
Tarantino Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"It's gonna be something out of a movie, like a Tarantino film."
"Tarantino is a guy who any time he makes a movie it becomes an event."
"Tarantino's latest effort met with positive reviews across the board."
"Django Unchained - a movie that has all the typical Tarantino hallmarks we love while also giving us an incredibly clever, nuanced, and dare we say fun, criticism of slavery."
"This exact sequence would go on to inspire Tarantino when making Pulp Fiction."
"This is Tarantino at his most restrained, least self-indulgent, and along with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, it stands as his most heartwarming work."
"Who knows I know a lot of people have said out of Tarantino I think he'll like Kill Bill I know it's got a strong female lead with Uma Thurman."
"I find Tarantino is pretty reliable in general."
"I loved that Tarantino is such a master of comedy because every time they, you know, brought back that the door needs to be nailed shut stuff like that, like those callbacky things, are pretty funny, cool."
"Tarantino is god tier when it comes to writing scripts."
"Kill Bill is an example of pure action filmmaking stylized and exaggerated as a series of riffs on a very simple story and it's kind of brilliant it really is you know Tarantino is literally a bloody genius."
"Tarantino's love of movies is tangible and he is a born filmmaker and here it's as if he did away with everything that wasn't pure action filmmaking that really is no plot at all except oh you guys killed my family now I'm going to kill you."
"This is a terrific movie as exuberant and funny as it is action-packed Quinton Tarantino was at the top of his game and he's come up with a second chapter that I think is even better than the first."
"Tarantino rewrites the history of Nazi Germany in Inglorious Bastards."
"there's a theater in La that Tarantino owns called the new Bev and they only play older movies"
"Some of the best music to come out of a Tarantino film."
"It forces you to confront the nature of narrative. And because it's so convoluted, what Tarantino is saying is, 'Hey, all movies are really like this, only you just don't realize it. I make it up, I put it on the screen, and you sit there and watch it.'"
"Inglorious Bastards showcases Tarantino's gripping use of pacing and shot-reverse-shot sequences."
"The contrast between Tarantino's juvenile pop culture-addicted brain and his formal rigor makes his movies interesting to watch."
"This is probably up there, especially it's a different kind of Tarantino movie, and I appreciated that."
"Tarantino knows 80s and 70s action movies better than almost any human, and he'll do it better than anybody else I can imagine doing it."
"Probably my favorite Tarantino movie."
"I'd give this movie a nine. It's definitely one of Tarantino's best."
"Yeah, it was very good, very weird for a Tarantino movie."
"I think it's enough evidence at this point to confidently claim that once upon a time in Hollywood is Tarantino's best film."
"Quentin Tarantino's third movie comes to Netflix and it's easily one of his most underrated, Jackie Brown."
"It's a feel-good Tarantino movie."
"You never know what you're going to get with Tarantino."
"Quentin Tarantino has collaborated with a lot of the biggest names in cinema over the last several decades."
"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, the most meditative and seemingly plotless film Tarantino's ever made."
"Tarantino gets better every single movie."
"He created his own genre, and you know it by when we say 'Tarantino-esque'."
"It's what Quentin Tarantino would call a hangout movie."
"Pulp Fiction is a Quentin Tarantino movie, came out in '94. It's a classic, cult classic."
"That scene with Walken and Hopper in that film, man... if you're a fan of Tarantino films, that's my favorite."
"I think Django's my favorite Tarantino movie."
"It felt like a glimpse into the sort of Pulp Fiction universe."
"It was like oh my god is this really happening but it was some pure Tarantino."
"Briefcases are a big thing for Tarantino."
"It's funny with Tarantino, you're just like, 'Oh, I'm in someone's great hands every step of the way.'"
"I really thought I was Tarantino with this one."
"It's reminiscent of early Tarantino."
"What are some movies everyone needs to see? Start with Tarantino, watch all the Tarantino movies."