
Economic Debate Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"It's capitalism that has produced freedom and it alone has lifted millions from poverty, while communism has kept millions impoverished and without exception crushed freedom."
"The debate about universal basic income is essentially a debate about whether this time technological revolution is going to be any different than the previous ones."
"Modern monetary theory isn't actually that modern. It's been around for about 25 years."
"Why should you and I have to pay for working people to have their basic needs if they're working?"
"Deaths would still go up. What these posters are trying to get you to think is that those COVID deaths which would not happen otherwise are a worthy sacrifice to save the economy."
"It is not whether we can afford it. It is whether we can afford to ignore it."
"The leftists seem to think I know people should be paid more money I know we'll force people to pay them more money as if that manifests money or economic value or labor value it doesn't."
"We're talking about sending checks. The vast majority of which will be going to people who've had no loss of income whatsoever."
"Should any job regardless of technical skill required pay workers so little that they cannot afford to rent even the smallest place to live? Absolutely not."
"It's a huge mistake to look at Soviet history as an economic failure."
"You want to reduce our deficit? Why not stop sending billions to Ukraine?"
"Obviously, there's a big debate going on about taxes, and about the need to grow the economy and to create jobs."
"Inflation is not specifically because workers are able to have more control over their workplaces"
"Flat taxes is going to take a very... I'm with Adam on this."
"It's not social spending that's causing the federal deficit to soar; it's Republican tax cuts, especially on corporations and the wealthy." - Robert Reich
"It is really quite devastating to see people have a conversation about what it looks like to prioritize anything other than preserving the lives and the livelihoods of the people."
"A $15 minimum wage will not help, we believe."
"Cultural libertarianism is the way forward in pushing back against identity politics."
"Suddenly everyone is very eager to raise taxes on the 26-year-old doctor who earns $150,000 a year."
"Yes, I disagree with their idea that large bureaucratic supply chains are a necessity."
"This debate is about you... it's about making sure that the sacrifices that you have made to fix our economy aren't wasted." - Nick Clegg
"But the reason people attack capitalism is that capitalism is today's world and that imbalance exists in it fundamentally."
"No rich people get rich be good for the economy who cares great bizarre utterly bizarre."
"The fight between public health and the economy doesn't have to be in opposition to each other."
"My whole argument against modern Wall Street has been that it's anti-capitalist."
"The central argument here just doesn't work in favor of tariffs and I think that is worth noting."
"Capitalism is the only thing that has elevated billions of people out of poverty."
"I can't really see a good argument for giving money to the bureaucracy of Brussels in order for them to give some of it back."
"Socialism may sound great on the surface, but in practice, it really doesn't provide the type of economic prosperity that we in the states have become accustomed to."
"You cannot care about lifting people from poverty and be anti-capitalist. There is no other economic system that has lifted billions of people out of poverty."
"Us bailing out, you know, Virgin Atlantic is not socialism. Actually, it's pretty the worst form of capitalism there is."
"Maybe the federal funds rate has no impact on inflation at all."
"Time to stop picking around the bone and actually get into the meat of who we're talking about here."
"Perhaps counter-intuitively to Warren's myopic thought process, it may be crucial to let the innovators and the wealth creators choose the right time to sell."
"The minimum wage needs to be higher." - "It's not about the value of humans or our worth, it's about the value of labor."
"So really Michael burry here is fighting history by arguing that we're gonna have a second massive Spike of inflation."
"What happened to Mr. free market Crowder where is this guy?"
"Why is capitalism treated as this evil thing?"
"Trying to consider a more well-rounded analysis of all of the different instances where reference center pricing could be utilized absolutely showed me why so many people disagree."
"There is no way to argue at this point that we are not in a recession."
"Why are you quibbling over $600 when people need that to buy food, pay the rent, and again inject demand into the economy?"
"A new poll says that eight in ten Americans think the federal minimum wage is too low and two-thirds support increasing it to 15 an hour."
"President Trump has squandered the economic expansion created during the Obama-Biden administration, causing an economic recession." - Joe Biden
"We need to adapt to it instead of fight it or talk about whether or not it's good or bad because it doesn't help our pockets."
"People are choosing not to work, that's UBI for you."
"The source of their misery is not capitalism but the government and the only cure that will work is a huge dose of free-market capitalism."
"Was it a lie that this is the greatest economy we've watched in our lifetime?"
"Looking at numbers changes the tone of the debate. It takes a lot of the heat and ideology out of it. It's a much more productive way of engaging each other as we debate these questions."
"This goes deeper than making money, guys. This goes into ethics, morality, and a free market."
"The notion that capitalism is a system of unfreedom, well, government largesse is a system of freedom ignores the fact that somebody actually has to pay the bills." - Ben Shapiro
"Dark pools are not the worst thing for our market. I would wholeheartedly argue that payment for order flow and the current state of market makers is way more exponentially detrimental to our market than dark pools."
"There's logic in free trade, but there's also a great clamoring for fair trade."
"Inflation or deflation, that is the raging debate. Will prices continue to skyrocket higher or is there a big crash in the future? That's the conversation."
"We're quibbling over twelve hundred dollars for Americans who can't pay their bills." - Brian Kilmeade
"Captain America is bad for the economy. Sam Wilson will see unite people equality for everyone. But what about those who work? Are those with great success should keep what there's not handed out."
"Big tech, not cryptocurrency, is the real threat to central bank's autonomy."
"The inflation debate: transitory vs. permanent shifts in economic dynamics."
"We should stop talking about free markets maybe they would be a good idea maybe they wouldn't maybe capitalism would be a good idea maybe it wouldn't."
"That's The Big Conversation. There is obviously going to be a big inflation / deflation debate coming over the next few weeks and months."
"Because this is the conversation that we have when we're rich."
"It's not a free market, it's a manipulated market."
"The gains that have been made in the people of the world have been despite capitalism not before it."
"When is bitcoin going to be seen as something that you can hedge against inflation?" - Tim
"The rush to get back to work is not coming from the working class."
"Most racial debates in this country are really economic debates... a distraction from what we need to be talking about."
"Mainstream economists deny recession while admitting inflation."
"The trade war with China highlights broader debates about protectionism versus free market capitalism."
"We cannot let the Cure be worse than the problem itself." - President Trump
"It's okay to be angry about capitalism. He's got a little bit of a point."
"It's great for people who can use immigrant labor. Cheap immigrant labor is awful for the group that has to compete with them."
"I refuse to believe that over the long term, a commanded control Central economy like China is going to figure this out better than the market will figure it out."
"Private sector debt is by far the most dangerous thing in capitalism, not government debt."
"There's no reason why workers shouldn't get paid at least $20 an hour."
"Is poverty a state of mind, a consequence of bad spending habits, or something way more complex?"
"This is about a broader message, it's a broader message about the cost of socialism."
"Defeating the challengers: Central banks vs. the world."
"This idea that Trump actually deserves credit for the Biden economy is just too ridiculous to reach most people."
"Two of the most important players in the debate about the future of the world economy are women."
"You need to pay a living wage, 12 and 25 cents is not a living wage to anybody."
"The big argument here is the embeddedness; once it becomes structural, it changes the rules of the game in ways that we can't possibly anticipate."
"In theory, monopoly is bad, but in practice, it may not be."