
Goal Focus Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Commit fully. There's no reason to have a plan B because it distracts from plan A."
"Be still, listen, and keep your eye on the prize, tapping into your raw power and confidence."
"Quality over quantity: focus on minimizing the amount of positions you take to reach your goals."
"Take a leap of faith towards something new. Keep your eye on the prize."
"Focus on the accomplishment that you desire, not everything else."
"I just want the win. That's all that matters."
"I will remain focused on my goals even if I have a moment of difficulty. I will not give up. Everything I deserve is coming my way."
"Focus on where you want to end up, not the obstacles in your way."
"Don't lose sight of the end goal while you're on the journey."
"Keep your eyes on the prize, focus on what you do want."
"Whatever's going on right now, dig deep inside of you and fight through it and make sure you stay really focused on your dream, and I promise you this will take you to a better place."
"You are cutting through anything that's in the way... you are focused on what you want."
"Discipline yourself and focus on your goals. The reward is worth it, having peace of mind is worth it."
"Don't let any chaos or people affect you to the point where you're not focusing on your own goals."
"Stay focused on your goals and staying focused on the new that you have in your life."
"Focusing on your biggest goals, anything that you wish to accomplish to achieve success, you're going to be feeling much more lit up."
"Don't let the outside noise affect your goals because people are going to doubt you."
"Don't confuse the finger with the moon... the goal is what you're trying to achieve."
"Roll your sleeves, work hard, focus, hone in on that one objective."
"Life can get pretty serious sometimes, especially if you are focused on a goal."
"Celebrate victories but stay diligent, stay focused, and work hard to set yourself up."
"Stay connected to what you're working on, okay? To your goal, to your ideas. Okay? And you will be able to watch them grow if you persevere through these challenges, through conflict."
"I'm really just trying to keep my eye on the prize."
"You will be successful, I would say don't give up on whatever it is you're trying to achieve."
"Mind your own business. Stay focused on your own goals and avoid distractions."
"Don't lose sight of where you want to go in life number three you guys got this lovely wish card too so don't give up on some kind of dream you guys have."
"Calm down, work less, and target a limited number of very valuable goals where the 80/20 principle will work for us." - Richard Koch
"Just do it. Tunnel vision. Think positive every time I do something."
"Don't spend too long in a space that isn't the final destination... it could lead you way off course."
"Our job is to focus, keep our eyes on the prize."
"The potential to diagnose people at high risk of Parkinson's early on based on their gut microbes is probably better than from any other brain diseases."
"Focus on where you want to go, not where you've been."
"Focus on the thing you're trying to accomplish."
"I feel more empowered to stay focused on my financial goals and budget for a night out when alcohol is out of the equation."
"The more focused we are on exactly what we want, the more likely it is that we will manifest the things we desire."
"We think seventy thousand thoughts a day, so are you thinking about your goal every second of all day? Maybe not."
"The how is not important; what's important is focusing on the end result."
"The person who chases two rabbits catches none."
"The goal here is to continually keep our eye on the prize and work hard to achieve that goal."
"If something is going to free up your mind and extra energy for you to focus on other goals, I'd say do it."
"The single best way to get the outcome you seek is to not obsess about the outcome."
"You're very close to achieving your goal, it's time to release negativity."
"Don't lose sight of your dreams and your goals. It's time to get your mind right."
"Attack, attack all three jobs. Don't watch a single thing, don't go anywhere, work for the next 24 months, you will win."
"...if you stay mentally focused on something your subconscious is gonna make you take the steps to to make that happen you know right as long as you don't lose sight of your goal."
"Focus on the goal and make that goal really, really strong and specific, then the steps to getting you there become much more open."
"Focus less on the end result and instead enjoy the process."
"Focus, focus, keep your eye on the prize, the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
"The most important thing is to keep your eyes on the prize."
"Stop worrying about how other people do what they do and start focusing on your goals."
"Think about your goals; it's going to help you get through it."
"Keep your goals and your vision at the forefront of your awareness."