
Battle Scenes Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The animation in Blade of the Guardians truly stands out with how gorgeous the entire battle looked."
"This fight between Strange and Thanos is first of all amazing."
"Thanos took on Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America wielding Mjolnir and damn near won by himself."
"Dragon fights, arrows, swords. It's cool for a little while, but it's become the crux of the show when the character development isn't working."
"It's very hard to see what's happening because the whole battle is so dark. And I understand they did this because they want to build this sense of dread."
"The scale of the battles in this series has always been quite impressive... it's really cool to see the series noticeably move forward in terms of the technology under the hood."
"This fight is easily my favorite in the game purely due to how climactic it is."
"Jinx vs Echo fight scene... it is so well shot."
"This is kinda cliched, it rains as soon as the battle begins, but it's way too awesome to complain about."
"Zoro activates his Ashura form imbued with his conqueror haki for the first time and attacks Kaido, wounding him once again."
"His mix of motifs and themes for the battle sequences packs in a lot of emotion."
"Attack on Titans is a worthy combination of strong characters, well-crafted battle scenes, and an eerie atmosphere."
"It'd be awesome to have a Godzilla movie where there was a real fight, like an actual long battle between each Monster."
"The final finishing moves and everything like that, I like seeing the clash between the Imperial Dragon versus Zoro's Conqueror's Hockey attacks."
"The battles are great... the epicness of the fight."
"Let's do some battle, you know, like when they're... at Helm's Deep."
"The humans actually contributed to the final battle."
"The frozen lake battle sequence took a whopping five weeks to shoot."
"The battle of helms deep is very debatably the best battle ever portrayed on screen."
"I enjoyed this more than Battle of the Bastards."
"This is not just Fate's best animated fight to date but one of anime's best."
"Radiant Garden will always hold a special place in my gaming memories as the backdrop to one of the first truly epic battles I had ever seen in a video game."
"That battle was so epic, I can't describe it."
"These are some of the most amazing battle sequences I have ever seen."
"The terrible tread of gigantic Titans, the scream of drop pods entering the atmosphere, these are the sounds that make the hearts of Heretics tremble."
"The battles in this series are among my favorite ever!"
"The CGI was well done and those kinds of battles in the water looked all realistic."
"The AT-AT attack on Hoth is arguably the most famous battle scene in Star Wars."
"That's awesome for Jinbe's first major battle as a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, I think it was pretty damn solid there."
"The battle between the rebels and Imperial forces on Hoth was played into the story by Lucas because originally Empire didn't have a great closing battle."
"The music and the wide shot of the two monsters getting ready to battle is perfect."
"Malazan battles are the best, but my favorite moments are conversations."
"This chapter is pretty much as good as it gets in battle manga, in my opinion."
"The battle sequences all across were just really mesmerizing visually. It just left your jaw dropping."
"No one in fantasy has ever written better battle sequences than John Gwen has in this series."
"The battle scene between the two opposing robot armies, the Daleks and the mechanoids, was handled with imagination and ingenuity."
"Everything looks incredible and whether you're talking about massive battles that are just awe-inducing... this is the movie that out-epics everybody else."
"Harkening back to the glory days of DBZ while simultaneously bringing its iconic battles into the current era."
"There was a lot of battles... this one right here was the most epic because it just had so much going on."
"The more I use my imagination, the more intense battles seem to be in my mind."
"The way that he mixes the battle sequences and then the use of music is truly fantastic."
"Goku versus Jiren was one of the greatest fights in all of anime history."
"Kingdom of Heaven's got some pretty good fighting in it."
"So this might be more appropriate for that middle of the battle action, where the fighting's been going on for a sustained period of time."
"I really love it when I have little things to help accent what's going on, like say I'm having a little battle, I have little buildings and stuff with it just to kind of make it seem like how it was in the movies."
"Ash admits that he would always change the channel to reruns of famous battles whenever they came on."