
Customer Interaction Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"I got fired from Baskin-Robbins for harassing customers."
"You have to be Chick-fil-A in your life, give great customer service."
"I just want to check how you get this hoverboard because here it will be in the wait it just says thanks for the support."
"I love how they have to get their own order, how cool is that?"
"Perform the sales call... just to make sure you're in the driver's seat."
"It's so exciting creating an MVP. Get out there, talk to your customers!"
"Thank you so much for your time today... All these quality of life updates that are really awesome."
"I want to continue making the flavors of tari. I want to continue seeing the faces of the customers that love the food here."
"Hey, would you like me to come over and show you what I could do to sell your home and get you top dollar fast?"
"I used to work at PetSmart and they would be like oh I'm going to purchase crickets and I would like go into the cricket box and I'd be like like freaking out like trying to try really. They freaked out that much?"
"It took 24 days until I received my first order, I had 17 non-spam inquiries, seven inquiries that I declined because they either wanted an ongoing video editor or just wasn't the right fit for me, and four total orders."
"If you guys have any questions about anything that maybe I did not talk about in this video please be sure to leave me a comment."
"Developers decide that the customer might just be a giant doofus and clap back at haters by inserting references or parodies in their games."
"It completely changes the way the customer interacts with our crews."
"Make sure you're really strategic about your pictures, about how you promote yourself, the way you write the caption out, the way you speak back to your clients."
"We saw the opportunity to have a direct connection with our customers and to build systems that took advantage of that connection."
"When I ask someone what their budget is, I'm not pricing the job at their budget."
"Companies do not value cashiers as much as they probably should, especially considering cashiers are the ones who interact with your customer base the most."
"When a customer comes in, we're gonna both try and sell one of those items to them."
"Your customers are going to want to actually see what the final design will look like printed on a shirt."
"You've got the reviews at the top and the name of the product."
"Can I start you off with something to drink?"
"I think about our launch and putting this in people's hands as getting the experience right."
"A contact form is a must-have for whatever business that you have. You need a way for your customers or potential customers to get in contact with you."
"The attention there and then just some quick references when people request for stuff."
"I poured the green teas and delivered dishes to customers."
"I'm trying to contain myself from not laughing because it's the strangest question a customer has ever asked me."
"It's a really cool concept, the response we've been getting from the mail just from people sending in photos of their ants in our Omni nests."
"There's no substitute for spending time with customers. Do it regularly, do it often."
"Before he does that, give him a five-star review."
"Late Night Shoppers are a class all on their own; they're a class of customer that will arrive to purchase something just when the shop is about to close."
"The Demanders are shoppers who demand, demean and order you around like you're simply a slave."
"The Ravagers are some of the most foulest members of the public to enter shops."
"Thank you so much for hanging out with me and taking a lot of time to walk around in this big store and look at everything."
"Do you like them? Are they providing you service?"
"The nicest, easiest, just genuinely good and fun humans that I would serve for free because I just enjoyed getting to talk to them and hang out with them."
"When you first look at that product, we want the only thing you to see back is your shining face." - Curtis
"You want people to call you, that's the secret to high ticket."
"When everything is going wrong at work and you're apologizing and a customer says, 'Oh honey, it's not your fault.'"
"The point of the exercise isn't to do the perfect face, it's to test yourself... Am I going to make this face presentable to whoever is paying me?"
"The two things that really ridiculously de-risk your startup: talking to your customers and building and launching a product." - Dalton Caldwell
"It was great to see my father passing out soups and talking to the customers and getting them all excited about our restaurant. Thank you so much. Thank you."
"Hello, have you found our selection of vegetables today? Oh hi, how's it going? Can I interest you in our fine selection of Bud Lights? No? Alright, I'll just see my way out then."
"Please let me know if you do decide to use the code anyway, just so that I can personally tell you thank you because again, it is the reason that I get to do what I do."
"You better talk to your pizza man about that."
"Our order bank is filling up so give me a call as soon as possible."
"Your goal is not to sell or ask for a decision."
"If there's other products you want me to hunt down, please leave me a comment."
"Welcome back to Good Times Realty. I hear you've had some good times."
"Interacting with online customers has never been more critical than it is today."
"Streaming is kind of like a customer service job."
"It's an easier function than coming in and saying can I have this."
"She was so nice to me for the rest of the transaction that it was almost disturbing."
"EA sports can you please explain to us why you have this safety round still sucking when you get most rounds give me 97."
"The whole experience of... give all this valuable feedback has been fantastic."
"It was always a happy occasion when someone came in who was actually interested."
"We're very, very focused on solving one problem... real customers... doing real things with the technology." - Daniel Rondo
"Once again, this customer challenged us, and I think we stepped up and won the challenge."
