
Political Speculation Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Trump flipping New York or California would be the best. I don't think it's going to happen though."
"It could be Desantis Newsome in 2024."
"Nikki Haley could be the first woman president."
"At one point according to bobolinsky he asked if the family wasn't concerned that joe would run for president in 2020."
"This could lead to part of the newly formed country succeeding and joining Canada as a new territory."
"Vladimir Putin's last hope is seeing Donald Trump in office again."
"I think Bernie would have won if it was Obama."
"The bigger story would be if Donald Trump was coming to a second term."
"The biggest fear on the right is that Michelle Obama will be running in 2024 for president and they are doing their pre-battle right now to try to create a narrative around that."
"So, what does that mean? Trump's not running. They're trying to make it seem like he is, but even Trump campaigning didn't work."
"Trump could have been so much worse if he actually wanted power to do power for powers sake."
"The worst case scenario for the left is that Trump fumbles around for another four years, but it cripples the establishment."
"Joe Biden may still win one way or another, don't give up."
"If Donald Trump loses, what do you think he's gonna do with the last two months or three months or whatever of his presidency?"
"That's where I think it's going because guaranteed if The Rock runs for president, guaranteed he would have a solid chance."
"How much of it do you think they fear that if they were wrong, they worry that a guy like Trump is going to come out and his entire campaign is going to be 'Told You So'?"
"Is China going to collapse? The collapse of the CCP, the collapse of the Communist Party of China is imminent."
"If ranked choice voting existed, I think Andrew would have finished top five, possibly top three."
"Tucker's not going to go away... Tucker might run for president now."
"What's the likelihood President Trump runs again in 2024? I would say somewhere between 99 and 100."
"If Trump loses, he ain't gonna vacate the White House."
"The magical thinking fueling the idea of Oprah in 2020 is a worrisome sign."
"Do you actually think Ted Cruz has more of a chance losing than ever?"
"Do you expect to one day see Donald Trump in jail? I do believe that he will ultimately be responsible for his behavior and his actions."
"There's a reason by the way that Nancy Pelosi is making noises like she won't be here come 2023."
"Could that bad news have something to do with the president's tirade over the Mueller investigation?" - Nancy Pelosi seems to think so.
"I was expecting a big announcement and many people were thinking just like I was thinking that JFK was going to be revealed."
"I always wondered about Colin Powell because if he had run for president... there were plenty of moments where he might have been president."
"What if Donald Trump decided to run for the House of Representatives and what if he won could he be the speaker of the house."
"Will there be an independent Taiwan in 25 years? Yes."
"A Trump-DeSantis ticket would be so interesting for Republicans."
"Think of all the news going on right now. Trump suggests FBI may have planted evidence during the Mar-a-Lago raid."
"I think the only thing that might spare us Donald Trump in 2024 might be his demise."
"Texas would be a pretty conservative country, right?"
"They're going to replace Joe Biden at the convention."
"The real story though is behind the scenes in Washington and in the halls of the biopharmaceutical complex that we don't ever get to hear about."
"Political tensions with China... that could go away with the stroke of the pen."
"If Joe Biden becomes president, what changes do you think would happen related to the Second Amendment?"
"I think ultimately there will be no Iron Throne and no like one ruler. I think everyone will have to learn how to work together."
"Joe Biden is not actually running for re-election."
"Is this actually a deliberate attempt to weaken our military?"
"If Trump loses in 2020, do you believe he would run again in 2024 Grover Cleveland style?"
"Trump was the 45th president... if Trump wins in 2024, he would be the 47th president."
"Remember when that nordstream pipeline blew up? It's really odd that the Legacy Media are saying Russia blew it up themselves, because Putin, as we've been telling you every day now on the news, is crazy."
"Arizona if they have the chance... could go against the will of the voters."
"I pick this as number one because of all the hints Trump has given about 2024, this is the one that leaves no doubt in my mind that he's running again. He's angry, he's humiliated, he wants revenge."
"I think he would have been a better president than his brother had been."
"The CCP is probably going to be deeply involved in this crisis."
"Yeah, they're saying that, you know, the Republicans aren't going to show up for the runoff. I wouldn't put that in the bank."
"He's coming back, he's coming back into politics. There's no law that says he can't get into politics."
"If Trump becomes president after all he can pardon himself... that 2024 election is going to be so important."
"The elites are saying it's time to consider the possibility that Israel no longer exists."
"I think if it were anyone other than Donald Trump I think they would slide away into the darkness hoping that it blows over."
"Is Putin about to launch a massive cyber Warfare campaign against Ukraine? Well, the New York Times would have you believe that that's the case."
"Upon rumors Biden may nominate Vice President Kamala Harris to the White to the Supreme Court White House Press Secretary Jensaki said she would not comment on any potential nominees."
"It's gonna be a Bernie Sanders file so that's who's good to be President of the United States in in 2021."
"Maybe it delays it past the seventh and then Wisconsin does vote to decertify and then everything falls apart."
"I think it's very possible that Seth Rich was taken out by assets controlled by Rod Rosenstein."
"If Trump were to die of natural causes, most people would suspect that the Biden people did it to him."
"What if Fauci goes to prison? What's going to be the impact? What are the ripples around?"
"There's a very distinct possibility that Trump runs in 2024."
"If it does become a dictatorship all that means is more liberals will struggle to succeed."
"Putin wants a partner, a military partner in Trump."
"The Republicans, the conservatives, they need a strong libertarian wing within the party."
"It's a possibility that he will be removed from office."
"I think it's actually reasonable to believe that this is the end of Justin Trudeau."
"So i just want to say i've been the first one to say this i would not be surprised at all if the president swoops in again with a 1200 stimulus check."
"If the Red Wave is real they could be as high as 53 Senate seats come November 9th."
"We're in the two-year window right now for the fall of the fake presidency and the return of the rightful president."
"Senator Joe Manchin, whether or not he's going to switch parties, we got a lot to talk about here."
"If Holly hadn't voted that way you bet that people would have been like, 'Oh yeah, maybe that wasn't such a good idea, maybe it wasn't stolen if not a single senator is saying that it was.'"
"Donald Trump technically could turn the election around, and the question is will he?"
"I think this is the beginning of the end for Gary Gensler."
"If Tupac was alive today, Barack Obama would have never been president."
"The real question is not whether Michael Cohen has stories that could damage the president..."
"Will Ukraine ever become a member of the EU? Yes, one yes they will."
"Will we be dealing with Vladimir Putin after 2024... after isolating himself out pressing the flesh lately?"
"Hillary Clinton suggests Russians are grooming Tulsi Gabbard for third-party run."
"Who emerges as the big villain here in Biden world? There's gotta be his wife."
"Could the Hunter Biden story be censored, be prior restrained before anybody even talked about it? Sure, I guess if it was during a time of War."
"Do you guys think Trump will be able to counter the inevitable Democrat cheating?"
"If Trump wins through the 12th amendment, then he's technically constitutionally reelected."
"If Trump were to win, all these people would be removed day one."
"There are actually a lot of different possibilities this time of which parties could probably form a coalition with each other."