
Strategic Decision Quotes

There are 317 quotes

"Wow, I smashed that flop out. I end up folding. What a good fold."
"People seem to agree that it's the way to go for now and for the foreseeable future."
"This house is the best decision for team development."
"This was without a doubt the best move for this Raiders franchise."
"What a beautiful play to put the faith on the rookie."
"I believe that the strongest are those who see the situation, think about the people, and have the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate."
"It makes all the sense in the world that they're doing it because of the TV show."
"If they just go, well, why are we not just making this because Diablo is still going to be a long time away, why are we not just making this for this audience as well, yeah, it makes complete sense to put it on PC."
"But why start a fight that you might lose for no damn good reason you start a fight you better have a damn good reason to do it."
"Rhaenyra suggests sending dragon riders as a show of force to their enemies."
"This is a great candidate to actually fold there."
"This was a very smart strategic move by a smart talented director."
"The Ravens, I thought, drafted exceptionally well. They got good players, they stay on their draft board, and they just make their team better with every single pick."
"Being more discerning and setting some parameters for yourself."
"I can't believe Juventus let him go for that price."
"It was strategic for them to get rid of their legal counsel in the 11th hour."
"The tnt title... was a damn smart idea for a lot of reasons."
"I think it's such a wise move to try to build your alternative platform."
"Sometimes I'll go with the easy way on this one... helps you justify the pick, right?"
"If we have one without the other, then we do not get war."
"Signing Lookman was probably the best decision we could have ever made."
"The obvious choice was the most modern submarine on the drawing boards which is the french nuclear submarine."
"Pick the one where you're going to see the biggest return."
"Keeping it till 2025 is the right call for the moment."
"I'm excited man I'm super excited Lord now to me this signing was an absolute no-brainer Jerry's easily one of the biggest designers not just of the year but of this decade."
"The question mark will be in hindsight should we have played a stronger side."
"Your Existence is like... your entire life completely."
"Lando made a terrific investment by snatching up the Kessel spice mines."
"If you have a team that is not good and you want somebody who could potentially carry, I think you put Jack on the team."
"It's really, really smart on Bungie's part because it means we're probably going to get a Destiny movie."
"Their choice of drop location might result in their placement."
"So I thought this was a really smart play by Reed of course he's read freaking Duke no surprise they're not making a mistake anytime soon."
"By doing this and then saying it's over B basically taking their ball and going home they're signaling that it could be a deescalation."
"He like threw a [__] 40-yard pass and zinged it right in there and they got the score and but you know it was fourth and 18. What else would he kind of had to do that we would agree."
"It's obvious why Netflix wanted to adapt this franchise possibly making it into the next Game of Thrones and I promise you it wasn't because of the books it was because of the popularity of the games."
"That leaves Putin and Xi with a difficult, if not impossible decision: launch a war now that they’re not ready for and probably can’t win, or wait a few years, when their populations and economies are even less capable of enduring such hardships."
"Ragnik refused the initial offer unless he got offered that consultancy role."
"It really was smart and I'm staggered I'm really really staggered man by Manchester United making the right decision."
"So by mid-January, we'll have the vote. By the way, I had to have the vote in January and not in December because a bunch of Republicans had left."
"Cut the head off of the snake, let the old head die and then let the new head come up and find a new base."
"Once you understand how the markets really move, you can make decisions with that and that becomes your strategy."
"I think the United States needs to seize the momentum and go, honestly."
"Caesar's famous quote, 'Alea iacta est,' marked a pivotal moment as he crossed the Rubicon with his legions, defying Rome's orders."
"If Change of Heart had resolved, Yami Bakura would have definitely won the duel."
"AMD's decision to make FSR an open source technology is a good idea."
"I believe they want to make an RTS. They're not gonna go make a mobile game that's an auto-battler."
"If you can get Tom Brady in your building, you get him in your building."
"Let's try and move now. This is probably the best chance we got."
"The prince sees this as an act of desperation and decides to send me to destroy their branch at a hotel here once and for all."
