
Spiritual Dedication Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"Welcome to the fire. When you get close and want to live for Him, want to please Him, want to honor Him, want to exalt Him, want to draw near to Him, then heaven opens up and He lets you find Him."
"The least we can do is fully surrender and live our life in a godly way."
"I knew for the rest of my days that I would live to make this God that apparently had been there all of my life."
"He just wants to talk about the love of Christ, the love of Christ, the love of Christ."
"I lay my sin down, I lay my idolatry down, yes Lord, I'm going to obey you."
"How to stay on fire for God for the rest of your life. That's not an exaggeration. I'm serious. I'm going to show you how to stay on fire for God for the rest of your life."
"Rise up, O men of God, have done with lesser things. Give heart and mind and soul and strength to serve the King of Kings."
"I believe I was never more acceptable to my Master than when I was standing to teach to those here in the open fields."
"Nothing in your life should rival God, nothing and nobody."
"My life is not my own, I give it to you. Thank you for new life."
"If you're going to go all the way, you must cling to Him. You must hold fast to the Lord in times of prayer and the Word. And please, don't compromise that for anything."
"God, here I am, use me, possess me. I want to see this world come to Jesus and the only way I'm going to do it is being clothed with you, filled with you, and possessed by you."
"All we do in our ministry is motivated by love for Jehovah and the people in the territory..."
"They were in that perfect love with Jesus, that's why they could easily leave the world behind."
"We are believers and we must walk in a mindset of 'not my will, but yours be done.'"
"Bless God when my hands are empty, bless God with the praise that costs me. Bless God when nobody's watching, every chance I get."
"God is concerned about me fulfilling my calling, not just my comfort."
"The world needs men and women of God who are like Bunyan over here, that if you cut their veins they would bleed the scriptures."
"Christ step by step remain firm when it came to Gethsemane remained firmed when it came to the crisis at the cross he remained firmed a living faithful sacrifice for us that experience has to be ours."
"Get to yourself and buckle down and seek God for the Holy Ghost."
"My life belongs to Him. It's not Him who belongs to my life, it's the other way around."
"Let us be found prepared my friends as the Evangelist said aggressive evangelism plays what God has given to you your time your talents your monies your prayers in the work of soul-saving."
"Persevere and supplicate for all the saints."
"There's never been a wasted moment seeking God."
"I'm depending on you this year. Fasting is saying, 'God, I'm willing.'"
"A faithful servant of Christ cannot love this present age."
"The World Behind me, the cross before me, I have decided to follow Jesus."
"It requires us to just really surrender it all to Him, fast and pray."
"All the buts, all the ifs are over. I'm in your presence right now."
"God makes exceptions when we cry out to him and stretch on him and seek Him."
"I give you permission to use me, make me hallelujah distributor of Kingdom wealth in the name of Jesus."
"We are spiritual warriors and scientists, applying ourselves and analyzing based on results."
"We are saying yes it's stepping across that line saying God used me to demonstrate what is impossible."
"My eyes are on Jesus, the author and the finisher of my faith."
"I began at that moment to never change the subject again but to make the outpouring of the Spirit that which God was doing in the earth the only thing I lived for."
"The power is now with those who are all out for God."
"Make it your unwavering mission to seek my face at all times."
"God wants to be your friend and Jesus went through hell on this Earth for you so that he could be your friend."
"If we want to have God's best in our life then we've got to be willing to give God our best and that means give him our all."
"Consecrate your body as the temple for the re-enthronement of the true Spirit of the Living God."
"The main point: a radical obedience to Jesus Christ."
"I perform for audience of one and that's God."
"Your heart shouldn't be how much could I get it, it's literally like Lord how much can I restrict, how much can I eliminate, that's where the heart of fasting comes in."
"The most powerful thing you can do is live for Him, which means that you may have to die to self."
"Decide right now that for the rest of your life you're gonna give the best of your life to God and his kingdom."
"Purified ones they are who have renounced the life of this sphere in order to guard and protect the flame that spiritual principle in man."
"I just want to serve you and I remember at that moment like I just felt this strong presence of Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus and from that moment on I was like man I'm with Jesus like no matter what."
"Bless the martyrs sincerely so that you become a martyr by choice."
"God thank you for sending Jesus just for me today I accept the mystery of salvation I believe."
"Follow the truth with all your heart, seek Christ with every fiber of your being, repent of your sins, surrender your whole life to him."
"No matter what comes against me, I will not renegotiate that covenant."
"I laid there with tears running down my pillowcase, realizing what it would cost me, and I said, 'Yes, you can do anything you want with me.'"
"My prayer is that this day and every day that God gives us breath from henceforth we will deny ourselves, pick up our cross daily, and follow the lamb whithersoever he leads us because this is our only safety in this crisis hour."
"And continue to be in His word, continue to praise Him, and continue to stand knowing in whom you have believed."
"Be serious about your personal walk with Jesus. Get serious about being conformed to the image of the lovely Lord Jesus Christ. You will be happier, your life will be fuller, and you will have a goal that will always be above your other goals."
"The act of going to snack into confession and then to remain in that state and to go to adoration to pray a rosary, to pull out the holy water and the blessed salt, the spiritual action is the most important part."
