
Urban Challenges Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"I'm lost in this city, and I had my phone and wallet stolen."
"If you're wondering why our cities are plagued by crime, this is the reason why."
"Getting smoked like newports, they don't have no therapists that come to the urban school to say yo you need intervention, that don't happen in our neighborhoods."
"The problems you see in urban schools are not problems of the schools; they're problems of poverty."
"Rome is notorious for noisy traffic and until recently that plagued many of Rome's fine public spaces."
"San Francisco's public intravenous drug use."
"Imagine if you, in your city, say you're in Boston, and you start seeing local grocery stores set up, you know, blockades of wood crossbeams with barbed wire. That's what some of these people are doing."
"Guess what five million people this amount of land you're just dead in the first now so yeah Singapore great for everything except zombie apocalypses in which case live literally anywhere else in the world and you'd do a better job anyway."
"We're not going to do that now when you can't even go to Linux Mall or Flips Plaza without being scared you're going to get jacked so we're not we're not going to do that okay."
"It's entirely possible people are sneaking into the country through sewer systems and then climbing out into the cities to avoid law enforcement."
"The streets of Lagos, Nigeria, are often flooded due to rising sea levels."
"I'm doing everything in my power to help the city pull through this challenge. It's really by far our biggest problem."
"London had it particularly bad because of the amount of people in such a confined space."
"Charlotte's upper mobility for people at the bottom is not all that mobile."
"So then the second problem if I'm in a neighborhood that's red line in the '80s and I can only get rinky-dink insurance on that building and a fire happens that rinky-dink insurance company."
"He kind of didn't have a choice, the cities were overrun with zombies so he came out here to escape that whole mess."
"This is not a Seattle-specific problem. This looks like what America looks like."
"Things start to get a little crazy... almost $5,000 a month for one bedroom."
"Fenway Park cannot hold back the surging sea water as the never-ending cycle of apocalyptic weather strikes again."
"Eventually, the city that seemed impossible to build may prove impossible to save."
"Bamboozled by a map purchase, a lesson learned in city dealings."
"Market rates in New York City are never going to create widely available affordable housing."
"There was a point where there were African-American children in different urban settings that didn't expect to live to be adults because they saw so much death."
"Despite its significant challenges, Baltimore's still an incredible city that is Maryland's heart and soul."
"Last year in Chicago was the worst year ever for murders and gunfire. Shootings here were up by 50 percent."
"It's all like decay and overdoses and homelessness and despair, deaths of despair."
"Hungry bears driven into urban areas due to poor berry crops."
"You have a lot of anti-police sentiment particularly in urban centers in this country and even when the police are saving children from harm's way they're being harassed, it's crazy."
"Sacramento is gonna have to face the reality."
"The rent is just too damn high for most people in England and especially if you live in a big city."
"The reality is that not only is the medical system in metropolitan cities close to collapse, but the outbreak has spread like wildfire to the rural areas of China."
"In a city plagued by police brutality and the chaos of black on black violence, who will speak up for the next generation?"
"Los Angeles is considered to be the homeless capital of the developed world."
"It's a cautionary tale not just for major cities but for every locale that liberalism has infected."
"There's limited sanitation and trash disposal... poor sanitation in the cities."
"Every city has its negative side to it too, you know what I'm saying, and I'm sure it's the trenches and [__] out here like I've rotated through the trenches since I've been here."
"I do not hate police, and there's probably no city in America where being accommodating is more challenging than Chicago."
"Lagos, Nigeria: This city is not for the weak."
"A major shift in the earth's crust had severed the city from the surrounding landform, leaving it an island with virtually no outside contact."
"Minus two for a painted bike lane... painted bike lanes as much as they suck in the summertime."
"The possibility for reconstruction of this building is very complicated so people live in half destroyed buildings without windows without hitting without wall water."
"Our cities are battling rising sea levels, turning to construction to help hold back the tide."
"This traffic is insane like insane insane I didn't know you could have this much traffic."
"Large cities scare me, they normally have an established homelessness problem."
"You need police in urban areas; take them away, and the citizens suffer."
"If you ever want to use a bridge in this city, you gotta pay the troll toll."
"Gritty sidewalks and trashy tales: Vegas' less glamorous side."
"There's a real spiritual battle going on in the city of Chicago for the lives of people. There seems to be a spirit of murder throughout the city."
"Electric cars can truly reduce the annoyance of living with a vehicle."
"Navigating Tokyo's maze-like railway networks and subway system can seem really daunting."
"It like focused a lot on like homeless and like the sickness of the city and gangs and drugs and violence."
"Los Angeles has a really bad homeless problem."
"Imagine living in a city with severe water shortages."
"This beautiful old city has a big traffic problem, one that's not just impacting local people and industries but the rest of Europe too."
"Kolkata is the number one place in the world today that has the greatest amount of exposed population."
"It's always been a rough city, not as bad as Detroit though, but in the recent years, it's up there now with the Detroits and Baltimores and St. Louis's."
"If gaming becomes just some kind of abstract entity... but if it wants to be part of a real-world application, you deal with a city that has such great problems that we need to solve."
"Barcelona is facing a surge in pickpocketing and petty crime linked to increasing tourism."
"Locals say it's become hard to survive in the city."
"As well-trained as the US Armed Forces are, I'm still not sure that we are adequately prepared for the challenges of large-scale operations in a mega city."
"The most frightening aspect of New York City's hostility towards middle class existence is that it doesn't seem like anybody in charge is doing anything to help the people who need help the most."
"Homelessness is a citywide problem."
"Me being the chosen one was like a blessing interception, city known for homicide majority depression."
"The bridge also represented the challenges faced by the city of Gotham; it is perhaps the very embodiment of the contradictions of the Gilded Age in which it was built."
"In New York, it is a food desert, buildings after buildings."
"I think there's been a major challenge within the city like being able to direct people back to God."
"Philadelphia streets will definitely do damage to your suspension, so if you don't bob and weave, you're gonna need axles and shocks by the end of the year."
"In Santiago, as in any big city, there are not enough parking spaces for everyone."
"Better transit for the US isn't some insurmountable task; really, the biggest challenge is that there are so many smaller challenges."
"Management of waste, especially human waste in slum areas, is a big challenge."
"We are facing major urban challenges and we need better urban governance."