"The 3DS has lived an incredibly full life but I'm glad Nintendo decided to kill it off. That means all of their development efforts can go towards the Switch, and that means we're getting more games for the Switch."
"We kicked the Sejuani away which pretty much decided the game right there"
"Atlanta's a good move, but you gotta compete."
"Choosing Ivy pool would be a good decision on the parts of the authors simply for Ivy's popularity."
"There's absolutely no reason for China to do a trade deal."
"Sometimes punting is the right move, not picking it up."
"Making their game more accessible to players as a free to play title was much better than sitting back."
"In this case, settling was really the only viable option; they wanted us out, and we got paid pretty well to leave a burning building."
"Now for my reward, I have to make a decision: Do I get a defensive or offensive item?"
"Diplopia ended up being the right decision for now."
"When it comes to the something on the scale of Minecraft being added to Smash, will I be playing it? I won't. But damn is that a good call..."
"They were early in deciding to make an international version of Douyin."
"Avoiding controversy was proving to be a winning formula."
"This was a massive play. Buying that chunk could prove to be the biggest reason we win today's challenge."
"I'm keeping Bijan Robinson in state going from Austin to Houston and why would you do that you have Damien Pierce right he's such an awesome awesome option well as great as Damien Pierce is he is no Bijon Robinson."
"If push comes to shove, if I've got owners willing to spend hundreds of millions of pounds, but Klopp's wanting to do it the right way, give Jordan Henderson more game time."
"I'm just gonna give him the cards, there's no point in fighting at this point."
"No revolution came without blood; then this is the perfect move. Don't you see, burden? Four billion lives!"
"The hill is always going to be the better option."
"Mbappe would be a very wise investment in my opinion."
"The sanest thing to do here would be to call Happy and let him know you've discovered the identity of the vulture and he's got something going down tonight."
"Sony realized that there are people out there that... will never go out and buy a PlayStation console."
"The only way to win this game is not to play."
"Elon Musk sold 20 million shares of Tesla at a low price to raise four million dollars in order to renew Twitter for the sake of saving Twitter."
"Bravo to them for having the foresight to go, you know what we're in a COVID world right now, let's not force this thing. Delay it into 2022 and let's get it polished and get it right."
"Nigel Clark's move to go to the IMF for the precautionary liquidity line was a master stroke."
"Spacex moving actually makes sense at this time."
"Biden made the strategic choice to put it all out there, releasing what proved to be highly accurate U.S intelligence to publicly reveal all of Putin's intentions before and now during the invasion."
"Honda's decision to focus on the core of the compact crossover segment is quite logical."
"Tony Stark announces that Stark Industries will stop making weapons."
"This first pick sets the tone for your franchise."
"The correct QB is not available, we're gonna completely ignore the position altogether."
"Could they draft a quarterback? Certainly in play."
"Get the player who is better and wants to come to your club. Stop begging the player who doesn't want to come."
"You don't know in a year's time what's going to happen. It takes a brave club in this climate to say, 'We'll keep the player who's unhappy.'"
"They use the wish to transport Gohan to them instead of them going home."
"We decided to scale down due to this whole coronavirus thing."
"It's not always about going for the better talent... it's about going for the player that's going to be on the pitch more."
"Needless to say, always go for the best hacker the house can offer: Avi or Paige."
"Africa made the right choice to pursue economic independence."
"DC's decision: a risky move or a calculated strategy?"
"Dumping the prisoners anyways because they were slowing us down by a lot."
"Why the characters doing this is so stupid and all right was it because Rhaenys is like cut the head off the snake off I I have an opportunity to stop the war."
"We're reverting to and send united one and two and keeping three at the buff number."
"That's gotta be the round, it was grab or strike and rewind finds a point to reset this tournament."
"Trading down was the move because we got two good players instead of one."
"They decided to concentrate the fleet on the newly captured planet of Sullust and attack with their full force."
"Now with the shield down, Ackbar ordered the attack on the Death Star."
"This might be overkill, but I spent one command point for excruciating frequencies, gaining them plus one strength and giving them damage to the Blast Master."