"The great salesperson takes its time and builds a sales pitch along the customer's responses."
"100% of the team's time is going to be focused on listening, responding, iterating, and then tuning. All right, excellent, thank you."
"The porter will probably be standing outside in front of the hotel."
"That's important to find out what their expectations are because that gives us a better sense of how we're gonna tackle the car or how we're gonna what we're gonna do the detail."
"Mr. Customer, you told me performance is your number one priority. Let me remind you of all the performance features in this car."
"They were shopping, they're patrons, they're spending money in your establishment helping pay your wages."
"Hey, it's you again! Business is excellent here, these two fellas bought all my ice cream."
"Kind of get in line and you kind of just put your order and you bounce. It's not as personable, you know what we're doing with the cookie store is we kind of created a huddle."
"Every Friday morning, we open up cases just like your customers."
"Please use the hashtag #jazzerboxes if you get one or all of the boxes, show me how much you love the boxes, what you make with the boxes, I want to see what you do and how much you love it because I know you will."
"Your feedback is incredible, really important to us."
"You saved 44 dollars and he cried, give him a discount."
"Since you've now asked nicely, yes, I can let you in the water park."
"Talking to customers sells more comics than anything."
"You get to make people feel beautiful for a living."
"I got it boss, let the customers through. It's like midnight for some reason."
"Your customer is a person. They're not a robot, they're not a machine, they're real people."
"Guests would leave the ride and ask cast members where these characters were."
"I'm not in this to get rich I just want to enjoy the hobby enjoy the customers that we get to interact with on a daily basis try and provide something of quality into the industry and for me that's that's plenty."
"There is virtually no OEM that we are launching programs with that are actually coming back to us and asking us to do more of the software development."
"You're going to make more money if you deliver to people who appreciate you."
"I don't work here, ma'am. I suggest you ask one of the available cashiers." - Me
"Welcome to the Twin River Diner! How you doing today?"
"The Tank M1 sled ticks all my boxes. If you've got a question, stick it in the comments, or even better yet, just give Mark MT3 Fitness a call."
"You're not a customer Karen, you're a time and attention Thief."
"It's regular enough that they're gonna remember you, but you're not gonna piss them off."
"I don't work here anymore and I'm in the middle of getting my own groceries, so let's just not."
"Selling is not about pushing and pressuring; it's about getting prospects to do the work themselves."
"I like being able to come in and meet and greet our patrons and treat them as guests coming into my home."
"Oh my goodness this is messy smells so good hi welcome what would you like today chicken chicken."
"One of the great things about being a material supplier is you get to design something that basically expands the trade-offs that are available to your customer and then watch them come up with great ways to use your material." - Karl Sprentall
"So this is the test bench over here and this is where they test the products out but also show the potential customers if they work or not and the customers can then confirm if that's the board they want and if so then you come to a bargain."
"If you ever want to make any real money in tips, you should never judge a book by its cover."
"I just came to check out your store. You have some really cool stuff here."
"Ikea became more of an experience than a typical shop."
"Why not just buy directly from us? Yeah, that's a good question. I guess I would say the truth."
"Don't be afraid to ask questions; sellers are usually really friendly."
"We hear that feedback, we will absolutely respond to it."
"Good luck to everyone who made an order, huge thanks. Please post it on Instagram when you get your order, let me know that you got it."
"Good customer service is entertaining the customer, listening to the customer."
"When you're on stage on property where guests can see you, you are the magic."
"Literally, we're making people smile every day."
"And I just, customer... I know I told him he's going to be the biggest flop regardless, you guys remember."
"Remember to smile. You are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."
"Remember, with every interaction you have with the prospective customer, have a plan in place to help them and add value."
"Sales is every single touchpoint."
"My top tip is never to give a final price over the phone."
"Trust Revolution: Bringing the human touch to every interaction with our customers."
"A successful digital marketing effort guides all of a company's customer interactions. It allows companies to think strategically about how to reach customers through digital channels."
"Digital marketing is more than running ads to drive sales. It's a set of practices that can affect a company's customer interactions at all levels and during every stage of the purchase journey."
"Listen for the clutch when the customer doesn't know what to do. It's not their fault when they've engaged the clutch you have a problem when the sales cycle stalls and it will do over and over again it's your issue to figure out why."
"...one interaction could be the difference between making the sale."
"I almost snapped my ankle running to the front to serve him with a smirk."
"If you have any questions, then let us know in the comments or the chat below, and then I hope you have a great day."
"We're always excited to hear what you guys have to say!"
"The theme is that the brands, the manufacturers are figuring out how to use DLT generally to interact with their customer base."
"...ask them to try on the bag... that will buy you so much time to really let them get to know you a bit more..."
