
International Finance Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"China's digital yuan is set to challenge the dollar's domination of international trade settlements in the next decade."
"China has loaned $520 billion, making it a larger lender than the IMF and World Bank."
"The US dollar and the euro are seen as stable and reliable."
"The BRICS bank, officially known as the New Development Bank, was created as an alternative to the U.S dominated World Bank."
"There are maybe a hundred million people... sending $560 billion dollars home every year."
"China sells the most US Assets in four years."
"This government has come down very hard on dirty money from Russia and everywhere else."
"China has shown that a major creditor country can create a large system of cross-border rescue lending to nearly two dozen recipient countries."
"Now, China has also been accused of strategically using overseas financing to gain assets from developing countries."
"While the Yuan currency is still a long way from challenging the Dollar's dominant position as the world's Reserve currency, its growing use in international transactions is a sign of China's increasing importance."
"Moving money across borders affordably has always been difficult and crypto really is well suited to solve that problem."
"NATO countries will be paying $530 billion more. More, not total."
"China's stock market is collapsing... China's economy is clearly not doing well."
"You never really know how strong they are until they're in hot water."
"When do you start getting excited about breaking wildly new ground? When do you start thinking about taking fantastic risks, huge chances, things that are noble enough to reacquaint ourselves with the idea of a quest?"
"Angola is currently the first African country with the most Chinese debt."
"Bricks countries should probably be thinking hard about decreasing the need to borrow in dollars."
"Mexico's interest rate increase had to match the US Federal Reserve to preserve the spread between rates."
"We're on a mission to make international transactions instant, frictionless, and interoperable."
"China is looking to become the global reserve currency."
"Even though smaller countries and countries that you may not even care about are accepting Bitcoin as legal tender, it's actually very bullish news."
"China has become the biggest lender in the world."
"We have Paraguay that's about to make Bitcoin legal tender and of course, we have Vechain that continues to do well."
"Donald Trump is talking about cutting funds to the UN... we pay 22% of the operating budget and 28% of the peacekeeping budget."
"Imagine, oh I can't get money out of the US, I can't get money out of Canada. It's like maybe you can still get China, maybe you can still get like a couple countries in Europe, right? Maybe Middle East, other than that you can't do it."
"The IMF utilizes debt as a tool to exercise control over African nations."
"Turkey may need to borrow more money as its currency reserves dwindle."
"Bitcoin solves real-world problems, like transferring money internationally."
"The fact that foreign countries are holding a significant part of our debt puts us in a very vulnerable position."
"Sending wires internationally is absolutely prehistoric technology."
"The difference... is that China's debt has been to help countries grow, not to finance their dependency."
"The U.S. is really the top destination for dirty money."
"Xrp is where it's gonna go um so I I think I think it is the future of banking I do believe it or across border payments."
"Russia is likely to continue making payments in Rubles. What we'll see beyond that is the USA will claim defaults and Russia will claim a non-default because they've made that payment."
"The Chinese government granted a loan to Argentina in Argentine pesos to repay part of the debt to the IMF."
"So the total amount of global investment from all of these nations is now around 40 billion dollars."
"Trouble in the rest of the world sends capital out of the place where there's trouble and into the US because we're still seen as the safe haven for global capital."
"The main concept is outside of the United States the majority of dollars are lent into existence."
"There has to be something like what Keynes described in 1944 a bricks bank that will issue its own kind of paper gold that will only be used among countries themselves."
"Fast, cheaper cross-border payments: Is wholesale CBDC the answer?"
"Why no matter if Trump or Biden gets in office are trillions of dollars going overseas?"
"I think you'll be you know you'll be in thailand and it'll have bot it'll have dollars and it'll have the bitcoin price."
"The practical reality is that the international transfer pricing makes it impossible to tax corporate income except at a universal rate across the west."
"Foreign assets tend to see bigger drawdowns than US markets during US recessions."
"I think at the end of the day, if El Salvador is accepting cryptocurrencies, I think one is just the start." - Ashish Berla
"We need to borrow from China in order to pay social security benefits."
"It's listed on the New York Stock Exchange, so yes, we could still invest in it as Canadians."
"Look at it this way as well, you look at last week, gold hit its all-time high against the second and third largest economies in the world, in China and Japan."
"The role of the IMF is to make sure that there is more financial stability around the world."
"It is the duty of the IMF because those countries are part of the community. The role of the IMF is to make sure that there is more financial stability around the world."
"Almost every tax haven in the world is on Portugal's blacklist."
"Grasp the principles of correspondent banking and account relationships between banks located in different currency zones."
"The task of the IMF would be to maintain order in the international monetary system, and that of the World Bank would be to promote general economic development."