
Gaming Satisfaction Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"We really want exactly everything like literally when I was done, I wanted to play more just because the gameplay felt that satisfying."
"This game seems pretty damn complete, so that's really promising."
"If you're playing a class that you don't feel is satisfying a class whose fantasy doesn't resonate with you that's absolutely going to hinder your enjoyment."
"It’s gaming bliss when things click, and they click with impressive frequency."
"It's so satisfying to one-tap an armored zombie in the face."
"It feels cool and it feels like it's doing something."
"One of the most satisfying quests in the game."
"If a game does that it's already it brings it up to like a 9 out of ten and then it's like the games to lose you know you can only lose a maximum of one oh it's so good every time I get it it's such a relief."
"This game does everything a tower defense game can do right."
"Hitting the end credits provides that sweet satisfaction that comes from accomplishment, and seeing them roll gives me a nice final hit of dopamine."
"Perfect execution, all the more satisfying after struggling with failing over and over again."
"Sonic Mania is almost the perfect Sonic game."
"By playing a healer in a proactive manner... yields I think a much more potent and more rewarding play style and probably just a much more interesting and fun character to play at least for me."
"Give us content that we can engage in, that we can enjoy, that is actually rewarding."
"It's really satisfying smacking Birkin around."
"Wow, this is so cool, guys this game is really satisfying."
"It made me so happy to see Alice stop being used in such a way like it's supposed to."
"Resident Evil 7 is exactly what the series needed and has single-handedly restored my faith in the RE name."
"This game satisfaction levels for me were marvelous, especially when you pull off an awesome headshot or when you stealth kill an enemy, it's just so satisfying."
"Once you get it, man, I'm telling you, it is the most satisfying way to play video games ever."
"It's so refreshing when we get to play a game that doesn't suck ass."
"This game is everything I want from video games and so much more."
"You have never experienced something so damn satisfying in a video game before than one of these E-sene attacks."
"This game does deliver that feeling that you wanted when you slapped 60 down to get this game."
"But this game is just fun, it has so many core gameplay concepts that are just oddly satisfying."
"Any game that leaves me this much still hungry for more can't be said to be a failure."
"It felt like they got the loot right, it felt like they got the weapon damage balancing right."
"Everyone can feel that we finally got something uncomplicatedly great."
"It's not just satisfying from a gameplay perspective either."
"It is so damn satisfying getting a head shot in this game that is juicy."
"Getting a frog coin is just one of the most satisfying things in the whole game."
"Every individual kill you get on another player, it feels so good."
"All you want from a champion, even if I pulled them on my free to play, I'd be very happy."
"I want it now. Oh Luigi's Mansion just worked so well on the 3ds especially with that 3d effect. Luigi's Mansion three would have been a perfect addition to the library."
"Completing Shovel Knight is wildly satisfying; this game rewards patience and mastery."
"Pulling off that perfect long-range shot is one of the most satisfying things in video games."
"Like some kind of ninja tech assassin, it's incredibly satisfying."
"As long as it plays properly, it's enough for most racing fans to pick up the game."
"When you break the game, that's like the really invigorating moments."
"GT Sport's online racing hits it out of the park."
"GEX controlled so satisfyingly... attacking enemies and traversing the landscape just so much fun."
"I'm optimistic, regardless of anything, could go great more RPGs, I'm happy."
"I come away pretty satisfied with my overall experience: the gameplay, the campaign, the loot, and the mod system."
"I seriously think it will fulfill the gaming needs of a lot of people in ways that are really exciting."
"Killing stuff in this game is extremely satisfying. Your attacks feel meaty, and you feel powerful no matter what class you choose."
"The satisfaction of building your own prime warframe is pretty damn good."
"This is genuinely a good game, it feels finished, complete, non-gimmicky."
"I am actually still playing runeterra because I think the game is pretty great."
"Hitting your super on someone is probably one of the most satisfying things in the game."
"I am so happy with this game; it is just so easy to have fun."
"I've never been so impressed with the pack on the get-go, and it's definitely my favorite expansion pack by far."
"Sons of the forest is probably one of the greatest games that I've ever played in terms of like log physics like it's it's so satisfying to build stuff out of wood in that game seriously."
"It feels rewarding, especially when you get that spike hitbox like that on stage."
"Samus just feels so great to control, so smooth."
"The game is sound, and I actually think the necron rules are damn good too."
"Like, for example, I... started my free-to-play account on the uemia banner and... rolled on raiden and I do not regret it."
"This game is a way better upgrade, it's incredible!"
"Yondu, one of the most satisfying characters to play in the entire game."
"I'm actually in love, easily the best game mode they've ever made."
"I could not put Merciless down. It wasn't just a need to master something difficult, it was a satisfaction of using the weapon."
"Totally worth the four diamonds and it's a badass weapon."
"I could not be happier with Metroid Samus Returns."
"Running around the map when you're this fast is really satisfying."
"Tycoons have something about them that's so satisfying, it gives you a sense of achievement."
"None of my hundred plus hours poured into this game have felt wasted..."
"Mark of the Ninja is a game in which everything feels considered, and that kind of deliberate, airtight design is the shit that I can't get enough of."
"This game is making me very, very happy right now."
"Dragon Quest 11 is exactly the type of game I've been desperately looking for."
"The Graviton Lance has finally ascended to a position where I am happy to say I am in love with this weapon."
"Dragon's Dogma 2 delivers everything I wanted in the game."
"This is every bit of what I wanted from Breath of the Wild and more."
"I think the game does win any time a player feels like they're getting away with doing something in the game. I think it's just such a cool moment to feel that mastery."
