
Gold Value Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Gold's value has nothing to do with what I think. Gold's value is objective and tangible."
"Gold is very valuable. That's why it became money in the first place. If it was useless and valueless then nobody would have wanted it as money."
"Gold hasn't changed. Gold is the same; the dollar has lost 99% of its value."
"You want to hold on to it until a median price single-family home cost less than 40 ounces of gold."
"Once it becomes public knowledge that paper notes are being backed by gold then the in my opinion the the value of gold is going to rise huge."
"An ounce of gold today will buy the same thing it bought 2,000 years ago."
"Gold is a match made in heaven to preparedness and self-reliance."
"Historically, gold has survived through currency collapses and it maintains its purchasing power."
"Gold is money. It is legal money. There is no counterparty risk. The rest is credit."
"Real gold prevents governments and central banks abuse via inflation via the loss of your purchasing power."
"Gold was built for this scenario, gold was built for this moment in time."
"All currencies will be debased against gold."
"Gold has value against the government, gold has value against a digital dollar, gold has value against a collapsing economy."
"Gold's prominence as a medium of exchange will increase as a consequence of unstable geopolitics."
"We're entering the end phase of this post-World War II debt super cycle... The value of gold exploded."
"Throughout history, gold has maintained its value better than any other asset on planet earth."
"Gold's purchasing power cannot be inflated away."
"The money printer can only go burr interest rates will not go up in any time in the near future that's why gold is actually such a valuable asset at this point in time."
"In a crisis, gold is your long-term wealth holder; physical gold will always retain its value."
"When all confidence is lost, gold becomes a component of whatever the new money system is."
"Gold has been the best performer since the year 2000."
"The alternatives are far worse. Gold is an insurance policy against government stupidity."
"Gold has held its purchasing power for like a long long time. It's very good."
"The real winners are gold or things that central banks can't create."
"Gold stands unwavering in the tempest. It remains a bulwark against inflation."
"A rising gold price indicates a failing fiat currency."
"When there's a currency or banking crisis, gold becomes valuable."
"As soon as the U.S. dollar loses its reserve status, then the price of gold will explode."
"That's right like that is how much gold will ever cost it will never cost more than that it just happens to be more than it currently cost."
"Gold is money, as Morgan said, and nothing else."
"The true fundamental value of an ounce of gold...is $11,500 bucks."
"If you put in an hour work and you made twenty dollars you effectively made one ounce of gold worth of value."
"Gold's purchasing power goes up when the markets are down."
"Gold is a currency allocation more than anything else."
"If the dollar falls in value, gold is going to increase, not just gold but other precious metals and potentially other commodities."
"Gold has always been there through wars, disasters, and turmoil—reliable, dependable, and authentic."
"When you look back historically what you see is that gold is never worth nothing when the bottom falls out of everything else."
"That's the stable play... it makes me feel kind of better sleeping at night to have some gold in my portfolio."
"Gold has outperformed everything else over time."
"Gold is the safest long-term hold form of money in the world Bar None."
"Gold will be waving its hand saying, 'Hey, look at me.'"
"Imagine having enough gold over here in 2000 to buy a house but you're like no I'm good I'm just going to hold on to my gold."
"Gold is doing its job as far as I'm concerned."
"Gold is the purest reflection of the monetary madness we have out there."
"Most mortals need gold. The function that gold plays fundamentally for an investor is it saves them from the depreciation of the purchasing power of their savings."
"But wait it's all made out of gold okay so it's like super valuable that's that's why we're going after it."
"Gold is the only real money; everything else is just credit."
"Two thousand dollar an ounce gold is going to be looked at as cheap."
"Gold is the only constant that no one else can print."
"Everybody has valued physical gold so for me it's a simple way for me to get exposure to that."
"Gold does well during periods of time when people are concerned about the maintenance of purchasing power in conventional assets."
"We've got a very good chance that gold has increased in purchasing power."
"Gold is exposing the devaluation of all fiat currencies."
"One of the functions of gold for investors and others is to be a liquidity storage facility."
"Gold is a place to hide when there is severe disruption in the financial system."
"Gold perfectly did its job. The job of gold is to protect purchasing power."
"The fundamentals of why gold is important are falling into place."
"Gold physical in your possession is a safe haven asset the best Safe Haven asset because of its use globally and its demand globally."
"Gold performs well during monetary and physical disorder."
"All roads lead to Gold having a very shiny future."
"If the currency system collapses then the most likely inheritor is going to be gold initially."
"Gold doesn't really care about any of this. It's going to do just fine."
"Physical gold is the only globally accepted financial asset that can't be printed."
"Gold does not hedge against inflation. Even the strongest hands are getting sick of holding gold."
"If you held an ounce of gold in 1922, it would buy more or less the same basket of goods and services as you could buy with an ounce of gold in 2022."
"Gold is pro-liberty pro-freedom prosperity that's why governments hate it."
"I think gold will go much higher in the years ahead, I just don't necessarily think it's going to be because, you know, Z and Putin want to go back to a gold-backed currency."
"Why gold is so unpopular now and also why it was so popular in the bourgeois era."
"Gold was really out for a long time, but now all of a sudden, I think gold is good."
"The mines in Rosland at today's gold price produced well over $1 billion."
"I will pay you, but I don't want money, I want gold."
"Commodities like gold have been around before us and will be here after us."
"Gold does well during periods of time when people's concern about the maintenance of their savings in US dollars are challenged."
"You're going to see gold and silver soar and you're going to see home prices come down pretty dramatically."
"If you restore the age-old 20 to 40 ratio of gold to foreign debts outstanding, that puts gold at six to twelve thousand bucks."
"That's almost exactly one ounce of gold which in those days would be worth about fifteen dollars and fifty cents."
"Gold has some systemic value on earth between humans; it's fixed and manipulated subject to abuse, but there's still some value there because of the system that we're in."
"That's a lot of gold. Well, here's the funny thing: Bank of America recently called for gold to go to $3,200 an ounce."
"Our collective financial sins would likely lead to a deterioration and purchasing power of the dollar and a revaluation at least in nominal terms of gold upwards."
"The only form of money that still buys what it did once before is gold."