
Extensibility Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Open close principle: extensible, closed for modification."
"The goal is a decentralized, extensible system."
"PyTest's extensibility is enhanced by its rich plugin architecture with many third-party plugins available, making it adaptable to various project needs."
"Expanding on this, say to add a dash attack or ground slide just means writing a new class that implements our standard interface. No other parts of our code will care."
"Dependency injection: making it easy to add new implementations without rewriting existing code."
"The open closed principle dictates that the software modules are open for extension but closed for modification."
"A class should be open for extension but closed for modification."
"Open Closed Principle: A class should be open for extension but closed for modification."
"Software artifacts should be open for extension but closed for modification."
"This feels extensible in a way that doesn't -- the thing that always makes me nervous about TypeScript is I don't know how to do this, right?"
"...I can extend the behavior of the pipeline without touching the original code."
"You're saying divide by three, but how could we make this so that it's extensible to any number of elements in the array? We could do sum divided by nums.length."
"Open-Closed Principle: Design your code to be open for extension, closed for modification."
"ELF - or the extensible and linkable format!"
"Atomic state management extends shared surface area without tight coupling."
"OpenMCT is an open mission control technology standard that's very pluggable and extensible."
"I love tiling window managers because of their extensibility and customization options."
"Both the generic functions and the condition handling system that I just showed you, if they didn't exist in Common Lisp, you could add them yourself."
"Crossplane is highly extensible and it's a framework to build universal control planes."
"Common Lisp really has a strong force when it comes to extensibility as well as prototyping."
"Kubernetes is very extensible, you can use multiple schedulers, dynamic web hooks, and it supports APIs for a plethora of languages."
"You can extend it to do anything that you want for your app, and you can customize anything."
"Adaptive cards are fully extensible, they are open-sourced, extremely low cost, very easy to design, and very easy to consume."
"It's not just an editor; it needs to be extensible."
"The story can be entirely up to you; this will be very extensible, and you can create just about anything that your imagination can conjure up."
"The idea behind it is it extensible; all you have to do is add a TLV space, and you can add a feature."
"Dapr is also very extensible and pluggable."
"The Docker networking design philosophy is around two key areas: Portability and extensibility."
"The open close principle dictates that whatever the code you are writing, it should be able to extend it without modifying the existing code."
"Building on the fine-tune capabilities, the co-pilot extensibility enables customers to further personalize your co-pilot experiences."
"The easiest way to make something extensible is this breaking it apart thing."
"Orchard is very developer friendly, very flexible, very extensible."
"Modules allow the kernel capabilities to be extended without modifying the rest of the code."
"Thanks to Lua, it is extendable and scriptable, and you can plug in almost anything into this editor."
"We've made it extraordinarily extensible."
"The beauty of being able to define your own class is you can now extend the language."
"The goal of GStreamer as a project and as a design principle is to retain a flexible and extensible design."
"It will be more interesting next week when we start talking about the important extensibility points in Emacs."
"Strappy is very advanced as a starting point for creating basically any kind of application and it is also extensible."
"The whole mantra of open for extension, closed for modification."
"Envoy became popular because you can easily extend it."
"This kind of metaprogramming is extensible; it's generic."
"Another key feature is its versatile architecture that allows for the addition of new command packages."
"React Native is also extensible in a sense that you can implement your own view managers or your own native modules."
"Python is a very extensible language."
"X agent is designed to be extendable, which means that you're able to build upon this, add new plugins, add new models, add new tools."
"The API is extensible to different reinforcement algorithms that are shared across virtual and physical environments."
"It's open source and extensible, both software and hardware."
"It's really easy to extend this to do pretty much anything."
"This is an example of the open-closed principle: it's open for extension but closed for modification."
"We have a program called the iTwin Viewer which is very extensible."
"The open-closed principle... particular things that you work on should be closed to modification but open to extension."
"Building on top of open-source frameworks creates a really extensible platform that can be fully customized without the need to worry about software licensing subscriptions."
"Shopify plugins is really awesome; it's a nice feature because now you can really extend the Shopify CLI to whatever you want."
"It enables easy extensibility of the ISA; you can support new instruction by changing the micro code."
"It's a very simple and powerful system that you could even simply extend with maybe three or four lines of code."
"It's very powerful and very extensible without you having to know what's going on."
"It's really important that we keep the enterprise support that's in Android open and extensible."
"The real power of WordPress lies in its extensibility."
"We're endlessly extensible, we use open standards, and security first."
"That extensibility is really, really powerful."
"One thing which is very cool with Story as well is because while using web technology web views, you can actually extend it."
"It's also very easily extendable, and I can see a lot of quality packages being released by the community in the future."
"jQuery is built and engineered to be extensible."
"It lets you add new types to the language that are every bit as easy to use."
"R is a great programming language with a lot of built-in functions, it is easily and powerfully extended by the use of libraries and packages."
"...no computer language has ever taken extensibility seriously... language designers as a class of people tend to think that they know how it ought to be and try to impose the one true syntax on their users..."
"The functionality of Cytoscape is extendable using plugins or apps."
"The idea behind Jupiter Lab is an extensible workflow and extensible tool platform that we can build on."
"This can give us extension points into classes without having to modify the classes themselves."
"We wanted it to be lightweight, extensible, and cross-platform."
"ML.NET is a framework first, which means that it's extensible."
"ML.NET is extensible, which means that as popular frameworks come into being, we will wire them up as part of ML.NET."
"Modularity... you want your code to be reusable and ideally easily extendable."
"The functionality of Eclipse can be extended."
"The really cool thing is that when you build stuff for extension it can just last forever."
"It's really super simple, super easy, and that makes the whole of the interface so you can extend it, you can inherit it, you can reopen and inject the values into it."
"We wanted to Simplicity and Docker style like ease of extensibility."
"Use IExtensibleDataObject to preserve unknown elements during serialization and deserialization of data contracts."
"Software entities should be open for extension, closed for modification."
"Another exciting feature of CDI is extensibility."
"We can also extend things quite a bit without modifying any code at all when we use this factory pattern."
"Vs Code has a tremendous extension model."
"The beauty of R's package system lies in its ability to extend functionality seamlessly, often replacing base functions with enhanced versions."
"Everything we've shown today, Jupiter Lab as an environment as a whole, is designed to accept plugins and extensions to allow you to customize it for your workflow and for your needs."