
Presidential Actions Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"It's a bold move... this has always been a bold president."
"Joe Biden's presence... going further than I believe any president has gone joining a picket line."
"For as bad as January 6th is, I believe that the former president would not have qualms about going further."
"Your success is going to come from activity, from being busy, from being obsessed, from being so into it that you don't know about, oh my gosh, it's the Monday morning blues."
"Trump was the first American President in decades not to involve the U.S in a new War."
"We can't have a president that will impose a secure border."
"Every president signs executive orders on day one, it's a tradition."
"Trump has actually strengthened our policy toward Ukraine."
"It's unprecedented for an ex-president to do any of the things that you did. That's why this is unprecedented."
"All of this is self-inflicted wounds by President Trump."
"A president's alleged criminal scheme to overturn an election is the paradigmatic example of conduct that should not be immunized."
"This would be the first ever indictment of Trump for actions taken as president."
"If allowed to do what Trump is pushing for, such actions from the president of the United States could lead to a global conflict like World War II."
"Truman is the first president in the 20th century to use the powers of the presidency to challenge racial discrimination."
"Trump took the highest office in the land and didn't even take a salary."
"This is one of the best things done by the past few presidents."
"I'm the only president ever will never they got impeached for making a perfect phone call."
"The most incompetent act the president of the United States has engaged in our lifetimes."
"I think if I was the president of the United States, I would do exactly what he did in terms of sending it back down to state, by state sovereignty."
"One wonders whether the coverup is to hide alien reality or to continue to conceal the fact that the 34th president of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, is responsible for selling out the human race."
"For the first time in our history, a president tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power."
"President Truman soon initiated the three-year-long six million dollar restoration."
"Donald Trump's decided I think he's had enough with federal court."
"Trump's words are worse than his actions, his actions have still been outrageous."
"President Biden celebrated the two-year anniversary of his inauguration by welcoming federal agents from the justice department to his home in Delaware."
"Judge concluded that both former president Donald Trump and John Eastman likely violated two Federal Criminal statutes."
"Now you have a president who is standing up for America."
"Trump himself is scheduled to make a border visit this week."
"The president has taken more action, has been more aggressive on dealing with climate change than any other president."
"In terms of what presidents can do on crime I'll give Donald Trump a little bit of credit for the first step act."
"The president understands what it feels like, he's doing everything that he can."
"Thank you, Jesus so much for finally giving us a president who calls it the way it is."
"The Trump administration is executing on a multi-level approach where tax cuts have very much to do with the President's speech last week at the Asia economic summit in Vietnam."
"He's someone who's put the United States in incredible national security risk."
"The president only moved on his reaction to the coronavirus because the stock market went down."
"There is a reason we should expect this White House, this president, to do everything in his power to keep his finances and business dealings secret."
"Any president who actually values constitutional protections should free Julian."
"Thank goodness at this time we had a president that is actually standing up for our rights."
"We have a president who is bringing peace throughout the world."
"If Donald Trump pardons Assange, he will truly solidify himself as a great president."
"President Eisenhower interrupts his vacation to meet two extraterrestrial aliens."
"We can't live in a country where presidents show up at the scenes of tragedy and craft speeches for power and profit."
"The most despicable act that any president has ever committed."
"He was the first president to pass an endangered species act."
"He's the only president who had the courage to do something."
"President Trump has made America energy independent."
"The evidence shows Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States has put himself before his country."
"The president has done more on executive action in his first year than any other president has."
"Nixon's presidency was marked by efforts to extricate the US from the Vietnam War."
"The political aspects of this cannot be ignored right there there is you're going after the former president of the United States you know."
"Now you have a President who is fighting for you."
"Trump should have cleaned house the first time."
"If Congress doesn't bring fairness to big tech... I will do it myself with executive orders." - President Trump
"I'm actually impressed with what Biden is up to."
"President Trump signed over 90 executive orders in his first hundred days alone."
"Nixon, Clinton, and Obama were all helped China... Trump was the first one who stood up to the CCP."
"What the president did gain is the fact he’ll take a hit as our economy fails to recover this fall."
"Nothing so epitomizes President Obama's contempt for American values and traditions as ramming two bills, the stimulus package and the health care bill, through Congress in his first year."
"I'm all in favor of reigning in executive power and holding presidents accountable for their actions."
"Joe Biden's first act as president will be signing 15 executive orders."
"When President Biden signed it into law in August, something Americans have wanted by huge margins for decades."
"This president broke the thirty-nine-year-old streak of American presidents either starting a war or bringing the United States into an international armed conflict."
"President Bush tried to make some kind of change."
"The president cares about jobs and education, and his actions speak volumes: 4.1 percent growth in GDP!"
"The President's fighting for the American people and the American way of life, and I think that's really important."
"The president's focus is not on gaming out the process." - White House on Supreme Court nominee selection
"Putin's first act as president was to visit the troops at the front lines and wish them a happy New Year."
"I think it's incredibly serious and I understand why Donald Trump did it."
"I fully rebuilt the US military, created space force, and I was the first president in decades who didn't start a war."
"We need definitive leadership that President Trump is delivering."
"The evidence developed during special counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish the president committed an obstruction of justice."
"That's what a president does. That's what a real man does."
"Lincoln's commutations are legendary. I find dozens of examples where we find the President of the United States handling really small matters for his people because he feels their pain."
"Never had a president of the United States stir up a violent attempt to block the transfer of power."
"The actions I'm taking are not only lawful, they're the kinds of actions taken by every single Republican president and every single Democratic president for the past half century."
"...everything that he's done was setting things up for President Lincoln to use what he went through for years to get the Emancipation Proclamation done."