"I want to thank everyone who visited my store this week. You guys are awesome."
"The best part is getting to work with customers, listening to people who have actually spent real significant money on a product."
"With respond.io, businesses can manage all customer interactions from a single centralized dashboard."
"Thanks for your time, happy camper."
"Think outside of the box. Put yourself in the mindset that you cannot interact with your customers in a physical way whatsoever."
"I love it when customers message in."
"Not every interaction with a potential buyer will turn into a sale, but it is always worth it to answer those questions."
"My favorite part at the moment is just meeting all the other small creators or customers, even. I have like a lot of people that come up to me at market saying they watch my channel."
"It has everything to do with the way they communicate with you."
"Seeing and meeting customers and talking to them and telling them about the candles and educating them on certain things, it is just unbeatable. I love it so much."
"Your goal is to book an appointment, not to sell the car over the phone."
"No business plan survives first contact with customers."
"She mentioned how much she enjoyed interacting with customers because she takes pride in our business."
"The application is not just something you created and used by your customers and users, you should have the feedback loop."
"The most beautiful thing about the brand is that the owners are in the shops, want to speak with the people, see the reaction."
"It's really important for those of us that are actually building the product that we have regular interaction with our customers."
"That feedback loop is invaluable."
"Sound good? Perfect, well I will be right back."
"What will it benefit me to be nasty, negative, toxic, and have a horrible attitude with the very person who is providing the bread for me to feed my family?"
"Make sure that you offer additional ways to interact with you so that you can better understand how the customer is doing and can offer value."
"Customers will give you all the feedback you need to grow and expand your business."
"I like talking to people. I feel like if I can talk to a potential customer, I have an advantage."
"I'd like to give a big shout out to my customer Robin for this fantastic idea."
"Make it an interaction, not a transaction."
"I'm really excited for Market season, I love just interacting with customers."
"I miss building the store, stocking the shelves, talking to customers, finding new and interesting products to bring in."
"It's not just guys in R&D locked up in a lab who produce new knowledge now; it's how you interact with your customers, how you solve problems."
"Random people walking in and trying your stuff and loving it, and also being able to interact with the clients one-on-one, because sometimes working from home, they just order, deliver."
"With the shop, definitely someone is walking in to purchase, so those are some of the benefits of running a shop."
"I generally consider, before I take a job, whatever comes my way in terms of these customers, I'm going to be learning from it, and that's part of the job."
"Do you think that you will really enjoy working with customers? Being around lots of people is something that is really important to me."
"There's nothing more powerful than walking a customer into your environment... and you point out something that is a maintenance or service or a safety issue."
"Instead of being stuck sorting beans or reprocessing, you can look for customers, you can explain your product, you can talk with the suppliers, you can go face to face and do the human interactions which is extremely important."
"Thank you so much for your patience, it's been a pleasure talking to you today, and I look forward to speaking with you all down the line."
"It's nice to be able to see our customers' faces and sell the clothes directly to them."
"Once your payment or estimate is accepted by your customer, you're able to convert these estimates over onto invoices and sales orders."
"They're just there to do their job with scanning items and helping you check out, so treat them like people too."
"This is what a great bar is all about: screaming, interaction, connection with people."
"You're providing a service, and you need to make sure you have that proper demeanor."
"I was an 18-year-old kid who was pretty excited to have a job to begin with and was scared of losing it from being rude to a customer."
"Building rapport is key when you're live with a customer in discovery mode."
"And if this is the one you're getting, let us know, we love hearing about it. Thanks for watching."
"The layout of your dispensary is critical to its success."
"An open layout lends itself to a much more personal interaction."
"It's a small company, so more than likely when you call that phone number, the owner of the company is going to pick up the phone."
"We always say, the dopest thing is when we see someone in this gym wearing a naka and they have no idea who we are."
"So here's a simple workflow of what we're doing: the customer will go to the page, click on the wishlist button."
"Take care, have a good one, and see you soon with another repair."
"Where you can interact with your customers really wherever your customers want to interact with you."
"And that's really the impetus for being able to personalize interactions with the customer, regardless of where that customer is interacting with you."
"There is always an expert in this conversation between you and the customer."
"Would you like to speak with them? I'm sure they'd like to apologize personally for everything that's happened."
"This is the public area of the post office; this is where the post office workers would work to serve customers."
"You can have a little dialog box like this on your website and the customer can fill in their information, whatever it is, you'll get a callback in JavaScript and you can do whatever you want."
"Her face lit up and she was all like, 'Oh yeah, how many do you want?'"
"Analytics is going to evolve to be much less web-centric and more across all of the different ways that customers interact with companies."
"When we say it's real-time customer magic, it depends on the timeline we just showed."