"Wow, Nashville got Jeff Skinner and a fourth round pick in exchange for a second. They gave up a second round pick to get Jeff Skinner and that contract."
"I found a god apple. What do we even do with such a powerful thing?"
"Industry turmoil is happening, and that means that there’s a case to be made that we’re at that fork in the road."
"I'm probably gonna end up moving to Dubai. I'm gonna fight from Higher Ground."
"Steve, the mascot of this game, in Smash... an absolute no-brainer."
"Master P's move is an intelligent boss move, repping black all the way to the bank."
"Confronting the Nationalists before we had fully recovered may have been a mistake. Our magnificent recovery in the long march instilled hope in our supporters but now seeds of doubt have been sown."
"Great again I thought this was a great decision to do the Punic Wars people love Rome there's a lot to learn."
"It just felt a little wrong and we did it in a moment of weakness to try to convince the studio to make it because they had made it clear that our was just not gonna happen."
"Bisaka deserves praise to make the manager think that you don't need a right back."
"Never take any one-way exits unless you absolutely have to."
"It's very interesting because this could very well just be the UFC cash out if he decides to go the free agent route."
"As a taunter, I cannot help but pray you will choose to fight, but only you can make that choice."
"I mean and if aubameyang does go and we don't bring no one in, I understand that move and you can't really keep him around because that's different."
"I think he wanted to close it a few months ago, but now he's essentially trying to renegotiate the deal in public."
"One storage versus eighteen hog riders, a baby dragon, an archer queen, and some wizard firepower. No, I think it's gonna go down."
"So it's the truth, that's probably the bigger play."
"You know you gotta pick and choose your battles."
"This was probably the single most intelligent move Dior has made during this last decade."
"It might be a very bad move, it could be exactly what they needed to do in these unprecedented times."
"Maybe the smartest move they've taken in years."
"If he can do that from Inter's United then they will be so so thankful."
"We cannot unilaterally disarm and think we're going to build an economy of the future."
"How do we make a move that will create the least ripple?"
"SKT is in a position where they can force a fifth game, but if they falter once, they would be out of Worlds right here."
"Would you sell Salah if you were Liverpool? Forget the price, it's not just my opinion."
"Kanto remakes... honestly a really, really good idea."
"If I only had five thousand, I'd invest in myself. I'd join the War Room."
"Give us the opportunity to go the stubborn way of the samurai, let us plunge into the legend of the ghost, and the brutal chaos it brings, or allow us to do the most logical thing, a combination of everything in between."
"Riot's done their research and they made the correct choice to give P and Z to Mega Mog."
"Carlos made an amazing call just go straight to the Slick save the save the pit stops and then still had very good pace"
"maybe the right thing to do right now is nothing"
"Sony made a smart move by refusing to cede more control of its most valuable movie property."
"Early first round player available in the fourth round."
"This ain't the same! This guy finally is cashing in and he ended up making more than the UFC deal for this one fight."
"The Giants traded with the Panthers for Edge rusher Brian Burns."
"Choosing which weapon you'll use in that game... has massive implications for every in-game choice you make."
"If I wanted to milk it, wouldn't I just sling him in the biggest fight possible?"
"I think for the Dolphins this is probably the better move."
"I'm gonna stay out of heroic intervention range."
"He's made it work and he's got the net race lead. That is an absolute Master stroke."
"It's better to get rid of the player one year early than one year late."
"With air support available from a field just completed at the southern tip of Bougainville, Yamamoto gambled, the gamble paid off."
"This is the way they needed to go, smart decision."
"Drake know what to do when to do it, who to pick to do it with, you know, facts."
"No brainer for Alphatauri to stay put with them, Gasly driving amazingly."
"Since Sir Alex Ferguson, this is the most sensical decision they've made around the managers."
"If ever there was a landscape to expedite that process, this is it."
"After 14 rounds of back and forth brawling, Frazier's corner stopped the fight."
"Two sides in the upcoming war or declare winner takes all, that's New Vegas."
