
Film Characters Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"It's not just Neo trying to save his own life. Neo is responsible for all of these people, and that's what makes him a hero, a true hero."
"Sigourney Weaver in 'Alien' is the greatest female action hero ever. She was a scientist, not supposed to be a heroine."
"Seeing Maguire and Garfield in this film has actually renewed my fondness for their versions of Peter Parker."
"Oscar Isaac is not struggling to run to his x-wing by no means."
"The fans particularly loved the adorable and occasionally weird relationship between Eddie Brock and Venom."
"A female Jedi, completely fine. They had it before. It's not even revolutionary."
"I feel like they killed like 100 people at this part in the movie. It's insane. Halle Berry and Keanu Reeves, both of their characters, you know, Sophia and John Wick in this movie, really amazing duo."
"The reveal of Kang the Conqueror is the ultimate big bad behind the TVA and of course Jonathan Majors in his debut as the character absolutely killing it."
"When we meet Leia in the new trilogy, she's General Organa, leader of the new Rebellion, and all-around badass."
"Thanos was the appetizer while Jonathan Majors' Kang the Conqueror is the main course."
"Tony Stark isn't in the movie, but Robert Downey Jr. is always there, even when he's not."
"The bond between Stitch and Lilo is absolutely precious and it's such a brilliant pairing."
"Carapax is big and intimidating and actually gets more depth than I expected for a henchman."
"This movie sees the return of Chomper, the best character in the franchise."
"He played a ruthless mercenary, very quiet, very cold, very steel-like, with a kind of confidence and courage that generated two qualities: virility and vulnerability."
"My favorite character was definitely Dr. Schultz."
"I really loved the relationship they had in the film."
"Deadpool asks cable if he's sure he's not from the DC Universe."
"I thought he, the iteration of Reed Richards they gave us was really good. I thought it resonated with me, I liked it a lot."
"Scarlet Witch had a rocky start in the MCU but now not only is she a major player but she's also potentially the most powerful being on earth."
"I think mainly because I never really understand what Chewbacca is saying." - Link
"Han Solo and Mad Max have a lot of similarities... I think it works perfect." - "Han Solo and Mad Max have a lot of similarities... I think it works perfect."
"I thought they did so good, like Phoebe, she was Egon, but cuter."
"The shared visions between Rey and Kylo Ren... ensure that Rey and Ren have an evolving relationship."
"Honestly, these two were some awesome last surprises that made sense as supporting cast members."
"Death is also a very good character from the movie."
"Every decision he makes in this movie is an emotional one."
"She initiates the whole, he sparks, she sparks that initiative in him."
"Han Solo was cooler and Darth Vader was more potent, but Luke was the true heart of Star Wars."
"He's a really good actor and I really wanted Mad not Matt Bomer what the hell's his name Matthew Goode I thought he would have been spectacular."
"They made up a fictional character that's not in Batman's universe and suddenly he becomes the most exciting character in the film."
"Lawrence also does something I've never seen a leading man do... he forgives a woman who cheated on him."
"Red Skull and Zola are going to be back in Captain America."
"Eventually, we'll have Tony Stark and Steve Rogers back."
"The Nice Guys stars Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling as two very different personalities."
"Brilliant characters were created all of them in that film."
"The Joker and Harley Quinn seeing Harley Quinn for the first time come to life margot robbie just completely absorbed this character it was Harley Quinn I think Jared Leto's Joker rivals Heath Ledger's Joker and Jack Nichols and Joker for myself."
"Deadpool officially names him the X-Force, saying he wanted a gender-neutral alternative to X-Men."
"Heath Ledger kept a Joker journal in preparation for his role in The Dark Knight, scribbling down the darkest, most perverse things he could think of."
"Batman is the eighth highest-grossing film character in box office history."
"Everything between Ripley, Clemens, and the warden Andrews is brilliant."
"Godzilla doesn't always play well with others, but there's one kaiju that's been a friend to him more often than most: Anguirus."
"Who would Indiana Jones have more respect for and why?"
"And I really like the dynamic they built between Thorin and Bilbo."
"Godzilla just has way too much in his arsenal when it comes to going up against the giant monkey."
"What if Buzz and Woody never made it home? What if that fateful stop at Dynaco gas station was the last stop for the story that we've all come to know?"
"Mandy Moore is in this movie as like the mean girl, and I'm just like, yes."
"Avengers: Robert Downey Jr. is not coming back anymore. You can't stop Spider-Man. Still just remember your favorite character is real death."
"Big John and Little John, baby. I love these two."
"What more can possibly be said about the man portrayed to Perfection by both Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender?"
"Johnny Depp's collaboration with Disney led to one of his greatest creations, Captain Jack Sparrow."
"I'm excited to see more Captain Jack Sparrow, more Orlando Bloom, more Kira Knightly."
"That's like fucking god man thats all i got killed that whole life." - Expressing admiration for HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
"Kylo Ren is like the opposite of Poe Dameron... he has personality, agency, and inner conflict."
"Every single character and location in this movie could support its own movie if only."
"Wanda Maximoff will be the villain of Doctor Strange and Dr. Strange: The Multiverse of Madness and she's gonna do it."
"Has there ever been a side character as based? No, no there hasn't."
"Violent night, the little David Harbour Santa Claus movie that could."
