
Backlinks Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Creating great content naturally attracts backlinks, which is crucial for SEO."
"Buying backlinks is against Google's guidelines."
"Backlinks are essential to getting a really good SEO score on your website."
"Backlinks act like a vote for your website and generally, the more backlinks you have, the more popular your website is and the higher Google will rank your pages and your website."
"One of the best ways to actually get a backlink is through guest posting on different blogs and websites."
"Backlinks have been and still remain one of Google's most prominent ranking signals."
"The quality of links are just that good for the amount of effort it takes to respond."
"Building backlinks is something that most people struggle with."
"Most people would prefer to link to a Wikipedia article over a similar post on a blog that they've never heard of before."
"If someone is so eager to link to the content of your competitor, they might be interested in your content too."
"That's how we went from over 11,000 random websites that link to our competitor to only 66 that are worth our immediate attention."
"One way to generate backlinks to your site is to write a guest post on a credible website in your niche."
"More backlinks from high domain Authority results in higher rankings."
"Getting one link from Forbes is the equivalent of getting like thousands of links from little tiny websites."
"Focus on building topic authority. Content is the foundation of acquiring backlinks."
"For example, Gary from Google also said that EEAT largely relies on links from authority sites back to your site, so you should not neglect that."
"Having backlinks is important because it snowballs all the way through to conversions."
"You want to make sure you're ultra careful with where you acquire your backlinks."
"The best possible backlink is someone who finds your content and links to it directly from their website."
"Create content that people actually want to link to."
"Now, no matter the claims that backlinks are getting less and less important in the future, that's for the future to decide."
"The better your content is, the more backlinks it will attract."
"I truly believe in the power of backlinks... it's the thing nobody's doing."
"Backlinks are kind of like a popularity contest. And in the contest, the currency is links."
"With more backlinks, it gives a positive signal to search engines that your site is authoritative and trustworthy, which leads to higher rankings on search engines and more search traffic."
"Backlinks are just like thumbs up. The more thumbs up a video has, the more it signals to YouTube that this video is useful."
"You do need to get those mentions on the web, you do need to be in those third party sites, and sometimes you get a backlink out of it which I think is great."
"Nothing is more fundamental to linked-based Knowledge Management than the backlink."
"By the end of this video, you'll have an exact action plan on how to build some backlinks for your blog, build your authority, get some traffic, and make money."
"You need backlinks to build your authority. It is one of the main two pillars of SEO."
"Traffic does not equal revenue. So, you need to get backlinks if you want to be a successful blogger. That's just the fact of the situation."
"If you want scalable backlinks that come in passively with minimal amounts of work but actually optimize for efficiency and speed, then you should focus on one link building strategy at once."
"Your onsite SEO, your website itself, is your car. Backlinks are the fuel."
"Increase domain authority by obtaining more backlinks."
"If a bot follows a link, it's going to pass what we call link juice. So you're going to get credit for the backlink."
"If you're doing off-page SEO, you want to get a sense of what sites are linking to yours. Are they quality sites? Are they spammy?"
"Backlinks will take care of themselves if you can optimize on-page SEO."
"Google uses the quality, relevancy, and number of backlinks to judge a site's quality and trustworthiness."
"Invest time in creating quality backlinks; it will really help you out in the long run."
"The more sources we have in our content, the more well-researched it looks, and therefore, the more potential backlinks it will attract because it looks legit."
"Most SEO content won't achieve its full potential without the most important ranking factor, which are backlinks."
"Acquire high-quality relevant backlinks."
"The more quality links you have pointing to your site, the higher you will rank."
"Now the reason that expired domains are so interesting is because they still receive backlinks from other websites."
"Trust flow says something about how trustworthy a website is by looking at the quality and the topics of those backlinks."
"Backlinks from Wikipedia is definitely a must-have if you want a diverse backlink profile."
"That's the ultimate goal where you have built up enough of this content that you're beyond backlinks."
"If you have a bunch of popular websites linking back to your website, your website will shoot up in the search engines."
"The most important way to get found on the search engine is high domain authority backlinks."
"When you create links to pages inside your Notion workspace, you also create what are called backlinks."
"One good backlink is very valuable because that is like an investment into your own website."