
Spiritual Reminder Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"It's really not hard for us to always go back to the gospel, to always go back to that which we know is underneath all obedience to the lord."
"When you turn away from Allah's reminder, you will lead a life full of depression and sadness."
"The crucifix is a sacramental which recalls the victory of Christ over sin."
"There was a voice that was silenced in a past life, all of these communicative cards here are coming through to remind you of the power and the importance of your voice."
"In conclusion, the April 8th, 2024 Eclipse stands as a poignant reminder of the dynamic interplay between the Divine and the cosmic, between God's sovereignty and our human experience."
"Every Sabbath is a reminder that God can recreate in us the image of Jesus."
"If we don't pray for the pope and who will and that's going to fall on us and we're going to be reminded on our judgment day."
"Receive the Holy Ghost... we will always have His presence to be with us if we remember Him."
"The Quran... is there to remind you that which you already know."
"The universe is reminding you that it's time to let go and set it free."
"The seven trumpets serve as a stark reminder of the fragility of human existence and the need for repentance and spiritual renewal."
"The trumpets serve as a powerful reminder of the sovereignty of God over all creation."
"Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
"Remember Jesus Christ. I mean, we can stop right there, we won't, but we could. Remember Jesus Christ."
"We must never forget the importance of the gospel."
"Before you're dismissed, be reminded that church exists in life outside these walls. Only when you leave can you create the kingdom of heaven."
"The hungry prophet, the orphan prophet, the grieving widower... in their lowest moments, they were still being reminded to say hamd (thanks), because you will be asked about that blessing on the Day of Judgment."
"Only love is real. Peace comes from remembering that."
"The James Webb Space Telescope has identified six galaxies that exist half a billion years after the big bang that are up to 10 times bigger than the Milky Way galaxy." - Professor Michio Kaku
"He's constantly trying to remind you of His great love for you."
"God is first and alone. Always remember, He has no rivals, He has no partners."
"The truth will always be the truth: you are here to experience love, joy, happiness, freedom, and peace."
"All authority has been given to Jesus Christ. We need to remember that, and the Bible also says God will not be mocked."
"You have abandoned the love you had at first." - Revelation 2:4
"Remember the poor, that will keep you humble."
"These feasts remind Believers of the Redemption, provision, and blessings that come from their faith in the Lord."
"You forgot who are you supposed to trust to begin with. God."
"Paul didn't condemn people, he just kept reminding them of who they were and what they had."
"Spirit is reminding you of how far you've come."
"That fire never went out. They kept it burning constantly to act as a reminder to the students about the presence of God day or night in every season."
"The most dangerous thing for a person to do is to get so absorbed with this life that they forget that Jesus is coming soon."
"Money cannot save you, so continue being money hungry and forgetting about what really matters."
"Every day let us remember that we are one nation under God and we need to cherish one another."
"It's a daily walk of remembering the big picture and who Jesus is in our role in the Kingdom."
"Remember that which cometh from above is sacred."
"The piercing sound of the shofar is meant to remind the hearers to repent of their sins and to make things right with their brothers and sisters."
"Aloha reminds us that we are all connected, we are all family, that we are all God's children."
"...with all the distraction, you could miss this because you're worried about all these social things in life, and you're going to miss the most important thing that came down from Heaven to Earth to say, 'Hey, stop watching She-Hulk, deal with a spiritual thing.'"
"We may need to remind ourselves often that although we live in this world we are not of the world."
"Remember how thou has received and heard and hold fast and repent."
"We remind them that God is gracious, because men are weak and sinful."
"The Spirit said unto me: Remember the promise which thou hast made unto the Lord thy God."
"Take heed lest you forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments and His ordinances and His statutes which I command you this day."
"I hope that you all enjoyed hanging out with me. Love you guys so much. Have a great rest of your day, and remember, Jesus is the answer."
"Just remember, we are love and we are the light."
"I remind myself of how Allah always takes care of me."
"People forget their purpose in life... and here you have a reminder constantly bringing you back to your essential purpose."
"Lord, we're thankful for your word, what a good reminder for us."
"Journaling is so powerful; it really reminds us of the faithfulness of God."
"We have made it a reminder and a provision for the travelers."
"Jesus is the reason for the season, and let's just never forget about that."
"Remember how our God has never failed, never failed us, remember?"
"Remind yourself that you are pure consciousness."
"Blue to remind them of the sea, the sea of the sky, and the sky of God's holy throne."
"Don't forget, he loves you guys, and remember to love each other."
"Spirit is reminding you how powerful you are."
"Your angels remind you to make inner peace a priority."
"Always remind yourself about the mercy of Allah."