"Anyone can die in a James Gunn movie, particularly a Suicide Squad movie."
"She's so fine, she's always playing like a green or blue character."
"There's a real kind of a humbling joy in knowing that Jigsaw is kind of to a lot of kids today what Freddy meant to me when I was 14 and 15 years old."
"And speaking of Riddler, Joker did promise him a comeback story, so it looks like we haven't seen the last of him too."
"It's almost like The Breakfast Club... characters come out of their shells."
"Every woman in this movie is so strong and powerful not just in the movie but I think our own personalities are so strong."
"While the two conflicting terminators in T2 are so iconic for their physical differences, unique fighting styles, and contrasting personas."
"The great protector that appears later on in the film."
"Women can't be action stars? Watch Aliens, then you see Ripley."
"I think I'd probably have a little bit more for General Leia to do."
"This is our sort of Shia LaBeouf from Constantine character."
"During the later part of endgame, now that his best friend Natasha Romanoff is no longer in the Avengers picture, Clint's experience will be invaluable to the Avengers."
"That's Jason Statham and there's already a character backstory to that character that you already feel because you know this actor for a very long time."
"I'm really happy that we have him, I didn't remember him that well from the film but he does make for an excellent minifigure."
"The story of a young underdog trying to break into a tough industry with guidance from an unexpected mentor isn't a particularly original concept in itself, but the characters in Beats are the real highlight."
"I did really like the lizard looking guy for his Snape voice."
"The Terminator stands at position 46. He is a powerhouse."
"With the right actor in the role, the character of Rachel should have been a worthy foil to Bale's Bruce Wayne."
"Neither Icarus nor Tapon would be considered the main character of their respective films, but they each form a dynamic with a pre-existing member of the cast and play pivotal roles in the stories that unfold."
"Groot was certainly an amazing character and my second-favorite in the Guardians film..."
"The chemistry that they have in every scene is just top notch."
"Crow vs. Phoenix is one of the best movie rivals ever."
"Iron Man, it's Iron Man. Fireman for me. I feel pretty strongly about Iron Man on that one."
"That's the only reason that I need to be here. Leon's here blowing [ __ ] up but I'm here just being a badass."
"One of the most underrated characters in Star Wars, Dexter Jettster. Boy, Dexter, that's my boy, let's go."
"He captures the idea of Lex Luthor as a guy who thinks that he could be the pinnacle of humanity maybe not physically but intellectually. Yeah, totally. It's gonna be a nice foil to Henry Cavill." - Eric
"Welcome back to New Rockstars! The Batman is finally giving us a Riddler who actually uses ciphers the way real-life serial killers do."
"It's fun to get to be like a Boba Fett character versus a Luke character."
"Cliff and Rick are two of the best characters in movies this year."
"Aside from the indigenous character Mani, every single primary character in this movie actually existed."
"The women who have played Catwoman, they've been so beautifully strong and sexy and free and wild and dangerous."
"The best comedy comes from the relationship between Willow and Mad Martigan."
"When you look up the definition of badass in the dictionary, it's a picture of Sam Elliott as Virgil in Tombstone."
"After an entire movie about the effects of grief meeting the young T'Challa is a welcomed spark of hope."
"There'll never be another Wolverine in my mind, all right? It'll always be you."
"Han Solo appears, you got to remember this isn't like a Jedi ghost or anything."
"Is Godzilla a hero it depends on who you ask there's quite a bit of people that say yes he is I mean he saved everyone in 2014 from the Muto's."
"I want to be like Leonardo DiCaprio? No you don't, he was a piece of [ __ ] scumbag in that movie."
"The original predator had an awesome cast of larger-than-life personalities."
"I love Tom Holland's reaction when he realized this is the second MCU character that just shows up in his room."
"Han Solo has returned and I think that Harrison Ford looks very happy to be there and he you know what he looks like the character I'm really pleased with it and I love seeing him with Chewie."
"Every time he was on or Harley Quinn was on the movie lit up."
"We can learn many moral messages from the characters in this film. For example, General Lin who always keeps his promises, Ling who always believes in her abilities, and Ling Feng who always loves the people around him."
"The hottest parents. Evie was just like a hot woman in the first movie."
"It's ultimately about characters, you know? I mean, Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins are just great, and their relationship is just so great."
"Whoever plays Bond, the other one of us will play Moneypenny in a kind of, yeah, a nice dynamic duo."
"He's a good Batman. Great Catwoman as well. She crushed it."
"He's going to be a favorite in the movie, I already know that."
"Samwise showing he is the original bro for life."
"Sydney is to Ghostface what Sarah Connor is to Terminators."
"These two are both so good and the generic films this way were way better than they have any right being."
"Herrmann's tighter violin sound suited the neurotic characters that dominated so many of Hitchcock's films."
"Out of all the couples in this film, those two have the most stable relationship."
"Fine acting, pretty cool zombies, characters that exist."
"I buy Sonic and Knuckles as friends more than I do Sonic and Tails."
"The vast array of good relatable characters in the film... had a huge impact on entertainment especially geared towards kids in the years to come."
"Jay and Silent Bob were present for every key film until taken off on their own adventure."
"My favorite character in the movie is Stilgar, Javier Bardem, after that one spitting scene. That dude has such a presence."