
Mental Activity Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Thoughts are what you hear, but thinking is what you say to yourself."
"Stimulating thoughts positively influences hypoactive minds."
"We want to make our mind active by actively studying and meditating upon the Word of God."
"I always have a stream of thoughts in my head; I always do have something going on."
"Retiring is one of the worst things you could do for your brain health. Use it or lose it."
"She's so shy and reclusive on the outside, but her mind seems to be completely different."
"A thought is the result of thinking, feeling, and choosing."
"Your mind might be racing, you might have a lot of thoughts, a lot of ideas, a lot of inspiration coming through."
"Human beings can't just turn off their ability to have thoughts."
"Your brain is just like any other part of your body: if you don't use it, you're going to lose it."
"There's nothing your brain hates more than just staying still."
"Keep the thinking apparatus engaged, whatever you're doing."
"Paranormal activity active with the actions in my brain, actively I'm tracking apparitions in my veins."
"I do comedy because I have what they call an overactive brain."
"Living active creative intelligence can only happen through an active mind."
"The overactive mind, creating chaotic thoughts."
"We think seventy thousand thoughts a day, so are you thinking about your goal every second of all day? Maybe not."
"You guys are perceived as someone who has a very active mind, someone who is very intelligent."
"Every thought you have, every idea you have, everything."
"The best way to exercise your brain, if you ask me."
"Your mind is more active during your dreams than when you're awake."
"You're basically burning calories while you're thinking."
"Every single day, my mind is running a marathon."
"I don't want to retire. This job keeps my mind working."
"Your brain is working on overtime, your brain is on power drive."
"Relax and let your mind wander off into the abyss while I solve these fun mixed difficulty problems."
"Always a sign his mental machinery was in overdrive."
"My mind's going a million miles a minute right now."
"Writing doesn't look like you're doing anything, but it's all happening up in your head."
"Now, where does your mind go when you let it wander?"
"Consciousness is what mental activity feels like inside."
"There's so much happening in my brain."
"The birth of active mind is truly the resurrection of Christ in man."
"All our mental activity is driven only by desire. Every thought that rises in our mind is impelled by some desire, and every desire is a form of thought. Desire and thought are therefore inseparable."
"There is a great deal of difference between idle thinking and constructive thinking."
"World three is the world of the objective results of human effort and of mental activity."
"Thoughts should probably be thought of more like actions."
"There's a monkey in my mind swinging on a trapeze, reaching back to the past or leaning into the future, never standing still."
"Keep your mind busy, keep your mind learning how to do new things and stuff like that."
"The primary purpose [of breath meditation] is to reduce excessive discursive activity, to stop thinking all the time."
"Thinking in itself is a workout for the brain."
"Stay focused, stay positive, and try to keep the idle mind going."
"There's a lot of activity that's taking place between our ears."
"You've got to keep your mind occupied."
"Your thoughts are actions within your brain."
"Creative brains can't stay dormant."
"You've got to keep the mind alive."
"Our minds are bombarded by plenty of thoughts and many of them come from the outside... and we have a lot of thoughts that kind of bubble up from within."
"You gotta support the seniors, say these old guys, you got to keep the brains moving."
"Your mind can be very active and this is why it's like soaking up all the knowledge like a sponge."
"He attributed his longevity to keeping his mind active and to a deep sense of humor which he really believed in."
"Science says you have about 50 to 60,000 thoughts a day."
"Having a personality that's curious makes a happier life and a more mentally active life."
"The average human has 70,000 thoughts going through their mind every single day."
"You've got to keep the mind active, to practice, know, still play."
"The average person has about 70,000 thoughts every day."
"I have five different trains of thoughts in my head at all times."
"The movement of energy within us condenses in our brain and emanates as our activity of mind."
"As far as we know, all mental activity is carbon-based, but that doesn't mean we couldn't have silicone-based mental activity by other creatures in the universe or maybe artificial intelligence."
"Overcoming problems keeps your brain working, keeps your brain alive."
"It keeps your mind going, keeps your mind active, and you're away from electronics."
"This is not a mechanical aspect of mind because people are thinking and feeling and doing extraordinary things."
"The EEG records potentials from the scalp when a particular mental activity takes place."
"If you're careful, you can harness that mental activity and turn it to discover secrets from the great divine."
"The sufis claim that a certain kind of mental and other activity can produce, under special conditions and with particular efforts, what is termed a higher working of the mind."
"Knitting is definitely a mental activity."
"Sometimes you want to relax by really engaging your brain."
"Our brains are wired to be active; we need to put this energy somewhere."
"If you can keep your mind active, then you can cope with all these things."