
Political Alignment Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Parler has become a hit with conservatives who called the social media platform a refuge for free speech."
"It's exclusively pro Trump, and you can see this in the nightly work of Tucker Carlson."
"You can get off a boat in New York City with under $500 and that is it, you can make millions and millions of dollars and all you have to do is meet human beings?"
"We should always be looking at who and what serves our best interest. Let's talk about the ideas and the ideas that that individual is putting on the table."
"I don't understand how we can ever think that Trump is more closely aligned with that than Biden is."
"I'm not a Democrat because I love the donkey logo or I'm specifically loyal to the party... I'm with them because they're adults in the room."
"Why are certain Republicans throwing their lot in, why are other Americans basically believing?"
"The states are just not in alignment anymore."
"Regular Democratic voters are able to take their cue from the establishment and fall in line."
"If you create content for moderate conservatives, they'll come."
"Christianity would stay on the right like they were before World War One."
"Support your conservative businesses like Mike Lindell."
"We agree with Senator Sanders, and the president is going to be standing right alongside him fighting for an increase in the minimum wage to $15 an hour."
"Tulsi Gabbard should have been there. She's actually a Democrat, that's a little more of an old-school Blue Dog Democrat."
"Non-interventionist foreign policy is where I connected with her the most."
"Every country should think about what side of history they want to be on here."
"Hispanics and Latinos are more conservative than they are liberal, especially on issues of values, morals, pro-life, pro-marriage, anti-rioting."
"I stay with Bernie Sanders is that had a gut feeling about what he stood for."
"If you're on the left, chances are you're where you are because of other things... if you're on the right, you probably feel like you're more in control."
"If you're not against the imperialists, you're kind of gonna move in the direction of socialism anyway."
"It's a choice between being on Jamie Raskin's side or Trump's side during that impeachment trial. I wear it as a badge of honor."
"Did you echo the sentiments of folks on even kind of the liberal mainstream channels?"
"In the culture war, you are pro-Trump or anti-Trump. That's all that matters."
"Black people may be more likely to side with black political figures in general when it concerns the topic of criminal justice reform."
"For an American president to finally be completely aligned with such an overwhelming majority of what the American people think about Afghanistan is probably a tremendous relief to the American people."
"Russia has very good relations with a lot of left-wing countries in Latin America because of historical reasons."
"If you can't handle Rebel News, you're not gonna be able to handle the Liberal Party."
"Now that Bernie has begun to do that, nurse he always had the right policies."
"We must support women in this fight regardless of political persuasion."
"I was never on the left for social reasons... I was on the left because logically that's where I landed."
"People are voting for their interests, they're lining up behind people that they don't look like or get along with based on their interests."
"He's been getting edgier as time goes on, and a lot of far-right people think, 'Ah, PewDiePie is one of us.'"
"It is my belief that Prosperity Gospel thrives because it blends so perfectly with modern American conservative politics."
"I lean left on social justice issues not right and it's remarkable because the left would tell you that's not true but it absolutely is."
"If you basically defend free speech, you're pretty much on the right right now."
"Now the more pro-Israel you are, the more pro-American you become."
"I mean, look, it's incredibly out of step with the progressive base, as you mentioned. Honestly, it is out of step with what is mainstream in American politics at this point."
"You always have to be able to see the comedy in your own side."
"Americans who are most invested in those founding myths are the most pro-Israel."
"They don't these Muslim voters don't need to be in the party."
"I think it's absolutely clear that we needed a Brexit Prime Minister that believed in Brexit."
"If it's a world war, I'm on England's side, but if it's anything else, yeah, exactly."
"Partisanship was not majorly influenced by message type, but reported partisanship was higher in those who read the civil argument from a source they already aligned with politically."
"Is being aligned with Benjamin Netanyahu worth sacrificing our American democracy?"
"Both of them are pleasing Trump, are pleasing Vladimir Putin infinitely." - Illustrating alignment of interests that might be surprising or questionable.
"There has to be a political alignment of people who are in the middle."
"I'm a Democrat because the Democrats are the only pro-democracy major political party in this country right now."
"I think you can look at the track record of where we lined up on climate change where we've lined up on coronavirus and it's remarkable."
"US bishops, priests, Cardinals, laity aligned with the Democratic Party."
"People vote for others who share common values with them."
"So, any friends at all? Any liberal friends at all?"
"Atheism specifically and overwhelmingly predicts your political position on the left, that you're going to be on the left."
"The censorship regime is about anti-establishment voices, many of whom end up on the left. We're in total agreement on that."
"Conservatives are playing a losing game. There's a reason you're on the same page with Hillary Clinton and Justin Trudeau now, because you're not right."
"Orthodoxy that they have to vote Democrat and vote left they are looking at stuff like their children's education their housing uh their their jobs."
"He lost to a Republican who's also against single-payer and taxing the wealthy."
"We're on the side of Democrats, small d democrats, all over the world against the autocrats like Putin."
"If it's the fringe voters, incels, untraditional right-wing kooks that are standing on the side of freedom..."
"They all agree with us patriots now add the largest democracy on earth India and you will begin to understand why the powers at B are shaking in their Gucci's."
"The fact that he's so-called white evangelicals are siding with him."
"I think he's been one of those people in the country who actually, you know, especially older Americans who have seen the direction of the country and have sort of gone into that wing of the party because of it."
"I would not have joined the ticket if I didn't support what Joe was proposing."
"Much of Britain may be becoming more liberal as in tolerant but the conservatives and many of their voters seem to be stomping off furiously in the opposite direction."
"The populists on the left and right have a lot more in common."
"He's a super far leftist with a career basically committed to the politics of Pope Francis and of team Francis."
"Elon Musk has aligned himself... with the center-right or some would argue even further to the right."
"The Hispanic communities within a few years of being in the U.S start voting very Republican or right or conservative I should say."
"I find myself agreeing with a lot of conservative politicians that I would usually never want to talk to."
"I think that what TI has to be careful about is that if you're too in line with the Democratic Party then you also end up looking like a puppet..."
"You cannot be Progressive and be connected to an organization that is moving you to the right."
"MLK's economic philosophy would have most likely converged with someone like Bernie Sanders."
"Joe Biden represents most of the ideals that I personally hold sacred."
"There was one other is this a tweet from your verified Twitter account dated February 4th 2022 look like you're right there it says chain and kinninger may not be in my part this fight we're all on the same side..."
"When I say 'normie' in a political context, that's what I mean: the people who are kind of politically unaligned."
"Democratic values align more with the left than the right."
"In some of my research, the longest, most successful relationships had people with the same credit ratings and political affiliations."
"It's important that you do your research to figure out which way aligns best with your theology and the way you want to see your state and country represented."