"The smack sound of whacking an enemy Guardian in PvP with your shoulder charge is the most satisfying noise in the world."
"I love this deck folks, of course there are things that could improve it, but I'm really happy with what it's got."
"When everything goes to plan, this is a very satisfying game."
"This is so satisfying just making the numbers go bigger and bigger and bigger."
"Jill and the player destroy him with the satisfaction of giving him exactly what he wants through the barrel of a 357 lobotomy."
"Playing with snipers like this I think is just one of the most satisfying ways to play Fallout 4."
"There's really nothing quite as satisfying in the game as having a whole flight of dragons."
"It's like you're blowing a big old spoofy load of karma all over their goddamn green faces."
"I'm actually really happy with the shovel enchantment and the diamond pickaxe."
"There is a lizard brain satisfaction in playing Diablo 2."
"This is actually way better than I expected."
"So cool! Just watch how satisfying it is to see all those squares appear and then stop at the numbers."
"Unlocking deathblows becomes a lot less tedious, and it’s always a satisfying feeling to finally put a new deathblow you’ve unlocked to use… because these moves are freaking awesome!"
"It’s honestly so satisfying to unleash a bunch of your most powerful attacks all at once for ridiculous damage, especially against some of the game’s toughest bosses."
"I am in absolute disbelief at how good this team actually is."
"This PlayStation 3, so I'll admit I'm very impressed that they have all of this stuff still here."
"It does what it needs to and is satisfying to use."
"Sayonara Wild Hearts provided everything I never knew I needed for a perfect casual game."
"I literally don't have a single issue with this game."
"For the first time in a really long time, I genuinely think a lot of people are going to fully enjoy this Halo campaign."
"His card is just great, it's just perfect, it's just absolutely perfect."
"The fundamentals of the game... feel really satisfying when it all clicks in your mind."
"There has always been something rather satisfying about squaring off against the game's big bad and striking them down in one fell swoop."
"I just love the feeling of getting a lot done in this game."
"Gaming this year has actually been really, really good."
"It's kind of satisfying to level up, isn't it?"
"The progression experience felt super satisfying."
"Call me weird, but honestly... killing cows in Minecraft is one of the most satisfying activities."
"There's something about seeing that big line of perks in Cold War that feels very satisfying."
"There's nothing more satisfying than rounding up a massive group of monsters and cleaving them down."
"The boss fights in this game are so satisfying to do."
"Once I unlock something like that, it's like the best feeling ever."
"The combat felt good and like responsive and the skill tree goes forever."
"God damn is it satisfying hats off to the impeccable Visual and sound design because both work in perfect tandem with one another to make every swing Throne bomb or slung Arrow an absolute joy to land."
"One shotting these guys... feels pretty good."
"Some of the most rewarding game time I've had in a long time."
"I universally like it. I like the patron spells, I like the additional spells known, I like the free casting."
"It's totally valid but it's something Triple A games wouldn't do but on the flip it's like when you invest that time it makes everything feel so much more worth it."
"The reward that you feel from kicking this game in the balls is unlike any I've ever experienced in a puzzle skill-based action game."
"It is so satisfying to just yank them into that blender and watch them get all ground up."
"Catching a Feebas like that, when you finally get one, it's one of the most satisfying things in Pokémon."
"The itemization in the game is really satisfying."
"There's something so satisfying about killing hordes of enemies in the pursuit of better gear."
"I love this unit you know it is a shame it took me as much as it did to rainbow them but for me it was worth it I got no regrets."
"It's everything I wanted in a Sci-Fi FPS game... It looks really interesting."
"It's so satisfying when you get to kill the Bear."
"Overwatch 2 seems to be all I wanted from the game."
"This gave me that same feeling that I mentioned earlier with Paladins."
"That tangible feeling of success when you find a good marriage is one of the best parts in a strategy game in a long time."
"The physics of fingertip saves are equally satisfying to watch, with the way the ball rolls off their outstretched palms."
"This game is pretty satisfying, there's a lot to do, yeah it's really awesome, pretty sick."
"Easily the most satisfying city to look at that I've ever made, I think."
"Every single task in this game feels rewarding."
"I wish we could get MMOs back to that point of I don't expect to get a new item so when I do it feels wonderful that much better."
"That's perhaps the most satisfying thing I have ever seen in Minecraft."
"The satisfaction you get when timing a hard strike is awesome, and landing a finisher after working hard to fill up the spirit meter is very gratifying too."
"They gave me what I seek from this franchise."
"Pulling off a win after you've been forced into playing a scavenging rats for half the game is not a single bit less satisfying."
"This is the first Half-Life game in 12 years, and I need to stress it's worth the wait."
"GTA 5's combat, though easy, is very satisfying and enjoyable especially when you get the hang of it."
"It's a really cool feeling that makes you feel even more awesome when you follow up a fast reload with a satisfying kill."
"Headshots are super satisfying because it seems like they deal a lot of extra damage."
"Finding shortcuts in Dark Souls 1 felt satisfying."
"This game has a tremendous sense of leveling up satisfaction."
"Winning a game of Civilization, it just feels amazing most of the times because when you play the game it takes usually many actual days."
"I take back everything I ever said negative about 2K."
"His faith in Bethesda game studios is now restored."
"It's like exactly what you want out of a Mario game."
"Almost anything that plays on here is super enjoyable."
"The gratification that comes out of gaming is instantaneous, but if we want to see it transfer over into the real world, young people have to see that it actually transforms things for them in their own worlds."
"Oh I love it when a huff and puff pays, it's what keeps people coming back to this machine."
"The moment we find a desired edge we're happy."
"If you were sitting in this playing DCS, you'd be a happy man."