario, it ends. But what better to have loved and lost, or to have never have loved at all? That's right, word."
"Death is merely the absence of life, much like a shadow is the absence of light."
"I'm choosing love I'm choosing to love these people who don't even yet exist."
"Not only the thirsty seek the water, but the water as well seeks the thirsty."
"Death is a permanent ending, transformations, rebirth, renewals."
"They can take everything from me but they can't take my mind."
"Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field. I will meet you there."
"Everything you can think of already exists in the universe."
"The ending of something is only the beginning of something else."
"The animal becomes human, the human becomes animal."
"No smiles without friends, no black without white, no light without dark."
"What are the dead anyway but waves and energy, light shining from a dead star?"