"It's either be totally Christ's or be committed to Christ."
"He's my heartbeat the reason why I'm here the reason why I live my joy my peace the my and my ambition the reason why I get up and go and and serious about doing what he called me to do he's truly my redeemer like in every area of my life."
"I want to be able to pray with more diligence and love."
"I just follow God... I'm his instrument and I'm grateful for it."
"See, when I open my life to God and I get radical and passionate about Jesus, one of the first things that happens is I start to love the Lord, my God, with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength."
"It felt good to find the right balance and to know we're giving Jehovah all we can."
"Every day, present yourself as a living sacrifice."
"We're not going to bow and we are going to honor the Lord in the things that we do."
"Abraham didn't just believe God, he obeyed God."
"Saint Paul was all in, everything he did, he was all in."
"Don't forget God and the excitement of your youth. But in your youth, honor your creator. Now's the day to worship God. Now's the day to go all in. Now's the day to be radical for God."
"You just have to make up in your mind that you want Him and only Him above everything."
"Whatever you do for the Lord, you do in the name of Jesus."
"Father in heaven, we now dedicate the zip code jurisdiction to you."
"The days of God getting the leftover praise, the leftover worship, the leftover—there we go, you feel my brain on my feet."
"You have one goal: serve the purposes of God."
"Can I come to an altar when I'm not coming in exuberance but I know that in sacrifice I will find exuberance."
"You have to reach the point that you are willing to do the will of God to the crucifixion of your own will."
"If you serve God hard it's easy but if your sir got easy it's hard."
"Her books, her poems, the church in Belfast, the Starry Cluster, the children, the changed lives... all testimony of a life invested in God, fueled by obedience and devotion to Him."
"Your blessings in life hang on your dedication to God."
"You need to be patient and dedicated, this ministry is not for those that are lukewarm."
"Don't ever let that fire on the altar go out. You keep it burning continually. That's your responsibility."
"He lived to celebrate the Holy Mass each day with great reverence."
"This is not the time to take a spiritual vacation."
"We give ourselves to you today and we say work something in us, change us, oh God."
"I want to work my butt off to be the man that I know makes God's heart smile."
"At the hour of your death you won't regret the time and the ways that you've given your life to the Virgin Mary."
"I choose to follow God wholeheartedly, knowing His plans are for my good."
"May this be all to the glory of Jesus Christ."
"I'm not trying to change the world, I'm trying to obey God."
"I come to you, Lord Jesus, be my Lord and personal savior, use me as a vessel to draw others closer to you."
"We can change the culture of the Contemporary West if we are willing to suffer, struggle, and offer ourselves to the Lord for the task."
"You gotta serve God and serve His people harder than you serve the devil."
"The disciples of Jesus didn't just hang out with him, they surrendered everything to him. He was first in their lives, he was first on their calendars, he was first in their thoughts, and he was first in their hearts."
"Focus your time and energy on seeking God, to know Jesus Christ, to pray, and to get to know him more."
"Prayer is the dangerous pilgrimage I'm on... it's arduous as advertised and even more worth it than anticipated."
"Surrender everything to Him, live completely for Him."
"A kingdom-based life is a totally consecrated and dedicated life."
"I perform for an audience of one and that is God."
"Dedicated to serving the body of Christ, serving the Kingdom of God."
"I always felt in very deeply to pray for America and I asked all of my Christian to pray for America every day especially Sunday and Friday."
"The same energy you gave to the world you want to give to the kingdom. That's what Paul did."
"The world is yet to see what God will do with a life holy yielded to Him."
"Then I said, 'Behold, I come; in the scroll of the book, it is written of me. I delight to do your will, O God, and your law is within my heart.'"
"Put self on the altar as a living sacrifice, instruments of honor fit for the master's use."
"You present yourself a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable and pleasing to God."
"I present my heart to you, I present my life to you."
"Dedicate your entire self, everything you are in Time and Eternity, to Our Lady; it's the most freeing experience."
"Consecrate me now to thy service, Lord, by the power of grace divine."
"My whole platform, my whole life is dedicated to the creator of all things."
"Christianity spread across Europe, monasteries and convents dedicated their lives to the service of God."
"Ye shall seek Him and find Him, if ye search for Him with all thy heart."
"We're not just going to come to church and give God any little thing; we're going to break through."
"Render our bodies living sacrifices unto God, which is our reasonable service."
"Dedicate your life to God, let it be you who convinces yourself there is another dimension to reach."
"As best I can, I will follow you the rest of my life. Amen."
"I appeal to you brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."
"I'm done living my life for me and I'm ready to live it for the king."
"Never take your spiritual walk for granted."
"You may rest assured that I have no other intention but to honor God and procure the good of my people."
"I spent my life on his voice, and is that not the joy of the prophet?"
"Guys, it is currently 9 something AM, I woke up at 6 AM, guys, I read my word, I give time to God."
"Never could he rest, he could not find sleep without saying this remembrance of Allah."
"Remain inseparable, dedicate your life to Christ."
"I'm going to just give myself to the book of Allah and let him dictate what things mean."
"They had the spirit of the martyrs."
"Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine."