
Multiple Perspectives Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"I think actually is important to recognize there are multiple ways of of dealing with supposed contradictions and when you start to look at them you go okay yeah okay yeah."
"I think it's essential to have free speech," Musk said, "Multiple opinions should exist on Twitter to make sure that we are not sort of driving a narrative."
"This story has never been told and it definitely has never been told in this way from this many perspectives."
"Bro, they've got like 50 different angles of that dude, like a literal crowd of 800 people just watched you do it."
"There isn't a correct answer and there isn't just one answer."
"I loved this book. I loved all the different perspectives."
"We do a disservice to ourselves in the field by trying to find out what is this and this is the answer and this is the only answer. There's multiple answers."
"Each perspective adding a new layer of truth and understanding to the narrative."
"Sometimes the right choice is just a step beyond that to a single event and the ripple effect it has on a life."
"Post-modernism is the rejection of truth of the capital T, the acceptance of multiple truths."
"I think it's a confusing one, but I think it's confusing on all sides."
"Multiple things can be true at the same time."
"I feel like there are two sides to every story, actually, no this is like 53 sides."
"Using multiple time frames gives you an edge, different perspectives of one truth."
"There are two or three or four sides to every story."
"It's always two sides to a story... that's what real good hip-hop is about."
"Just remember, there are many sides to a mountain and many ways to climb it."
"Track '508 507 2209' tells multiple perspectives brilliantly."
"Issues have 10 sides to them... it's not two sides."
"Stevenson is looking at things from more than one point of view."
"Every issue has at least two sides, usually three sides or more."
"There's always two sides to a story, always."
"Welcome to the world of law welcome to the world of Court where hopefully you can see that there are always two signs if not three or four or fifty different sides to a case you can see things from different perspectives."
"It's a kaleidoscope, there are so many conflicting truths happening at the same time."
"There's two sides to every story. And then there's the truth."
"Some stories have more than one main character; pay attention to whose point of view the reader is getting."
"This perspective-driven storytelling is the focus of Sonic Adventure's story, showing players that there's not just one side to a coin, that different people can see the same event pretty differently."
"...did I get a fact wrong? Do you have another opinion?"
"I want to ask you this: What if it's all three?"
"It just makes it so much more complex than if you were reading only from one point of view."
"The White Lotus follows four separate storylines located simultaneously within the White Lotus Resort in Hawaii."
"Everyone in the story is a victim, from Wuernos herself to the men that she murdered."
"Three sides to a story: the one you subtweet, the one the group chat gets to read, and the one you come and tell me."
"Language learning is a multi-faceted system, so it would be wise to have multiple viewpoints in order to provide better balance."
"Who's to say that God, or whatever higher power, has not revealed itself to many people in many different ways?"
"I don't want to choose one voice; I want a plurality, a chorus."
"We're complex creatures, multiple parts to us, different perspectives even within our one system here."
"There's always at least three sides to every story: her version, his version, and the truth somewhere in between."
"We try not to take sides in history and we try to present an unvarnished version that shows how you see things from both sides."
"We are working with the multiple views of the same project."
"I'm just on here telling my version of the story; there's always three sides to every story: my side, the other person's side, and the truth."
"You have to triangulate in on the truth from multiple facets."
"There is more than one way to appreciate this show."