
Reports Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"There have been reports... children are still being separated."
"We do believe those are loosening up now; we're getting all kinds of reports that that is the case."
"It's not nothing, there's reports of these ever since World War II."
"Year after year, people continue to report encounters with something we don't have answers for."
"The Belgian UFO wave marked the start of numerous UFO reports."
"Consider this: on June 1st, the Pentagon will produce its most complete report to date on UFOs and UAPs."
"It was this accident that resulted in this 90-page report."
"Reports of flying spheres flood a local military base."
"Every Mission it seems like there was some kind of anomalous activity being reported by the astronauts."
"When I read your monthly report now rather than glazing over most of it... I'm starting to understand."
"Since 1947, the US Air Force has analyzed as many as 2,000 reports of UFOs."
"Frequently report witnessing paranormal activity."
"Monetization includes e-commerce reports plus reports for in-app purchases and publisher ads."
"...but I think there's something to it and I think you'd be a fool not to think that way because there's just too much too many reports indicating that there's something unnatural with these things."
"Most reports put them in the 7-8 foot range, which is still a massive animal."
"And those categories are going to help you out in the third step, which is sending those reports."
"While using Planner, it's pretty simple to get those reports."
"The situation is a lot worse than it's portrayed in quarterly reports."
"I do so, I listen to the reports all the time."
"...conflicting reports from his own mouth as to how long his contract is and or whether he asked for his release."
"Social media reports allow marketers to visualize and present their social media data in an easy-to-understand way."
"After that, reports of people with superpowers popped up across the globe."
"Real-time data processing deals with streams of data captured and processed with minimal latency, enabling near real-time reports or automated responses."
"The whole point of accounting is to create these two reports."
"Reports like these would become more and more common along the Chestnut Ridge."
"There are multiple reports of people seeing this dark entity, and many of them say that this is nothing other than a demon."
"...let's go back to the report descriptors, like I said they describe reports similar to device and endpoint descriptors."
"We do also have reports of there being high conflict meetings and missives between the king and his half-sister Mary."
"This is generated from the JUnit reports and it shows us which jobs are associated with those tests."
"Okay, let's implement the listeners class, guys. Why I'm implementing the listeners classes is to get these extended reports, okay? I want to generate these extended reports only for the failed tests. So for that, I have to implement the listeners class."
"Hey everybody, welcome back! Sometimes in longer reports and proposals you need footnotes because they help to document content on a given page."
"If you ever want reports on these, you can always request them and they will email them to you."
"Improve your marketing with insightful reports."
"Reports of ghost sightings and paranormal activity are on the rise this year."
"Build out awesome reports that you're able to wow your co-workers, your bosses, and your clients with using Looker Studio."
"...a total of 39 abuse and neglect reports were made and they were all ignored until it was far too late."
"There are reports of things that may have come down and done their dirty deeds upon the people of Earth, there's a surprising number of reports, which is really interesting."
"He smiled with genuine pleasure for in her service his reports bore Rich fruit."
"Reports like these often misrepresent or outright lie about events."
"Those who have braved the tunnels report a range of Otherworldly occurrences."
"All the reports were written in plain English and not Latin. This was essential because it made the work accessible for everyone."
"You also get personalized cycle and insight reports related to your personal cycle."
"According to verified reports, Paul Cooper had been murdered two years ago while seeking rare art objects on a trip into Tibet."
"They were reportedly extremely kind and charismatic."
"What we have had is a huge number of hail reports and one confirmed tornado where we could see the debris lofted into the radar scan."
"I have read your reports, but I don't understand why you wrote them."
"Reports are just as important as the current day. Without them, we wouldn't have the knowledge and database or a better platform and understanding that we do now."
"Man size, it's like such a mundane story compared to like probably any of those other 300 random reports around the area."
"Eyewitness and newspaper reports describe a hideous creature."
"Brace yourselves if you are watching this from Australia because I've seen multiple different reports as I follow you know weather pretty regularly."
"When you stop and you start going back over these reports and you just, you know, see that there's so many of them, there's so many of these reports, there can't be, it's just, it's got to be something to this."
"A great way of comparing two reports and seeing what changed between the two reports."
"The US Department of Defense announced that in 2022 alone, they received and tracked over 400 reports of UFO sightings."
"This is all just speculation and reports without any solid evidence and proof."
"Narrative style reports are usually the way we do it because that's where the stories are sitting."
"Almost every type of paranormal phenomena has been reported within the forest."
"What's important here is that both scientists and everyday people have reported that this could happen."
"...people have reported often there that there are unexplained sounds and lights in the Bennington triangle along with radio disturbances..."
"Many have said that this isn't the first time that strange entities and sightings have been reported from this area."
"Reports empower knowledge, awareness, and transparency within Salesforce teams."
"If you have one beautiful standard report about something that happened, you always have doubts, but when you have many conflicting reports, that's a healthy sign."
"I'm taking all the reports seriously myself because there's just far too many."
"Throughout recorded history, reports of what we today might call unidentified flying objects have been made and preserved."
"Reports are a really cool thing you can use here."
"We want to be the consumer reports out there."
"The vast number of reports, and the high degree of consistency between them suggest that some witnesses, at least, were seeing something that was actually there."
"There's an amazing amount of information just built into the standard reports that are already sitting inside the system."
"The idea is you can do pretty much anything with those sort of reports."
"The many extant reports of these things suggest that military brass was anything but unfamiliar with UFOs by the summer of 1947."
"The reports that come out of your vulnerability management program are a huge part of understanding risk."
"We've been getting several reports of Earth tremors in the area."
"Here are five of the strangest monsters ever reported."
"You can create a macro to print records or reports."
"We know that a lot of people use our inspection reports to form decisions about where to access care."
"Unless there's evidence to the contrary, their reports can be credible and supporting evidence enough on their own."
"Only pertinent portions of the CVR are released in the final report."
"Classify information from annual reports as either positive or negative sentiments."
"In the new portal, you can organize and display mobile and paginated Reporting Services reports and KPIs."
"This module introduces the design and publication of reports that are intended for consumption on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets."
"...for several decades there have been reports of UFO sightings and unexplained phenomena..."
"What are we going to talk about today? Let's dive into some document draft reports."
"As workday releases come about, you should look at the segregation of duty conflicts reports."
"Everyone has had insanely positive reports."
"You can still leverage those Power View reports in Power BI.com, and that's a real plus."
"We are getting report after report that the economy isn't doing as great as they claimed."