
Film Quote Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Buckle your seat belt, Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye-bye."
"You cannot be told what the matrix is, you must see it for yourself."
"I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her."
"I'm not the one to fear, Prime. There is a Darkness coming."
"I'm upset. Louder!" - Terence Fletcher, Whiplash.
"I'm a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told that she's here. Could I see her, please?" - The Terminator, The Terminator.
"I'll get you for this, Pan, if it's the last thing I do." - Captain Hook, Peter Pan franchise.
"I love how she just [ __ ] hits him in the face later."
"It's beautifully written, another iconic line: 'It's not the years honey, it's the mileage'."
"The very best days when you absolutely positively got to kill every [ __ ] in the room set no substitutes."
"I’m going to blow you motherf*ckers away." - Samuel L. Jackson
"Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as Father and Son."
"Hear that mr. Anderson that is the sound of inevitability which is the sound of your death goodbye mr. Anderson."
"This file was inspired by a little kid who asked me to buy for him. Well, here's looking at you, kid."
"You're a virgin who can't drive - just one of my favorite moments of the whole movie."
"You need to turn it to Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1989 Terminator."
"Well, that's about all I've got to say about that in the words of Forrest Gump."
"It's smart, it's badass, and it gives us one of the greatest one-liners in the history of Bond cinema. Shocking. Positively shocking."
"Sarah Connor come with me if you want to live."
"Never let yourself get attached to anything that you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds or less when you feel the heat coming around the corner." - Robert De Niro
"You either leave a hero or live long enough to become the villain." - Very good, Saki, very profound.
"If you want to live, Terminator 2 meme: Come with me if you want to live."
"He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy."
"Apes togehter strong. That was such a great moment too."
"You've met us at a very strange time in our lives."
"Don't push it, don't push it. I'll give you a war you won't believe."
"If there's one line I agree with the most in the last Jedi it's this one it's time for the judge to end"
"Zootopia is proclaiming that anyone can be anything." - Zootopia
"You can be my wingman any time. You can be mine."
"Paul has the ultimate choice here, it's like the Reverend Mother also says in the trailer."
"There is no king without a queen." - Forrest Whitaker
"She's so smart, she's like the brains behind the whole operation." - Chadwick Boseman
"You want your sons and daughters to be better than you." - Angela Bassett
"You don't actually get to hear that type of a vision." - Lupita Nyong'o
"The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. And you have burned so very, very brightly, Roy."
"At the end of The Dark Knight, an innocent child says Batman didn't do anything wrong."
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." - Gone With the Wind
"Jabba ruled with fear, I intend to rule with respect."
"There's still this absolutism about it. Only Sith deals in absolutes."
"He's the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs."
"Tell me friend, when did Saruman the wise abandon reason for madness?"
"I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse."
"We missed yesterday wasn't yesterday the remember remember the fourth of November wasn't that what is that the from uh uh V for Vendetta?"
"King Kong ain't got [nothing] on me!"
"You gave him the correct medication because you are a good nurse. And Harlan was... I'm sorry, Marta, but yes, he wasn't dying."
"...prompting one of the very best lines of the entire Bond filmography: 'My god, what's Bond doing?' 'I think he's attempting re-entry, sir.'"
"This is the ship that made the Kessel Run in fourteen parsecs!"
"The cinematographer for 'The Godfather' films said, 'A cinematographer is a visual psychiatrist, moving an audience, making them think the way you want them to think, painting pictures in the dark.'"
"Best quote we mentioned a lot of them, but I have to throw in 'I could be one pool party away from starring in a Polanski movie.' Yeah, that kills me."
"Where is your mom? Potter Dudley is an [__] dead!"
"'Turn your back on tomorrow because they don't... they don't... because there won't be any company!'"
"Killmonger knows he got cooked cuz the only thing bro could say was 'Hell of a move.'"
"John Wick, excommunicado. In effect 20 minutes."
"Well if you think you'll see my face and it's worth having me do it then probably happy to do it yeah yeah and action don't ask me Anakin said you would destroy this Sith not join them."
"That's gotta be the best quote in the film, surely. 'Wanna take a ride?' That guy is the best character, he really is. Iconic."
"'American Psycho,' don't just look at it, eat it."
"You talking to me? You talking to me?"
"Hey, yeah, we need a bigger boat."
"You come to me on the day of my daughter's wedding to ask me for a favor?"
"Look, you turned off your targeting computer."
"I'm going to make him an offer that he can't refuse."
"I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy, trying to get a performance."
"Pray for mercy from... Puss... in Boots."
"You lookin' at me? Are you lookin' at me? Well, I don't see anybody else here!"
"Always follow the money, Lebowski."
"Come with me now if you want to live."
"The Godfather is the sum of all wisdom. The Godfather is the answer to any question."
"I'm Spartacus! I'm Spartacus! That guy's Spartacus!"
"It's not personal, it's business, just as they say in The Godfather."
"I love you, I know was a hundred percent born of Han's character, that relationship, the world they were in."
"You're no daisy at all. I'm your huckleberry."