"Sometimes a trade you don't make can be the best trade you make." - Reggie Miller
"That was the right call because I could not have predicted that."
"They narrowly avoided a big mistake right there."
"Garbo might have actually won the Allies the war because if he hadn't talked Hitler into turning those tanks around they might have completely thwarted The Invasion."
"You need to know where they could potentially be and react accordingly without vision so what I do here instead is I decide to get back or stick gunblade and I do that because I want to start weakening her."
"Ukrainian troops making headway, isolating Russian forces in key areas."
"I think it was worth the risk, worth the gamble at this stage of the season."
"Jude Bellingham is outrageously talented and should be starting against Croatia."
"Betting on the Rebel Alliance was the right move."
"Looking at it as purely a football decision, I'd be screaming if Man United got that."
"Consider new networks and make prudent financial decisions."
"If you would have moved Hawkins out and minimized Drake as well as one other character that I'm gonna get to in a second."
"Know when to cut losses—there comes a point when it's smarter to walk away than to keep throwing good money after bad."
"There are so many weapons that it's hard to choose just one."
"Prove you're a serious politician by doing this thing which might severely hamstring you."
"If you've got a nice piece, don't split it, just take the win."
"I dodged reactor because I knew I was going to find this body."
"Now, you might be wondering, wait a second, why are you fighting Winona? Can't you just go ahead and go into Lily Cove City to continue with the story? Actually no, since there are Qui Grunts that are blocking the city."
"Rogue's decision making, his aggression was always the right call."
"It is better to lose a drone than to lose a soldier's life."
"Apple wisely stayed out of the resolution race."
"Australia has decided to join NATO. The US and Canada pretty much just at this point."
"Don't poke The Hive or you will get stung." - It adds a lot of feeling to Garp's decision to go and save Kobe.
"I'm thinking that maybe we should keep these things together."
"The only smart play is to turn back time and give it back to Kronika."
"Trey Lance out of North Dakota State, that was the right call."
"Ferrari gambled and went out on the mediums higher on the cooler track trying to get into q3 with the alternate strategy."
"I think Daytona as the regular season finale with this format is a genius move."
"The decision to attract elite coaching to the group has paid off. Fluidity and versatility are the name of the games here."
"Of all the shrewd moves Joe Sakic has made, he's gonna trade for a 10 and a half million dollar goalie."
"Better safe than sorry when you're sitting on 1k shutdown gold."
"It's a big sacrifice to make but of how good ronaldinho has been it justifies that pick."
"The DPRK developed nuclear weapons to reduce the burden of their large military on their budget and population."
"But I'm gonna match that with trading him right."
"This is a pretty good reason to play nothing but snow lands."
"I knew that if we didn't do that we would be done for, so now we might even lose because they chose to defend, and that made my life much more challenging. I took that personally, I did, and I still am too."
"Angela is making a resurgence... and I think it's a great call."
"I'm actually really interested in Latavius Murray. I would probably drop 35 of my fab on him."
"If it's not Dre, you guys can vote me out next time, I promise you."
"It's a bold move but it works extremely well."
"This is a beautiful move on their part" - John Campea
"Let's be fruitful for God's kingdom in this hour."
"Well done to Chelsea Football Club for pulling out, well done to you, absolutely brilliant."
"I actually think the reason why Elon Musk said Tesla would no longer accept payments in Bitcoin was due to the car maker hoping to gain access to renewable energy credits from the Biden administration."
"Ray, better question is why did Toast call the button? Oh, 'cause I overheard Rey say 'let's vote for him.'"
"The hero ponders whether to absorb the poison to improve his abilities."
"Creating a tower moment could lead to success."
"We need to sabotage and let Ronaldo go off wherever he wants to go. He's not our player anymore." - Mark Goldbridge
"Everybody knew this was [__], but the response was essentially to err on the side of exactly what they knew they had to do..."
"Dream decided he would end his series at its peak."
"It was such a powerful move for Sansa to allow that to happen."
"Grimsley is the reason that Bisharp evolved to King Gambit."